I really wish folks would post reviews after they've finished the whole game, not just the demo...
That said, I enjoyed this addition to the BTAW Series. Of course the artwork is beautiful and the voice over actors did a great job. The puzzles were good. Not too easy, but not too challenging either. A good mix. The story line/plot was awesome. It actually cleared up some things for me.
At first I was confused because, again, you have Alice being sucked into another world with playing card themes. Only this time she's one of many Alices who've been forced to go against the White Queen by ... the Red King. We see some old friends from previous games, esp. the Hatter (without any missing limbs) but we're not in Wonderland, we're in Chessland... suffice it to say ('cause I hate spoilers) that in order to figure out how Wonderland/Chessland and the Alices are related, you have to play the Bonus Chapter.
The collectibles were fairly easy to find, but you want to be sure to get all of the puzzle pieces as it unlocks a cool jigsaw puzzle - and if you're like me you want ALL of the pieces. If you don't get all of the morphing objects you can replay the scenes to collect the ones you've missed and that unlocks a bonus match-3-type game where you can choose your opponent from the characters of the game.
All-in-all I had fun playing this game. I'm only giving it 4 stars just because there were too many HOs for me in the latter half of the game. I'm a puzzle person.
If you're hesitating between the CE and the SE, I'd say get the CE as it's worth it for the story in the bonus chapter. But if you're not really a story line person and just want to play then you could get the SE.
One of the worst games I've ever played on BigFish. I had to force myself to finish because I paid good money for it...
Good - Lots of puzzles, which I prefer to HOs. Voice actors were fine. Artwork was nice, but a bit cartoonish.
Bad - After the demo the momentum slowed down and it dragged. The story was TERRIBLE. There were so many moments that went beyond my ability to suspend disbelief that ... For example, you use a hand-held clay pitcher to scoop up some acid-like liquid and an entire pond full of the stuff empties into the pitcher; then you use the liquid to kill some unpleasant plants but only a cupful comes out. That doesn't even touch on the ridiculousness in the actual storyline. Sigh.
I managed to finish the main game but I bailed after about 5 minutes of the bonus.
A mysterious plague casts a dark shadow on the people of Persia. The young apothecary Tara must discover the cause of the illness before it's too late!
This game has gotten so many 5 star reviews because it deserves it!
Engaging story with no plot holes, gorgeous graphics, interesting puzzles, and a unique take on role play. I was delighted with the dialogue between the two main characters, the conversation options within the game play, and how the POV switched between characters smoothly within the game - without having to use an object or have the characters in separate places a la Dark Romance. The companions were actually companions taking part in the adventure and not just "helpers." The ditzy genie was the best!
I won't bore you with all the details that have been reported already. Bottom line = this is a good game BUT there are some really big logic errors that pull you right out of the dream/fantasy (which is very intriguing and draws you in right away - until you have to do something really stupid, that is.) Second issue is the length. It's too short. I finished the whole game in a couple of hours and was looking for more. There are three main characters that you have to go after to save the world: two of those happen during the demo, one in the main story, and one chapter jumps back into the memories of a character. Couldn't believe I'd gotten all the way to the last chapter that quickly. I feel like I gypped, actually. Good thing I got it as a free bonus game.
It had great potential. All of the elements were there but, to me, it fell short of the usual quality of the Mystery of the Ancients Series - mainly because it was over too soon.
I got this game on a BOGO day without trying the demo because I usually really like this series. The last one was a total dud so I figured this one would have to be better... NOT. This one is worse. I'm very disappointed. It was ridiculous from beginning to end.
The problem was not in the game play: puzzles were good, HOs were good, artwork was stunning/gorgeous. I really liked decorating the royal chamber with items you get by finding collectibles. I also liked that you could put the puzzles on hard or easy. The voice-overs were mostly good. (Except for the little fairy helper in the beginning. Her voice was annoying.)
The problem of this game was in a total lack of any kind of logic at all... Who puts a bottle of acid in a pile of ashes in an outdoor fireplace? Why would a bottle of sleeping potion just be lying around the guard station for any old person to find it? Why would an intricate hiding place inside a column be hiding a candle wick? How would you even know to look for a wick there? Why would you hide what you need to open your front door inside of a wall? The list of this kind of nonsense goes on and on. I think the devs just stopped trying to give this game any sense at all.
In addition, the story line was so off-the-wall... Why would the king of a nation be riding around alone on a sled without any retainers? Why would the king/queen be running around doing things that they would have soldiers do? WHERE were the other members of the court? OMG. There was so much ridiculousness that I could not suspend disbelief.
The bonus chapter was a prequel: background story for the big baddie in the main story. Meh. More of same nonsense.
I don't understand the stellar reviews for this game at all. Please try the demo for yourself.
I usually like the Vermillion Watch series. This one, not so much. It was confusing from the beginning. The story is nonsensical. There's no logic to what happens at all. I skipped almost all of the puzzles as they made no sense (and I don't skip puzzles, ever) or were just boring. So disappointed.
Ever since Eipix took the helm Dark Parables has, for me, gone from automatic buy to "Meh, maybe." The last really good one was the Ballad of Rapunzel. So you can imagine my joy when I read the reviews on this game today and realized that Blue Tea was back at the helm...
*FROGs are back to awesome - no more lightning effects and the imagery is complex yet delicate *The mood and feel of the original games is back - no more cartoon characters or swashbucklers *Cursed objects are back *Gorgeous baroque/rococco scenery is back *Parables are back! *We'll see if the story line holds up till the end, but I'm positively hopeful
The slightly creepy mood music with the whispering voices is missing, but you can't have everything.
So far so good - one thing they could've changed is to add in a custom setting and clickable map to make the game more up-to-date... but I'm good! To have Blue Tea back I can live without it, lol! Plus, you have to move back through the scenes to activate the Cursed Objects. That wouldn't happen if you click through the map, so I get it.
They're scrambling a little bit to re-create that continuity of storyline around the Frog Prince, but that's understandable given the number of games that have come between.
Players who began Dark Parables during the Eipix era may not like the slower pace, darker mood, heavy emphasis on story, and lack of flashy effects, but die-hard fans who've missed the depth and variety will be ecstatic, I know I am!
I'm excited to get back to it and see where it goes.
This one sat in my game manager for a few months before I got around to playing it. Bought it on a BOGO day without trying the demo 'cause, you know, Dark Romance + Editor's Choice has to = great game, right? But, no. This game put me to sleep inside of an hour. It drags, very slow development. Slow voices in the VOs. Too many moments that defy my ability to suspend disbelief. (Panther chick's house is on fire and she just sits in a chair and waits for you to save her?) Terrible artwork and floaty characters. I usually soldier through a game if I've spent my money on it, but I can't with this one.
So maybe I'll go back to it some time in the future because it might get better. I've had that happen before - Lord of Statues put me to sleep in the beginning but turned out to be a great game after the first hour or so. But for now, this is going back on the shelf. Definitely try the demo for yourself.
I just had to leave a good review when I saw so many negative 1 star ratings. I'm surprised because I really enjoyed it. Had loads of fun playing it.
You get to go on a quest, travel the world tree, catch a glimpse of Ratatosk, hang out with Thor and Odin, fight with the dwarves, battle frost and fire giants, save the world ... I mean, really. What's not to like? IMO anyway.
This kind of game is where Eipix shines. Lots of action/adventure and world-building. If you like fantasy, action, or are a fan of the MCU movies and Chris Hemsworth's Thor, then you'll probably like this, lol.
Puzzles are interesting, neither too easy nor too hard. Artwork, as per Eipix usual, is fantastic. The story itself is pretty good. As the start of a new series, I hope they build on it even more. There were definite indications of later episodes travelling to other realms in the nine worlds.
The Bonus Chapter continues a part of the story but isn't really necessary. It's also rather short. So if you buy CEs for the extra play, like I do, then you could get the SE and not really miss anything.
Overall, it was a cool game with a fresh perspective. If you like Norse Mythology then you'll like this. Try for yourself!
Vermillion Watch Moorgate Accord tied with Deck of Fates as my pick for best game of 2016 and, even though the year's just getting started, I'm sure this sequel will be the best game of 2017.
This game has it all - suspense, intrigue, a top-notch storyline that keeps the player guessing, and an unexpected twist close to the end. I love the interweaving of popular gothic fiction with a Sherlock-Holmes-meets-MI6 steampunk/clockwork vibe that is present in this series.
There's a really cool opening "last time on Vermillion Watch" that brings new players up to speed with exciting highlights from the previous game then it rolls into the action.
I also like the fact that the developers made this story for adults without having to descend into horror. The story is meaty and intriguing. No cutesy helpers - or cutesy anything. I LOVE IT!
The puzzles are a nice mix of simple to challenging - with more entertaining/challenging than easy. HOs are pretty good too - multilevel mix of lists, interactives, silhouettish drawings.
Artwork is dynamite.
CE or SE - this game is definitely worth the CE. I buy CEs for the bonus chapter and this one is a continuation of the story - a part that was hinted at in the main game but they left a little hanging so you wouldn't know for sure. Worth it. IMHO. Plus all the usual bling if you like that.
Like I said, this is going to be my game of the year, or at least it's going to be really really hard to beat. Eipix set the bar high with this one! I like this so much that I almost forgive them for Dark Parables.... nah!