First of all, I liked amber maiden better, but this game was extremely good as well. There were many changes made between the two, which made this game way more challenging than the first one. I'll detail each feature in parts as usual.
STORY: When I started playing this game , I was expecting to play the same princess as in the first one, but few minutes into the game I realised I was playing as another one, the descendant of the first one. The main story is based on the wanted reunion between the kingdom of the dragon and the kingdom of the phoenix, That could only happen through marriage. You have to save your beloved prince and marry him in order to bring the two creatures back. I really enjoyed playing as a female heroine, that doesn't happen in many games. You'll have to find the full story by yourself, since I'm not a fan of spoilers.
GAMEPLAY: The scene changing is not as smooth as in the first one. The gaming area is large, there's no map, and you have to run all over the place for items. Still, the devs didn't exagerate with the distance, they let you finish everything you have to do in one area and then you can move forward without coming back later. Some items are hard to see in active areas cause they are blended so good, but you have a strategy guide if you get stuck. Also there's a little feature in the game, the symbol finding in some scenes, that I didn't see in many games. It's not a new thing, but I like it a lot since it brings a little bit of versatility to the game.
HOG&PUZZLES: The hidden objects scenes were changed to 180 degrees from the first one. They are using the shadow games a lot, mix and match and interaction between objects. Some scenes are the classic ones but they were only a few in the whole game. The puzzles were not too hard, they just take a lot of time to finish them. You can easly do them without skipping if you have a steel patience. The hint button is not much needed in the hidden objects scenes, but it's useful when you don't know where to go and what to do next.
GRAPHICS&SOUND: The developers used the same crisp and clear painted scenes we got used to in the first one. The colors are vibrant, everything is very well blended, There's a lot of animation all over the game. The characters you interact with have voice overs, very well acted. I didn't care much about the music, I found it quite disturbing at times, so I prefered to turn it off, keeping just the effects and ambient on. So I don't think it was chosen to fit the game very well.
EXTRAS: You have a bonus game in the extras, that makes you bring the dragon back, thing that didn't happen in the main game. So it's nice to finally have a logical bonus game that is tied with the main game. The only thing that I didn't appreciate were the dragons returning, They didn't let the player see them, as they were just shadows on the sky. I would have appreciated a full dragon design at the end of the game. Stil I found the baby dragon at the end quite adorable. The extras also include wallpapers and the soundtrack, as well as a very raw concept art I really have to thank the devs for.
Overall it was a very pleasant experience, I would play this game again in the future. I enjoyed the story a lot and I really hope there's a new one on the way.
I loved the last 2 Grim Tales, the 3rd one not being changed too much to keep it's loyal players. I playd the CE because the last 2 purchases were worth the bonus game.
Story: As we're all used to this, the story revolves around saving your sister and her family from the various curses, in this specific part, from a demon. You start with saving her son from a curse the demon put on him, and as the story progresses you have to save your sister again and her husband. The whole adventure takes place in your sister's house and the area that sorounds it, also, the memories we're all used to. The memories this time belong to Brandon.
Gameplay: Very smooth scene changing. I loved the little puppet companion that follows you around, in this case him also being the map. The map is very much needed, because the game area is huge. You also get little Fluffy, a cat that stays in your inventory almost the whole game and helps you get items that are not in your reach. You can also chose how easy or challenging you want it to be, having an option at the beggining of the game that changes the difficulty.
HOG&Puzzles: The very simple hidden object scenes are present, with few interactions between items. I personally finish a hidden object scene in more or less 1 minute because of how simple they are. The puzzles gave me a little bit of trouble, having to let my husband do some of them as usual. I prefer anything than using the skip button.
Graphics&Sound: The developer makes an impact again with the absolutely gorgeous graphics we all love. There's no much animation when interacting with the other characters in the game, they are present in the scenes. The game area is shiny, vibrant and extremely detailed, as realistic as it can be. The 4 soundtracks and ambiental sounds are very well chosen, still, you may want to lower the music since it starts pretty much out of nowhere and it might disrupt you from what you're doing.
Extras: The bonus gameplay offers decent lenght adventure, where you have to save your sister's family again Everything happens in the same area, but the scenes were almost completely changed. You have few new areas that you don't have in the main game, but you don't stick around there too much. The extras also offer, 8 wallpapers, 8 concept art files that let you take a look at some of their works in progress. They are not very rought, but almost finished works, thing that I don't prefer in a CE. You also get the 4 music files that make the soundtrack.
Time: around 5 hours on hardcore playing in 2
Excellent game, worth the price, very fun, and shows how important the family is in our lives.
I loved the first game so I got this one too expecting to be better than the first one. Well, it was not. Still, I'm not saying it was a bad game, it just didn't reach my expectations.
The story doesn't have anything special and doesn't seem related to the last one. In the first game you save the souls and leave, and when you start this one you're back in the graveyard like you never left. How's that possible?
But leaving that aside, the game offers the same thing as in its predecesor. The souls are not at rest, because children dear to them are in danger kidnapped by a demon. You have to save the children and defeat the demon. The storyline is pretty random, the game area is not big. It includes the graveyard, a village, a cave, a little town and a creppy amusement park.
The HOG and puzzles are same as the usual, the very crowded scenes are present again, still I didn't have much fuss with them cause I playd the game in 2 with my husband, which made it way more easier. The puzzles pretty easy as well.
You have a little bit of animation. The graphics didn't change much, they are as beautiful as in the first one. I think this is the strong point of this game. If you like creepy graphics and sounds then go for it. I didn't care much about the soundtrack, but the ambient sounds were pretty cool. I love the creepy noises out of nowhere, it makes the game entertaining. One thing I didn't like was the children's voices. They were made by adults and it sounded so fake.
Overall it was a nice game, I don't know when I would play it again, but a one time experience wasn't bad. I gave it 4 stars instead of 3 because of the way it presents itself. I will play the 3rd one as well
I didn't have many expectations when I got this game to be honest, but it proved to be way better than I thought! Obviously *points at username* I LOVE playing as a princess. Ever since I was little, like many other girls, I loved fantasy worlds. This game was so much fun because of that.
STORY: A kingdom is cursed and its inhabitants are trapped in amber by an evil witch. You, being a baby, are saved by your nanny and raised to learn of your royal origins at a later date. You go back through a portal and try to save your parents, the king and queen, and stop the evil witch. The story is a classic medieval fairytale. You have magic, castles, potions and everything you need to make yourself feel like a princess. GAMEPLAY: Very smooth scene changing, you can chose difficulty. The journal saves important information, also the story. As a player I enjoy checking my journal, since I like playing from the perspective of my character. It's a classic adventure game with plenty of mini-games inside. I can't say if the game was short or not, because I playd it without a break and finished it in about 2-3 hours without using hints or skipping puzzles. GRAPHICS&SOUND: The game offers exceptional visual quality. Professional digital painted scenes. The colors are vibrant and realistic. It doesn't make your eyes tired. The colors used for everything reflect the medieval times you're in. It offers animations for every cut scene and not only. The game has beautiful, non-disturbing music, the soundtrack being cut in multiple songs along the way, which I absolutely loved. HOG&PUZZLES: The hidden objects scenes are quite easy. Now it depends how experienced the player's eye is, of course, but I found everything to be extremely easy to find. You also have some interaction between objects, you have to move stuff around to find some things. The puzzles were of easy to medium difficulty. You have some challenge in the game, but it focuses more on the adventure. EXTRAS: You have a bonus gameplay where you have to destroy the evil you found at the end of the game. It's basically a short continuation of the main game. You also have the regular extras like music, wallpapers and concept art.
I absolutely loved this game and I'll definatelly get the second one
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
i love more traditional Hidden object games and this particular game caught my attention a while ago so i decided to play the trilogy. i didn't understand very good if i was playing as a man or a woman, but at the beggining your character gets trapped in a graveyard, where she/he has to save 1 child and put other 2 souls to peace. the story is classic, as i said. you play in 4 different locations: the graveyard and 3 other spaces in the past, that don't leave the souls of the dead to rest you can chose from 2 levels of difficulty, have a journal, but no map (since is not much needed), plenty of hints, so you can chose how easy or challenging you want it to be. the hidden objects scenes are very crowded, but i found them easier than they seem. even in the crowd, most objects are easy to find, but you have the traditional shadows and drawings on the walls that many game developers offer, to give the game a more challenging look. the puzzles were extremely easy. i made my husband play just 2 of them, since he's the one with more brains, but the rest were no much fuss to me. the graphics are stunning, pretty surprising for a 2010 game. it has animations and voice over when you interact with the other characters. it's has cut scenes and nice chosen music the collector's eddition offers a bonus game play. i didn't really understand what happened it it, some things made no sense, but i was happy to play some more after the main game. the extras also include the soundtrack, wallpapers, and concept art for people who like to study game development. they give some works in progress from the digital paintings that make some of the scenes in the game
overall it was an interesting and fun game to play. i'll definatelly go for the other 2 in the trology
Travel from the deepest trenches of the Atlantic Ocean to the awe-inspiring wonders of Mars as you solve the greatest archeological puzzle known to man: the origin of Atlantis.
i've never had a thing for sci-fi games or movies, i always thought they were nerdy, but i decided to give this one a chance, because i'm absolutely fascinated with atlantis. it turned out it's more about mars, than atlantis, but i don't regret getting it
story: the story in this game is based on the celtic beliefs, that say the gods came from the space and gave men knoledge. i read tons of books on this subject so seeing and actual HOG made on it was like milk and honey for me. the developers couldnt go better with the story. you play as a young female archaeologist who discovered a temple of atlantis. somehow she manages to get drowned and she's saved and frozen until the science gets developed enough to fix her brain vessels. she wakes up 150 years after, on a scientific expedition on mars called the new atlantis. alone and without much knoledge about the world she's in, she starts an adventure. the story gets an unexpected twist to the end, i never expected it, but it was wonderful to see. i hope you'll all love it as much as i did
gameplay: you get a map ( a very "fancy" one), a journal, and a strategy guide if you get stuck. the map is very needed because the game area is huge. the scene changes are smooth. you find pieces of stories hidden in 18 small memory chips that you have to find along the way and other recordings on various devices that help you out
HOG&puzzles: ingenious hidden object scenes, pretty easy, great for begginers. i'm an expert at them usually but i enjoyed finding them. there's a lot of interaction between objects. puzzles are pretty easy, solved them without much fuss. again, is great for begginers as well. some people dont like it but in my opinion we have to relax playing from time to time
graphics and sound: the visual graphics seem to be the main delight about this game. even of the puzzles are easy , this is the main reason i playd it. they are absolutely gorgeous. even if the developers used a very well known and easy to work with 3d posing program, they managed to do an excellent job with it. i play with it for years and i would have never imagined you can make such a beautiful and vibrant game with it. the colors all all metalic and shiny. there's a cut scene at every step. it's half a game half a movie. the music is excellent chosen, it didnt bother me at all and it's very entertaining
i'm more of a fantasy/horror lover, but this game surpassed all my expectations. it's now my new favorite. i chose the collector's eddition because i like studying the concept art. still, that wasnt much worth since all of the concept artworks are just 3d renders. it also has a set of wallpapers. there was no extra gameplay, or at least i didnt see it. but i enjoyed it and that's what matters
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
i gave 5 stars because i couldnt give 4.5 because of minor (or medium) things the developers did. anyway, here's my opinion about the game 1. Story- very nice progressive story. like in the first one you're guided through memories that will help you change the fate of the people involved and take your sister and her family to safety. the action takes place in a time between fantasy and reality, with some hops back in time. 2. Gameplay- you dont have a journal this time, but a map that is very very useful. compared to the first one, the gaming area is way larger and looks a bit like a maze. i'm really grateful the developer thought about it. the transitions from place to place are smooth, and the story progress doesnt leave room for confusion 3. HOG and puzzles- one of the changes from the first game of the series is the one related to the hiddn object scenes. the objects are not as easy to see, they worked more on the blending, which adds a little bit more fun to the overall game. you don't play the same hog twice, all are unique, as in the first one. the puzzles were the reasons i would give 4.5 stars. most of them are extremely hard. whenever you run into one, you cannot be relaxed. i was burning my brains trying to solve some of them. i really didn't appreciate that. players that want to have some room relaxing and don't go for top challenge, i recomment playing the medium difficulty. 3. Graphics&Sound- in this game they added voice when interacting with other different characters in the game. it's a really nice change. also, the little annoying ring you were hearing in the first one when finding hidden objects was replaced by a soft tap sound. the graphics are as beautiful as in the first one, more animation was added. the colors look even brighter to me. the only thing i didnt like as much as in the first one was the music. in my opinion wasnt chosen as good 4. Bonus content- it includes an extra gameplay about the cursed wolf ancestor that you have to save, again, guided by memories. wallpapers, music and concept art are included as well. the bonus gameplay is pretty long, the story not as interesting as the main story but thats to be expected and i don't regret getting the CE for it. my complaint would be abount the concept art. is an almost-finished work in progress. i prefer sketches and raw concepts because i like to study them as anatomy and arhitecture reference
overall it was a brilliant game that make me spend part of my day in a more or less relaxing day and i can't wait to play the 3rd one
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
after getting annoyed at the game a while ago for reasons i don't even know, i decided to try and play it again from the beggining (i wasn't far in the game anyway). i really don't regret my decision because is one of the few games that don't bore me at all from start to end.
story: you play as a woman who's sister seemed to have died pushed in a lake. as far as i understood from the game they were twins. this demon guy, guides you through you sister's memory in order to save her. the story itself from start to end you'll find it yourself cause if i tell it the game's useless. it was indeed a very nice story, doesnt have confusing details, it follows a slow and logical path, broken in parts.
interface & gameplay: you don't have a map. the journal is pretty useless. i don;t think the map is needed since you get transported in other scenes just once (the memories). the whole game rotates around your sister's memories, a house and a graveyard in the bonus game, so you'll learn your way around fast and easy
graphics and sound: absolutelly brilliant, vibrant colors that keep your eyes on the screen without making you tired or giving you a headache. it's a mix between fantasy and modern times. there's a little bit of anymation too the music is calm and not disturbing. i loved the main theme , its a nice mix between piano and modern day soft drums, music i havent heard in any other game before. it was really nice chosen. there's no voice over anywhere in the game
hog&puzzles: the hidden objects were really easy to see, maybe a little bit too easy , since at a better look the objects you have to find are a little bit bold in the scene. is not easy to see, but if you're out of hints and need one you can try the trick. i wasnt really thrilled with the puzzles on the other hand. even with 3 levels of difficulty some of them are soooo hard. im so used to playing hidden object games but the puzzles in this one were a little bit too much especially playing in the 3rd level of difficulty. i prefer using my own brain not strategy guides
overall it was an excellent game and i enjoyed a lot playing it. ill continue to play the series. and by the way, the end is so abrupt because the second one is related to the first one
i decided to play the whole series and started with this one. well, what can i say, i was unpleasently surprised as i was going further and further in the game. i don't know what the developers were thinking when they made the hog, because the items in them were impossible to see. gave me a headache trying to look for every objects and i'm not a hint lover. they give you plenty of extra hints in every scene just because of that.
the puzzles were quite easy, but few. the gameplay was slow and heavy because you don't know what you'll do next. there are no hints to tell you where to go and what to do, no in game guide, no map, no nothing. i still finished the game in 2 hours and 37 minutes because is incredibly short.
still, i gave 2 stars for the graphics. they are not very vibrant but they show the middle ages exactly like they are supposed to look : ancient, plenty of blue and gold tones which i absolutely loved.
when it comes about the sound, it has voice over whenever you release a person from the stone, but i had to turn th music down. it was loud and not suited for a game with no much action
the story wasnt much. it's short but the game gives it to you slow and in parts so it seems like forever
still, i'll play the other 2 games to give them a chance. maybe the developers improved
i just adopted a dog from a shelter and i felt like trying this, since it was about dogs. i was impressed by the potential the developer gave to this game. i cant say the story is original but is very nice put in the game. you have to discover it part by part so it wont get boring
i playd on lvl 3 difficulty. you play as a dog psychologist. didnt have any problems with the hog, since they are not very crowded, easy to see. as most games many of them are on the walls lol. i did had trouble with some puzzles on the other side. they are not very easy, but they are logical. math problems, calculations and strategy is needed to complete them. the general game brings nothing special, same quests, running up and down to get items and fix stuff. i honestly didnt even check if i had a map or not and the journal is only good for saving puzzle hints.
the graphics in my opinion are pretty well made. i'm a digital artist myself and i only play games with good graphics. the scenes are some mix of digital painting and the animations are 3d made. whoever says they look like puppets should learn that thats how 3d animation looks like. the colors are crisp and vibrant. there is animation in the regular scenes as well
the music is mellow , not disturbing at all. you can get the music in the extras, as well as as wallpapers and concept art. i dont know how many people care about concept art, but begginers can use it to practice shading, coloring and anatomy experiments as long it's for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
the bonus chapter is playd from the perspective of the half dog guy. it's worth it, is not that short and it presents the rest of the story
it was a very enjoyable game overall. took me few good hours to finish it and i think the collector's eddition was a good choice