If you had the original, back in the mists of time, don't bother buying this. I tried the demo and ten minutes in it completely froze, meaning I needed to force a stop on it. It appears identical to the original up to that point, and I won't be buying it. I'm really unhappy about "remastered" games anyway, it's a bit of a scam, almost like making you pay for a new car when you get the tyres and oil changed.
This was the game that got me into gaming. Back in the day, I bought it on cd (what? I hear anyone under 30 saying) out of curiosity whilst in a computer shop. The assistant waved it under my noise and said this was real fun. Games? Not I! I was a serious computer user. Several hours later I was convinced this was the basis of a life-long love. It is hilarious and challenging, and fun and, well just buy it. It is showing its age now, but has never been surpassed.
I may buy this at some time, on an offer that makes it free or near to it. The demo works and it isn't simply a HOG (I hate those series that turned into HO only, yuk). However, I find that I am extremely annoyed at Elf's retirement (surely one of his puppies could have been trained up) and think that secret service trainees should be at least old enough for their voices to have broken. Under-confidence in your character is a bit wearing when it looks like you're old enough to be their grandmother. These guys are supposed to rival the FBI and MI5!
This feels like games did ten or so years ago, and not in a good way. Bad voice acting is almost a given on modern games, but it is taken to extreme here. No story line as such, just run around picking up things with no explanation, and very shaky, like the sets are about to fall down in an am dram production of P&P.
I think something has happened to quality control in BFG. Badly translated dialogue is laughable but it is coupled to a game format older than most gamers. Seriously BFG? Not worth a free coupon.
The game and story itself wasn't too bad. I can't say I hated it, but I don't think you'll like it any better. The graphics are terrible, the voice actors had to be turned off (why can't you find adult women to voice these characters?), and the mechanics are just awful. For example, you pick up something to use and three attempts later you've dropped it again, and you just want to scream. I play these darn things for relaxation, I don't need to adjust to bad algorithms for picking stuff from my inventory. The male characters were simply caricatures, you know, perennially angry senior army officer (never met oen in real life), the idiotic teenager (ok, yes, but not able to fight her way out of a gazebo? Please), etc. Not for me, sorry I paid for it.
I do find that female voice overs that sound like bored American teenagers very annoying, and I usually turn the voices off. I was intrigued to hear how they managed the British accents, but still found myself wincing at the aunge pips. Clearly American actors trying to sound British. Please see the attempt at the Cockney chimney sweep in the original Mary Poppins movie. Yes, the British are still laughing at that one, but this attempt in this game is merely irritating. Btw, why is Dr Watson's grandson American? That said, this very short game offers very little challenge or engaging story line or logical plot. Mildly entertaining, but not really up to this developer's usual fare.
Get it for the laugh at the accents if you're British.
I like the Lost Lands series, great stories lines and long games. But ... this one was a bit off. I have no problem with a few esoteric rituals and I admire "Susan the Warmaiden" but I was perpetually confused during this game. Even fantasy needs a clear rationale you know? As for Jimmy, well I just wanted to shake him a few times, clearly no longer a teenager, stop acting like one. it;s ok, but I won't be playing it again.
What is happening to games developers? They're all going back to endless HOGs. I like the occasional hidden object, but this is loads strung together with a mediocre story. League of light growing threat was bad enough, but this is exactly the same. 30 mins of the demo to try it out was enough. Bored well before I finally gave up.