Based on the demo, this feels really old and clunky, poor graphics/animation and simply slow moving. I'm not keen on this series anyway, so I won't buy this game.
I like the Haunted Hotel series, but enjoyed them more, and thought the story line and graphics better, in the older versions, set in the 19th or early 20th century. Also, has anyone else noticed that James just stands around while you do the work, then takes the credit for solving it?
I haven't finished this yet, but I just wanted to say something about voices. Why does Davona, who looks to be in her thirties at most, sound like an old lady? This female voice actor seems to be a favourite, but I don't know why. She is used to voice lots of women who should sound strong and vital, she sounds as if she needs a good sleep and her dinner liquidised. I did comment once on the voice actor for the intro of the Myths fo the world series. He sounded like he needed new dentures - they replaced him. Please,u se this lady for old women and even witches, but not strong vital characters.
Having said that, the story seems true to the genre and a pleasant way to suspend belief and real world logic, and pass a few moments.
I swear, if you don't come away after an hour of playing this feeling as if you need a shower, then there is something wrong with your level of engagement (or personal hygiene!). The house is a serious fixer-upper, more like a pulldowner-rebuilder. I can't believe anyone would buy this sight unseen. And, once they realised there was something in the house with them, why they didn't run screaming, car or no car. Not too shabby in fun though and some good puzzles, just a bit too grubby for me, and I couldn't finish the bonus as I wanted to get to a game with fairies and butterflies in it, lol.
yes, back in time to when games were awful, HO scenes only, with no storyline. Based on the demo, which I stuck at for about 40 mins, hoping the real game would start at some point. I will NOT be buying this, this, travesty. Absolutely dreadful.
Ever since Blue Tea became a subsidiary of Eipix the games have all been ok, but not fantastically great like the earlier Dark Parables and similar. There is a stamp of professionalism that other companies sometimes miss (final beta testing is obviously better than in, for example, Artifex), but there's something a bit, well, more edgy in the earlier ones. For example, I always turn the music off, it's too distracting as I listen to music analytically and my mind wanders off. This means the other sounds become a much more cogent experience of the game, and it's just not quite there. Who can forget the utter desolation of the sounds in the Crooked man story, or the excitement generated by the sound that heralded a new chapter opening? And then there's the bits that are a real turn off, like the over-sexualised female forms . Who in their right minds thinks that royal guards would wear corsets and lacy frocks, and have long manicured fingernails? And why does Serafina stand like that? Have you actually ever seen a woman standing like that? Boys, please bear in mind you're writing these games for "ladies" to play too. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, and slickly done, it's exciting and sometimes challenging (I recommend you play in hard mode, some of the games were a little lacking in normal,so I restarted in a different mode). You won't be disappointed, but you'll look back at the Exiled Prince with a little nostalgia.
Was it just me, or did it end abruptly, and the bonus chapter failed to complete it? The whole point of the story just didn't happen. Also, Francis Drake sounds like SImon Cowell trying to be funny (that's not good btw)
As a music lover, I always turn the music off on games. I wish I could do the same on tv or films. On the games I usually play, hidden/adventure, I turn off the voice too, if that option is given. Here, it's all under sound. This is a cute solitaire game, basically electronic bubble popping just like match three. Oh, but the voice! Every time you get 5 cards in a row, some old geezer shouts "wonderful!" in the most patronising way. I want to punch him, which defeats the mind numbing reason for playing the flipping game. Won't be buying even with a free game coupon.
I like the Myths of the World series, a new take on old stories. Although everyone seems to be doing the golem right now, this wasn't too bad a go at it, and the story was more about alchemy than anything else. But please Eipix, stop using the voice over at the beginning - cue deep voice because it has gravitas "Myths endure because they are real" or whatever it is he says. I can't bear to listen to him, because he has such badly fitted dentures. Get him a new set, or use someone who can talk without whistling through his teeth! I'm not even a dentist and it annoys me.
I recommend this game!
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Patty was a member of the mob until she decided to quit. Now, her son must be stopped from joining the dangerous crime family!
Overall rating
1/ 5
The noise!
PostedJanuary 6, 2015
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
Awful. I always turn though music off on games, as it's distracting. Unfortunately, you can't do this with this game, even turning it down, it got through. The next giveaway that this would be bad was that you had to find a phone similar to the ones we were carrying around 20 years ago. Then the noise when you clicked on a wrong item was just plain nasty. Gave up after 5 minutes into the demo, and told myself to read the reviews next time I tried a game out.