Bravo, Elephant Games' devs! Great game! Not corny at all, in my opinion! Lots of wonderful minigames and puzzles and a variety of fun HOPs to accomplish! Considering the present situation we're in, this game could not have come at a better time. A good game doesn't always have to be the most challenging but it had its challenges. Still, it gets a 5-star rating across the board from me!
Beautiful graphics; great storyline! Five stars all the way! I purchased the SE version. I'm sure the CE version was very interesting. The scenes were beautifully done--very colorful and pleasing to the eye!
Thanks for the pleasure, Elephant Games' devs! Well done! I highly recommend this game.
Okay students! I'm here to help you not repeat history!
PostedOctober 25, 2020
fromElf went out on a limb (literally) to retrieve an item, and he was wearing his vest as usual; but in this case he should have been wearing a parachute. No need to fret! Elf is alive and well!
Yes, I will do my darndest to save the student who was kidnapped by a monstrous creature. Very good game, Elephant Game Devs! Very good. I just finished the SE version and though it was short, I enjoyed the game. The storyline was good and the gameplay pretty good--not perfect, but doable.
I loved most of the minigames but I'm not fond of matching images to the symbols in the center of a wheel, for instance. Those are tedious but elementary and boring actually; but other than that, I loved the minigames.
I really enjoyed the variety of HOs and again, many of the puzzles. I, too, would like to see a game from Elephant Game devs where they can expand their creativity. Branch out! Take some risks! You're getting there, though. I enjoyed this game. Indeed, there were some cookie-cutter tasks but that's not unusual.
The music/sound effects, the dialogue which I do read BTW, and the voiceovers were all great. The graphics were really nice but regarding one of the sound effects, when I didn't feel like using the map I would use the hint button to transport to another area and the sound effect each time was annoying to me. I think the devs should change that. Use something softer.
As for Elf, I could swear that he looked a little different to me--cuter and improved if that is at all possible. I'm glad I chose to have Elf help me. I wouldn't have it any other way. He's a brave fella'!
I didn't try the demo and I'm glad I purchased the SE version and at a good price, too. I do recommend this wonderful game.
I love Morty the cat with his so-called British accent. He definitely has an attitude! He does seem to help out a lot and so there is a part where you give the little guy a break and a treat of milk in a dish. That was cool. And like most cats, Morty takes a lot of naps! Elf, he is not, but he is useful for sure! LOL!
I'm more than halfway into this SE version of the game and I have to say Domini devs are truly clever. I know they put a lot of heart and "soul" into the creation of this game, and for that matter, all their games. Brave to devs.
The storyline is really good and the villain reminds me of the "Joker" without all the paint on his face. Speaking of paint, you would think he would have had some on his face since this game is all about "paintings"!
Lezetto, the villain, has the "brush"; he ruins people's lives by making them prisoners of this so-called world of his. Vincent found this brush in 1863 and used it to paint for fun. He never imagined the brush was magical. But then he painted his cat, Morty, who disappeared. Of course, there is much more to the story and you're just gonna' have to find out for yourselves. But we the players are always entering strange worlds and dealing with entities in so many other games--nothing really new here. But it's a good story nonetheless.
I do find that I'm growing tired of symbols and whatnots in puzzles in any given game but it's all in the "name of the game"! Still, the puzzles are very good. The tasks sometimes have no rhyme to their meaning. And, again, one of my pet peeves is if there is an injured person, child, or animal, please let us take care of them as soon as possible instead of having to go to other areas to retrieve the item that is needed like 4 scenes later! My gosh, they could be dead by the time I get those items for them! It may seem silly, but that's just me.
Many of the tasks are pretty cool to find though. I enjoyed finding the different colored lenses for the puzzle that required you to select the three colored lenses to find the items.
I had to find 4 piano keys and I also retrieved a music manual for the piano. When I got all the items I expected a minigame to follow, but it turned out to be something else. So these devs do surprise you now and then and I think they're rather creative. The flow is good not the greatest.
Earlier in the game, I had to use Morthy to help me out and he proceeded to tell me that the next time I would have to get the item myself! Harrumph!! Cute cat.
There are scenes where Domini devs position certain items just for their amusement and ours, too! I clicked on a portrait of two people and their heads fell out of sight! I left that area and came back to see if the heads returned, and they didn't. The attention to detail is great! LOL! Pretty cool!
I love the special effects; and the graphics, IMO, are beautiful and colorful. The music is very good. The voiceovers are wonderful. Though this is not the CE version, I'm rather glad I purchased the SE instead. I recommend this game. Try the demo if you wish.
I'm in the throes of playing the Bonus Game whereby Catherine (the main character) is in search of her Grandmother Eleanor this time. The Main Game involves Catherine and her Grandfather Robert and a very good-looking villain, Malean, and his brother who doesn't want the townspeople (humans) hunting the SEEDS. Catherine and her sister set out for beautiful Ireland. The story involves the SEEDS, magical beings who want your family's amulet. Here again we're searching or working with amulets but I can assure you the journey is well worth it! Catherine saves the day and she will need to decide in the end (at least in the main game) whether she wants to remain human or to become a SEED. Not to worry, I won't give it away!
There are wonderful tasks to complete and two sets of elves and two sets of morphing objects to collect in each scene. Some were easy to find and some were not. Interactive hidden object scenes were good and doable.
I happen to love games that are very well-organized and this game definitely is. Doesn't mean it makes some of the tasks or puzzles any easier but it really helps with the game flow which always matters to me. The game was not super challenging but challenging enough. Puzzles were good!
The graphics are super stunning! Very pleasing to the eye! The music I've heard before and it's repetitive but I was especially impressed with the voiceovers. The characters' appearances are lovely. The storyline was excellent.
You have a helper who is a stately and beautiful Irish Setter with gorgeous Auburn fur. What a pleasure it is playing this game and that's as it should be! I highly recommend this game!
This game is somewhat similar to Vacation Adventures Park Ranger and Cruise Director series without all the fringe! I like these games now and then. They're calming. However, I didn't see much of our beautiful earth and/or scenes as suggested. It seems much of the artwork was photos and not real good ones either, in my opinion. Much of the areas also seemed to be situated in one specific country. So I didn't see much of a variety there.
If you just want to chill as I do from time to time, this is the game for you. You have three cats you need to obtain in each scene and then there are those items that were not always situated where they should be but that's all in the fun of the game. Some items were not that easy to find which was challenging and I liked that. What I especially liked were the puzzles. Not difficult really but fun to do and sometimes tedious. All in all, it was a good, relaxing game. I give this game 3 stars out of 5.
The artwork was mediocre in my opinion; more like photos; music was good and unobtrusive--no storyline really except again. I still recommend this game. It's relaxing and I finished it in no time!
I won't go into semantics but I liked this game and I finished the SE version. Grandma devs are wonderful and very imaginative and yes, this game has a different feel than its other games in the series. I swear sometimes I feel as though there is a collaboration of EIPIX, Domini, Elephant, you name it on these games lately. They basically have similarities. I always check the credits too and, again, I could almost swear that I've seen some of the same names that I've seen on other games. But I do like Grandma devs and I'm not sorry that I bought this game.
Their graphics are wonderful, cool, crisp colors--closeup shots are exceptional. I wasn't crazy about the characters' movements at times.
The puzzles and minigames were very--innovative and fun to do. The only thing I wasn't crazy about was the flow. The game flow was unstructured--disorganized and rather chaotic. You're going here n' there and everywhere back to square one. A lot of items to collect--artifacts and regular items. Sometimes it seemed illogical and crazy but I finished the game with no problems. Some of the puzzles were easy, some very tedious and some challenging. The mechanics of the game was odd at times.
The storyline was good; voiceovers were very good; the music was suitable. Great hint button and decent map.
One pet peeve I have is I wish all the devs would program the game so that when a person or animal is injured that we would be able to tend to them right away instead of obtaining all the healthcare needs three or four scenes later. Yeah, I know it's only a game, but it's the principle of the thing! And some of the items we have to retrieve are ridiculous to say the least. But that seems to be with most games anyway. Cookie cutter games--all alike! I'd like to see something different down the road--we are after all in the 21st century!
I had to chuckle at a particular scene when one of the characters is dying in another character's arms. In the meantime, I obtained the items that were needed but he kicks the bucket. But before he dies, he says, "It's too late for me, but thanks for everything!" Then he turns into a mechanical Pinocchio-like figure. LOL, LOL! These devs do have a good sense of humor!
fromMirror, mirror on the wall, who's the spookiest of them all? I'd never want to meet up with this broad in a dark basement or anywhere for that matter!
I have to say I'm quite impressed with EIPIX. I saw the ratings on the whole and I think part of the problem is that this game is very heavily laden with puzzles and, at first, I wasn't going to give this game a five-star rating due to that fact but I think these devs deserve it for their cleverness. I mean many of the puzzles, to me, were very challenging and tedious. A few were easy but nonetheless fun to do and that's what I like about this game. I'm playing the CE version and am more than half-way into the game, but I had to stop and report my views on this matter before I lost my train of thought, which happens more often these days. LOL!
EIPIX devs' graphics are always top-notch. The music was fine; the storyline is great; the voiceovers are wonderful. The special effects are spot-on as usual. Good map and hint button.
The Countess, in her natural form, is quite beautiful but not a pretty sight to behold in her evil form! Ugh! No wonder the mirrors are cracking!!! Spooky! Spooky!
I kinda' liked one of the notes that I collected along the way as follows:
"I have no creativity left to offer, yet the mirror is calling for me again. I feel its hunger wrapping around my flesh, taking my form, while slowly pulling me to the other side. Will it keep its promise of reuniting me with my family?" Signed -- Gloria
Well, Gloria, we shall soon find out! I like this game a lot and there were a few puzzles within a puzzle that I enjoyed very much and actually got them all. Great job, devs. Very innovative.
My only complaint is that some of the mini-games throughout had no instructions so you're left on your own, which is fine, and obviously there is no hand-holding in those cases, but you do have a hint button which I refrained from using. For me, I had to stop and think, take a break to make a cup of my Espresso coffee, and come back to the game. I think the caffeine helped! And as far as I could tell you couldn't skip those puzzles. These types need patience which sometimes I lack but I stuck it out. So this is indeed a thought-provoking game! Yes, I'm impressed!
This game has its moments, but it's packed with senseless tasks!
PostedSeptember 7, 2020
fromI love retrieving the food for the animals but the thought of opening a can of dog food for the dog leaving the lid attached, which we know is sharp as a razor, and then giving it to the dog to eat from it, made me wince!
Don't get me wrong, I love the Domini games but technically speaking, this game was problematic from Chapter 5 where I got stuck--technically, that is. I couldn't obtain the brush that was needed to clean the amulet in the abandoned factory going into the office. I do hope the devs take heed to the problems because this was a fairly good game and had its great moments but falls short of the glory. The thought behind this game was all over the place--not well organized actually. The rationale of the tasks was silly. And the fact that we have to go back n' forth more than twice to complete an object or item to be used was annoying because it interrupts the flow of the game--it slows it down. That matters to me. I loved the morphing items and the art items and the notes and the coins. It's the strategy that was lacking in the game and these devs can do so much better. Several glitches!
One particularly silly task was retrieving a nice-size chest or box that was at the bottom of a river, and once retrieved, you end up with a box full of straw with one lone battery in the center, not to mention all the steps you had to take to get it!
But I do like these devs and again, I hope they take heed to the complaints because I have a few.
The graphics were very good but some items were hard to decipher and the items needed for the completion of a given item were all over the place. Not that trying to find items all over the place isn't new to us but this was ridiculous.
Voiceovers were great; so was the storyline. The music was good; the hint button was okay, but my least favorite in this game were the puzzles. Not hard to accomplish but several of them had poor instructions. But I stuck those out. I skipped two though. And the ones that were okay didn't float my boat.
Try the demo although, to me, that doesn't prove much when you're basically getting 90 minutes to at least get the feel of the game.
I've based my review on a completed Main Game and I'm in the throes of playing the Bonus Game. Let me just say I would have given this a 5-star rating but I didn't feel it warranted it due to a few grammar errors in the script and missing words as well. Also, the hidden object items were tiny as well as the descriptions of the items. The hidden object scenes weren't all that unusual either, to be honest. However, there was a lot to do and I believe I got my money's worth and then some in this game.
The voiceovers, for the better part, were unusually well-done. I loved the movement of each character's mouth. Considering all the scenes and the detail in the artwork, I found the graphics amazing except that many of the colors were muddy, murky browns and some grimy greens. The attention to detail was incredible. There are loads of intricate artifacts in this game. Five-BN developers put a whole lot of thought into this game. I love these developers.
I wasn't too keen on the minigames--puzzles, but they were doable. Nothing to write home about. I managed to retrieve all the collectibles and morphing objects in the Main Game. I found that many of the collectibles and morphing objects weren't all that easy to find but I stuck it out. I'm in the Bonus Game now and the storyline seems intriguing, and there are 13 collectibles to collect. We shall see how that goes.
I loved, loved, loved the music, tho repetitious, the flute throughout was soothing and inviting, and the ambiance was engaging. The special effects and sound effects were amazing. I felt as though I was right in the scene. The storyline was great! My favorite was the sarcophagus scene leading to the ritual. That got my attention! Way to go Five-BN developers! Ingenious! You also got a laugh out of me, too! LOL!
Just finished this entire CE version and I must report that I loved it! It's not a perfect 5-star rating but I loved it, nonetheless.
Had it not been for the mechanics of the game and a couple of other things I would have given the fun factor a straight 5 rating, same with the challenge.
Richard is an enigma to me. Elephant games has improved on his appearance which is a plus but I often wonder whose side he's really on. He's rather spiteful in my opinion but in essence he always does come through and manages to have what we need at the time. But if I see another amulet, or rune or piece of this and a piece of that to complete an object, I will retire to bedlam!
My mouse (which is new) was sluggish for some reason--special effects does take up a lot of resources, so I'm thinking it was that. It's certainly not my graphics card. My laptop is not even 2 years old! But other than that the game ran smoothly.
I collected all but three screensaver puzzle pieces and unfortunately you can't go back to retrieve them. The Secret Room, which you can only play once you complete the Bonus Game, was cool but because of the intermittent sluggishness, my trigger finger on my mouse wasn't quick enough while the clock was ticking away to find those morphing objects. But I got them all regardless. It was fun!
I loved the graphics and the attention to detail. The voiceovers were great--typical hidden object scenes but I especially enjoyed the Silhouetted Shapes. Elephant Games developers have certainly improved so much, and they are to be commended for a wonderful game. Tons of interesting things to do. Some of the puzzles were cookie-cutter tasks to accomplish and I'm not a fan of a few of them to be honest. Some are challenging; some are not; some are nuisances; and there were a few very clever puzzles, minigames.
When I think about what we gamers have accomplished, I personally have bought and played almost 200 games from BigFish, and I've learned how to repair flying machines, tackled engineering projects--mechanical, chemical and electrical! Solved technological puzzles, made potions, saved people, saved animals, you name it, we gamers have done it all. We deserve a pat on all our backs! We do all the work but those very clever developers who make it all possible and Elephant Games is no exception. Applaud! Applaud! Applaud! I'm very impressed!
I definitely recommend this game. Try the demo and get a feel for it.