The warning at the beginning of the game piqued my interest!
PostedJuly 1, 2020
fromDevs, is it possible for you to create a game of love and romance and beautiful scenery with no creepy kids, demons, or ghosts lurking in the hallways who are out to get you or your family or your friends?
Okay, so at the start of the game it reads as follows:
Warning: “This game has elements of psychological horror that some may find distressing. It is not for the faint of heart.”
Does covering your eyes and peeking a little count as being faint of heart? LOL! I did let out a holler once or twice but this game was not as scary as the one I played where the little girl reminded me of the spooky girl in The Grudge. I can’t say that I’m psychologically horrified by this game, but the doll with nails reminded me of Child’s Play; the spooky twins (male and female) reminded me of the kids In the Village of the Damned; and later, there is a clown who could rival the clown in the movie, IT. How clever are these devs?! Amazing! And here, you’re trying to save your best friends and let me tell you, icky things happen to you, too. Oh, and there’s the oozing black liquid dripping from the ceilings, and then there’s the older woman ghost who is literally on fire! Great balls of fire!
Mad Head devs are clever, crazy, and very humorous. I do read the credits at the end and there is quite a team of talented people who pulled together this great game.. I’m not a fan of horror games but this was unusual.
The storyline was my favorite and I was so engrossed with that and performing the tasks on hand that I was forgetting about the Gemini sign collections in the scenes as well as the morphing objects. There is one morphing object in each hidden object scene, by the way. I got all of those. I missed 5 of the Gemini signs and 5 of the morphing items in the regular scenes but you can retrieve those when you play the Bonus Game. They even give you a jigsaw puzzle at the end, too, which is well done really. I’m not a fan of jigsaw puzzles either because they bore me but in this case it was very nice structured.
I loved the parts where you have a choice of what action to take when something is about to happen basically to you. As an example: Should I take the key or should I fight the monster! Great idea! You will have a lot to do and to be honest, some of the logic or strategy is elementary and borderline ridiculous but I guess that’s what makes the game more challenging. Many of the objects were hard to find in the hidden object scenes.
Esthetically, I prefer beautiful scenery to grudge and gore and gloom. But the graphics were amazing and the special effects and sound effects were cool. The voiceovers were great! The hint and map buttons were very good, and you have these special glasses you will need to use later on in a couple of scenes or two whereby you will enter the evil-dark scene and then back to the normal view. Pretty cool!
I prefer scenes of beautiful homes--cozy and elegant ones, with stunning landscaping, and you won’t see that here but again the artwork was pretty cool. Rainy days or snowy days doesn’t matter. In this game, the artists captured the filth and grime and grudge in practically each scene. Quite frankly, I’m glad I completed the entire CE game! I highly recommend it!
I've got all 10 Vacation Adventures but this was my least favorite, to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I still love these games and this is great for when you just want to sit back and chill. I was rather bored with this CE version for some reason. Also, I've never been a fan of jigsaw puzzles and I think there were one too many in this game. But it does have wonderful features, no doubt. You know, the same old, same old!
The music was annoying to me this time--repetitive as usual and you can turn it off or turn it down. Some items were too and hard to spot, but I found them. Even so, there was no excitement for me in this game. But it's a good, old-fashioned game.
I still recommend it because you do have lots to do and it's a long game. You get your money's worth in that respect. To each his-her own.
I'm in the midst of playing this wonderful SE version of Nevertales and I have to say I'm loving every minute of it. Mad Head devs are very imaginative and they have a great sense of humor, too!
There are interesting characters in this storyline--you are a guardian in Taleworld, which is a world created by humans. You've got to contend with the villain, known as the Tall Man who has a deep, booming voice! You need to save Eliah. He's taken her to the Alltale Heart mountain. And from there, the journey is challenging and interesting.
The graphics are stunning and spot-on for this genre. I love it. I usually gravitate toward games that have cozy, well-drawn, bright, crisp scenes with Victorian or unusual mansions and grounds that look so real you could walk right into those scenes. Snowy, sunny, rainy scenes. But this an unusual world with beautiful scenery, too, and tons of tasks to accomplish. Right up my alley!
What I love is the special effects, especially the dialogue which is often comical at times. The array of puzzles are wonderful. Just wonderful! I really enjoyed the mini-game rock, paper, scissors. These devs don't hold back and they're smart!
The game-flow suits me to a tee. The voiceovers are great. There are silhouetted shape hops and I loved selecting patterns within the scenery, too. Such an array and imaginative things to do. And the storyline makes sense to me.
Well, I have to get back to the game. I've already helped Digger put out the small fire which he could have very easily done himself like dig up some dirt and throw it over the fire but no matter. I put it out with the extinguisher that I had to repair. Of course, I had to find all the parts to do that. Fun! Fun! Fun!
I could go on and on about this, but try the demo and see for yourself. Although personally, I'm not a demo kind of person. I'm very glad I bought this game. I highly recommend it.
fromIn this game, you're approached by this guy that looks like Daniel Boone and he says, "You're not from around here. You must be connected to that fancy pants fellow!" Sounds like my husband all right!
I don't give blow-by-blow descriptions in my reviews as some others do, but what really matters to me more than anything is the game-flow, the strategy of the game, and cool, crisp graphics. This game is lacking in all those aspects in my opinion. I am halfway through the SE version and I'm not really digging it. I love GrandMa games but this is a disappointment to me. I've played better and expected better from these devs. The storyline is good, though but I'm not impressed with the muted, simplistic artwork.
The graphics are mediocre and the HOP scenes are mere junk piles. I have good eyesight but the items are too small and non-sensical at times. Granted a lot of work has gone into this game and let me suffice it to say that I'm not sorry I bought it because it does have its challenges, but I'm forcing myself to continue. It has its moments now and then but nothing to write home about. The storyline is good and so are the voiceovers and I think some of the dialogue is okay. I did have a chuckle now and then.
I have yet to use the hint button for any HOP scene I've encountered and haven't done so to date. I've skipped puzzles now and then, but HOPs, nope! This game is challenging in that it's frustrating for me to be spending too much time trying to find one or two basic, simple items that are not basic or simple after all. So, yeah, I'm not having fun and can't wait until this game is over. The puzzles are good though and that's what I look forward to.
I still recommend the game because we each have different tastes, and you might very well enjoy it.
fromI've never seen Sharlotte spelled with an S, always with a C (a variant form of Charlotte-- English, French, Germanic). In either case it's a lovely, aristocratic name.
I completed the CE version. Elephant devs have stepped up a notch or two in this particular game. I very much enjoyed playing it. The storyline, voiceovers, graphics, puzzles, mini-games, et al were grand. The graphics were vibrant and colorful and crisp. Elephant Games always excel in that area in my opinion.
For me, the only drawback was that there were too many steps to complete a task especially when the game is good you don't want to dilly-dally and just move on! Also, I collected all but one puzzle piece that I missed in the main game, and upon finishing the bonus game I was not able to go back and retrieve the puzzle piece. I would hope, too, that in the future these devs would add a match-three option. That would be a big plus! But I did enjoy the variety of puzzles and HOPS that was offered in this game.
Well done, Elephant Games devs! You did great! I do indeed recommend this game. Try the demo first if you like.
There is the usual "ridiculous" tasks to perform in this game like most games--getting through pretty cool obstacles only to end up with a screwdriver or the good ol' zipper pull, but I have to say I really enjoyed this game. I just finished the entire CE version and for the third time in my life of playing nearly 200 games from Big Fish, I got all the morphing-cursed objects, all the puzzles, plus all the pets, and numerous achievements. I'm very satisfied!
The storyline was great, the voiceovers were the best yet, the graphics were stunning. Can't complain really. Great map and hint button. Everything is at your disposal. You decide what mode you want to play--I like the custom mode. The game flow was spot on! Just the way I like my games.
I love Domini Games devs. They're one of the best in my opinion. I'm not the least bit sorry that I purchased this game. It was fun to play and lots of puzzles for sure and mini-games. To be honest, a tad too many puzzles for my taste but I got through them. The HOPS were very good but I loved the fact that you can play Match 3 games as an option. Great job, devs! I definitely recommend this game.
I've never heard of Brave Giant Games before and it's the first game that I've purchased by them. I just completed the entire CE version. Let me preface it to say I didn't get all the morphing objects or all the collectibles! Dang! It's always the way with me!! I did get a few but upon completion of the Bonus Game you won't be able to go back and retrieve them. By the way, the story in the Main Game continues in the Bonus Game. Excellent storyline all around!
So I loved the story, the graphics, the strategy of the game, the game flow, the special effects. The voiceovers were great and one of the characters whose first name starts with a 'Z' is really hot-looking!
Speaking of special effects, if I may mention this, there were a couple of capsules pretty similar to a Cryotherapy Machine that you will have to open, and once done, a silvery-white, icy mist will be released from the machine into the air, and I swear that I could feel the effect of the cooling mist on my skin. Bravo devs!
The tasks were original, creative, and innovative as were the puzzles and minigames. I would venture to say that every mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineer would appreciate the thought that went into this fine game by these devs! In terms of the scientific and technical processes, I just don't think any other developer can remotely outdo these devs in this particular field. Perhaps EIPIX could give them a run for their money.
Others have expressed in detail their views on this game and very well, I might add. My review is based on the completed CE version. EIPIX has a very intelligent and talented crew in its employ.
The High Tech and Science Fiction theme with tasks and objects that were strategically placed and meticulously drawn in each scene just blew me away. I don't know the accuracy of these objects but there are tons of pieces to retrieve throughout the game. I would have to rate this game 5 stars in every category regardless of some of its short-comings.
There is a lot of back n' forth business which is annoying sometimes but these devs kept me engrossed nevertheless with the storyline and the tasks at hand. A great array of fun things to do! Though some of the objects that were needed to complete a task ended up being silly stuff among all this technical and sophisticated, scientific, hi-tech equipment just to retrieve a paper clip or a screwdriver, or whatever the case may be. But it's all in the name of the game!
Another annoyance and it's not just with EIPIX, just as an example from other games: you're locked up in a dungeon or jail, you find a way to escape and are now in another scene, and you need to use your inventory item only to go back to the dungeon or jail on the other side of town!! Illogical, Will Robinson! Illogical!! Drives me insane!!! But because of the creativity and EIPIX's innovative ideas and very talented crew, I must give a rating of 5 stars.
The graphics were great as usual, top-notch sound effects and special effects; voiceovers were believable and in character.
I didn't get all the collectibles nor did I obtain all the globes. Got the 10 morphing objects though! Yay! The puzzles and mini-games were in most cases very challenging and fun to complete as long as I had the patience to figure them out.
These devs did a great job--unique storyline, fun and challenging things to do. Bravo, devs! Bravo! Yes, I would definitely recommend this game!
I really liked this game--it wasn't perfect and was rather short. I just completed the CE version. I loved the storyline and the characters best of all, to be honest.
In past games in this series, Richard Gray (Anna's father and grandfather to Alice Gray) in my opinion, used to be creepy and scary. And I had often wondered if he was an ally or an enemy. But in this particular storyline, his ghostly presence was younger and friendlier, and he had a deep, booming voice, which was great but not really befitting the character. But I'm not complaining. So glad the devs changed him up a bit. Well done, devs!
Anna Gray to the rescue again, and Alice Gray was adorable. I loved most of the tasks, nothing out of the ordinary really but fun to do. Some of the minigames were not my cup of tea, and I forced myself to do them. Some of the puzzles were very good though.
I loved the fact that Anna could travel in time and change circumstances. And it's the first time in a very long time that I was really interested in the story. So great job, devs!
The graphics were lovely, the music was good. The Bonus Chapter was pretty quick, and upon completion, you get to find items in the Secret Room. That was somewhat glitchy. The artwork was nice but the objects were so tiny and difficult to find. I found them but the one complaint I have is when I found all the morphing objects that were listed, (one by one), to see the next morphing object, nothing would happen. I would have to go out of the Secret Room and go back in again to see the new item. I think this particular segment was not well thought out. In the meantime, the clock is running as you're clicking away and nothing happens.
I used the hint button as a transporter. The map was good but I am glad that we had the option of using the hint button in this manner. Of course, it's also used for hints.
I'm very much into this cruise and park ranger series, but I have to tell you that this game was lacking. I do enjoy the laid-back feel of the game and all the puzzles and mini-games; and though there is a lot to search for in addition to the lost and found and recycling, the scenes seemed smaller, more junk-piled than ever. Some objects were ridiculously placed. I found them though but I was disappointed in this #6 game. Additionally, you can't go back after all the goodbyes are said and check out your souvenirs only during the game can you do that. I'm only giving it a 3-star.
I do want to say that I admire and appreciate all the work that goes into these series. The developers meticulously situate each item on every scene, obviously and they know where everything is, but they need to make a change now. A big one. It's due! Also, how about changing up the music. It's a bit redundant.
The positive thing about this is though we're in a crisis right now, a real cruise is out of the question and this is a pleasant way to spend our time and travel without ever leaving our homes. So I thank the developers for that!
I still recommend this game; you just may love it. Not a bad game. I don't want to say that the thrill is gone but that it's fading.