This is the 4th game of this series and though the stories were always thrilling and provided very good entertainment, they were pure Adventures with no mentionable Extras in their Collector’s Editions… This time Elephant Games went a new way… Graphics are - as always - well done: very clear and detailed, even in the dark scenes. Characters are very well animated… 7 chapters plus bonus-chapter, 3 modes to choose from (can be changed during the game), interactive map: showing you available action and allowing you to jump, very useful hint (telling you what to do next), lockable inventory, strategy-guide doesn’t follow your progress, very detailed journal. Soon you’ll get a useful friend: Chucky the chipmunk! 16 hidden figurines to collect and 10 achievements to earn! :) Slightly interactive hidden-object-scenes, all from list and all just played once! A lot more mini games than HOS, some new, most of them good to solve, but a few quite tricky!! Different to the previous Grim Tales, but very addicting!!! :)
I figured since I was using a coupon code I wasn't really losing anything. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Like other people on here, The storyline was good, the HO scenes were good, and the puzzles were challenging without being too hard. The hint was a nice touch because it told you where to go next. And just when I thought it was over here came an epilogue, kinda like a collector's edition, which was cool. So good value if you bought it, great value for a free game! Overall, it was more of a love/hate kinda game. I recommend it for beginners..but not for the advance players!
I recommend this game!
2of2voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition
Face off against Davy Jones and his nightmares from the deep!
Help Sara find out what is turning the citizens of a little fishing town into sea creatures after she's attacked (does every delivery man come with weapons and fighting ability?). There's lots to do and places to explore. Quite a few lengthy cut scenes. Voice-overs are very well done and don't sound contrived, although you can turn them off. Graphics are beautifully detailed and storyline is well conceived. Lots of achievements in the CE, like morphing parrots, hidden octopi, finding seahorses, and various achievements for playing the HOS and meeting game milestones. If you like these, the CE is probably the way to go, since there are so many of them. In addition, there are the normal CE bonus game, soundtrack and cut scenes. You'll also like the puzzles, which are not too difficult..HIGHLY RECOMMEND..BUT YA GOT TO GET THE CE VERSION..IT'S WORTH IT!!!
I recommend this game!
2of4voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Collector's Edition
Dive into an epic journey as a museum owner in pursuit of an undead pirate who has kidnapped your daughter in Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Wow this was an excellent adventure !! Beautifully drawn, bright, colorful and incredibly detailed. Great story that was front and center. Loved the talking pirate skeletons. Lots of inventory items and a ton of HO scenes. And if you really couldn't see an item in the HO scene.. well you could just play a game of Toggle Mahjong instead and it would give you the item. Very inventive and a nice change from having to use a hint. Loved the creature that protected the treasure chest. creepy fingers. Each time you gave him a coin he would show you a video piece of the story. There were several places in this game where you had to find pieces in order to construct tools that you needed and other times where you had to make potions to move forward. The cut scenes and music were great and the length was perfect. Not too long not too short. The map was quite helpful throughout and would point out areas where things still needed to be done. Nice ending. Really enjoyed this one. Great game. Have not played the extra yet. I would like if these CE games would start adding collectables rather than sound tracks or wallpapers for extras but that's just my preference. I would rather have more game play than add ons later. But I did completely enjoy this one. Well worth the time and money investment. I almost didn't try it as I am usually not crazy about pirate stuff but this one might have just changed my mind. Don't miss it.
You've arrived in the peaceful resort town of Aurora Peak to investigate some mysterious local crystals. But the devious plot you uncover there could endanger the entire world!
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
This was going to be a mildly negative review as I wasn't at all pleased with the opening and graphics. But as I played.. the darn game grew on me and now I'll probably buy it just to see what's going on and collect all those creepy skulls. Who would have thought a game about death could be amusing and even fun? The graphics are cartoon like and the HO's are clear but very cluttered, making some small items harder to find. The setting at first seems more than a little weird but as you come to understand the concept of the Day of the Dead, it becomes clear and in many spots, even funny! The Guide #aka Hint button) is a wacky and helpful book. Ya gotta play the thing to get what's going on and see if this is your type of oddity. It has all the usual bells and whistles. There's a strategy guide that's detailed, helpful and keeps your place. Three play levels and collectables. There are trophies too and even they reflect the game's oddball humor. Give it a try and hang in there in the beginning as it may grow on you as it did me. It's a lively romp through the Land of the Dead! I RECOMMEND THIS GAME!
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Beautifully constructed game with terrific graphics and very pleasant music. 3 modes of play with achievements and collectibles (34 owls and 11 scrolls). Your diary includes the story and clues, as well as information on the various creatures you meet. Your map includes notations of where tasks remain to be performed and provides a means of fast travel. Interesting and well-written story with lots to do - you join the League of Light and are charged with investigating the possible appearance of the Dark Lord. As you arrive, the daughter of your host is stolen by a winged creature and off you go to the castle. But why is she sitting outside of the castle shivering, until the winged creature reappears and takes her inside? You learn that previous League of Light investigators have met an untimely death. Interactive HOS are uncrowded and very distinct. Puzzles are not too difficult. Inventory is used near where it was discovered. MORE PLEASE....
Once again, accompanied by your trusty companion Elf the 4-legged wonder dog, you're called to Mystery Tracker headquarters to solve the emergency that's taking out Mystery Trackers left and right. Along the way you learn about the detectives and their pets. And good ol' Mr. Toad is there to lend a hint if necessary. This game is spectacular!!! My rating of fun factor would be higher if there were more than five stars. Yes the game is complex and it takes awhile to familiarize yourself with the "program." In this adventure you have special "abilities" which help you solve the case. You'll acquire these as the game progresses. To me, soundtrack is a very important component of games: it sets the mood. Done perfectly again, Silent Hollow's music will let you know when the situation is urgent or not so much... The Voice Overs are great and the voice acting is convincing. The only deficit is that there isn't lip movement along with the voice. I'd like to see them give a shot at synchronized lip movements to add even more realism. Still, this isn't a big problem. (Note, there are real actors playing the roles in the game, but a separate sound track). Visually the game is superior. The colors are vibrant and really pop. It's an exciting game and you can tell it's special just by the graphics. It is VERY CHALLENGING. As I said above, it takes time to get used to all the ins and outs of the game. It requires a great deal of thought, (well, for me at least). But it is NOT drudgery. It is non-stop fun. I've been playing for two hours. I'm not a fast paced player. I'm enjoying every minute of this and am in no hurry for it to end. The HOGs are tough. In some cases it's because the items are small. It's never because of graininess or poorly lit scenes (unless it's on purpose and you have to light a lamp i order to illuminate the HOG). The puzzles are intricate, and, like the rest of the game, require thought, concentration and skill. This isn't a problem. You'll appreciate it and when it's over you'll have a real sense of accomplishment. The story line is straightforward and all the puzzles and HOGs push it along. The very first puzzle will explain the beginnings of the Mystery Tracker Agency. Because I'm saying that this game requires a lot of thought, you might be thinking that it's not for beginners. Wrong. Yeah, it's tough, and it's a lot of work. A beginner might take a longer time to complete the game but I don't think he or she will be frustrated, I think they'll find it a very exciting way to start a new hobby. Collector's Editions should offer something special and so this game does as well: There are 17 achievements, an integrated strategy guide, a couple of levels of playing difficulty, "shopping" for helpful items with "ducats" or coins you've collected on the way, a "go to" map and, finally, bonus game play. At some point there may be an SE, but you don't want to wait for it! Get this now!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Outstanding story is a continuation of Final Cut - Death on Silver Screen. Your caring uncle and the circumstances certainly aren't what they seemed to be. Great graphics; voice overs are pretty good..You have achievements and can play casual, challenging and expert modes. Difficulty can be changed during play. Journal includes your objectives and map. CE extras include the bonus games, movies, picture, HOS and puzzles. HOS are nicely done - well-detailed and not too crowded. Includes an option to play Match 3 if you don't like HOS. Puzzles aren't too difficult. Game play is straightforward - you generally know what you have to do next. Carefully crafted environment. Very nice entertaining game. Only bad part is I had no idea that i needed to collect 4 kites throughout the game for an achievement..But kudos to all the devs. & thank you for allowing me to bring you coffee haha..nice touch!!!
The Emperor’s son has a mysterious illness. As legendary healer Daiyu, you’re called to the palace to save him, but you end up having to save yourself!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Card & Board, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
AWESOME GAME.. Great Graphics, Sound, Voice & Video Bits, Effects And Story ... This Game Is A Real Winner, As Seems To Be The Case For Most If Not All Games From This Developer ... It's Games Like This That You Want To Play For Days If It Were Possible ... THE CE IS Well Worth It To Get A Good Conclusion To The Already Well Delivered Story ... More Please ...