Growing the camp is tons of fun, and is freeform allowing you to decide where you want each building to go, and when you want to build.
I did not care for the HO part of the game, which kept me looking for tiny gems hidden in the landscape, or other objects demanded by special item chests, which of course you'd really really want to open!
I'll be buying this game sometime soon, but have only played the trial so far. Levels start easy but grow in complexity as you go along, and I suspect there are more islands hiding in the cloud covered parts of the world map.
Why, oh why do the 'totems' look like coins, instead of totems??
This is definitely not the typical "time management" game. There is no rush, indeed if you try to meet the goals in the order they are given you'll quickly find yourself broke and desperate for income.
I wish they had made the goals come a bit slower, unlocking new buildings slower as well, as being told to build a school for instance, so early in the game saps your income to nothing, and you'll spend forever waiting for money to roll in to grow you city further.
I like that you are allowed to grow your city freely. Based just on the free trial I think this is a great game for anyone who likes city builders, and is interested in one with perhaps a little less complexity.
Give this game a spin and decide if it is for you!
Great fun planning out the layout of your graveyard! My only complaints are that I wish there was a pause, or super slow speed setting to give me more time to plan, and that I wish the trees didn't block my view, which is always a drawback of isometric views.
I've only played the trial so far, but am buying this game and looking forward to exploring and growing my graveyard. Wish Mr Jones had a better reason to make his fortunes than to satisfy that annoying Mimi!
Managing the Orchard starts slowly as you begin by yourself, and as one reviewer said, it feels like things are moving VERY slowly. This picks up quickly though as you begin to get employees, who move through most tasks on an automatic cycle so you aren't really having to "manage" their every move most of the time.
Tasks are broken up into 'farming', 'woodcutting', and 'building' and you can hire employees that specialize in any one of the areas, and they get better over time, along with your own abilities getting better over time.
The harvested crops are either turned into other goods which are sold in the store, or the crops are just sold directly in the store too. Customers come by and buy things, and leave either happy, neutral, or unhappy.
I've only played a short time (less than the full trial) and so far the goals are pretty linear, but it is up to you to decide where to build everything, and it makes it easy to learn the game as you go.
I'm buying on the GameAgents sale this weekend! One of their few non-HO games.
Try the trial, and enjoy!
I recommend this game!
25of25voted this as helpful.
Found: A Hidden Object Adventure
After a crash landing, you find yourself stranded on a secret island. As you explore you will meet pirates, discover ruins and so much more in this thrilling Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure!
Overall rating
4/ 5
9 of 11 found this review helpful
Not your typical HOG!
PostedDecember 22, 2012
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Puzzle, Strategy
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Unlike most HOGs on BFG, this one is has a few key differences.
First off, it is free to play, but uses energy to limit how long at a time you can play free. Eventually you'll run out of energy, and you'll have to either wait for energy to recharge, use a food item, buy and use a food item with your diamonds, or buy diamonds with real cash, buy a food item with diamonds, and use it to regain energy.
The only way you pay to play is by pressing the "bank" button and buying gold/diamonds. otherwise it really is a free game! That said, if you want to play it for free, you'll have to take it in modest doses. Use up energy, leave it and come back later when the energy has had time to recharge.
The game itself is different from most HOGs in that you end up replaying the scenes a lot more than usual. Objects you seek don't change much, and there are places each item tend to end up, though they get shuffled a bit.
For me it felt a bit easier than most HOGs are, and I've only failed to make the 5 minute timer once so far, on a night scene where I just couldn't find where the last item was located.
You start out looking for 5 items each scene, but after you've repeated the scene enough times, it will grow to 7, 9, 11 and I suspect 13 may be the cap of items to find in 5 minutes, but I haven't gotten there yet!
I've found I really enjoy a hidden object game where I can usually find all the items without a hint. I feel like I'm growing by collecting all the items and using them to complete quests or collections, and leveling up over time to slowly open new areas is fun too.
For free, you can't go wrong trying this game out!
I recommend this game!
9of11voted this as helpful.
Reality Show: Fatal Shot Collector's Edition
After a man is murdered on a hit reality TV show, you are called in to uncover the truth behind the crime.
Overall rating
5/ 5
18 of 25 found this review helpful
PostedDecember 20, 2012
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Strategy, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
A pure action game, there were no hidden object scenes in this one! It had everything a scary tale needs, from cloroform grabs, to scary clowns, to terrifying murder!
Mini games come frequently, but most of the action is collecting items and figuring out where to use them to progress the story, and your investigation.
No map, but the hint button will guide you to where you need to be if you get lost or stuck. Three levels of difficulty for more advanced players to challenge themselves
Cut scenes added greatly to the story and come fairly frequently, and are also replay-able from the from start screen.
You can replay unlocked mini games from the start page, as well as access many other CE extras like the art and soundtracks.
The demo flew by fast, leaving me wanting to know just who the killer really is, and what really happened with the frightening yet popular new Reality TV show!
I tried all three of the fix it up series now, and found that every one of them was great fun! I plan to own all three, but like many of the reviewers here, I agree that this one seems like the best of all of them!
The story is interesting, and you jump from character to character, experiencing the adventures of all three as they work garages around the world.
The gameplay does look longer from what I've seen of the map screen, and just like the others, this game will suck up your time as you find it hard to stop buying low, fixing up the cars, and selling them back for great profits!
I quickly burned up my hour trial, and wanted more! I'm not generally a time management fan and am definitely not a car fan, but buying, fixing up, and selling/renting these cars out was too much fun!
Kate's parents are a cute couple, and the likeable characters kept me wanting to help them succeed.
The music fit the game well and was easily lost in the background as I played, often too eager to buy and sell more cars I'd lose track of my actual goals and miss best times that way!
I actually spent some time doing free play without story goals, just because I love buying and selling those cars. This is definitely on my buy list!
When I first saw the name of this game, I was expecting a Tycoon type game where I'd be building a mall, designing layouts, trying to decide where to place every little thing which was usually more detail than I wanted.
I was pleasantly surprised to find this game cut to the interesting parts of what I usually like in tycoon games, growing my empire and making it better!
You buy and grow stores, trying to get the star level of each store up as high as possible to attract your customers, and make money. Stars come from hiring the best employee, setting up shop near others of the same type (apparently competition helps everyone?) having decorations placed nearby (just a couple possible spots per store to place) and other things.
In addition you can boost the mall's total value, increasing the shop sales in all shops of the mall, by keeping the mall attractive and clean.
Buying and selling shops is possible, and usually the end goal is to own all the shops in each mall, before you move on to the next mall in the story.
At first I thought I'd be bored with this game. Minigames? where's the real game, I thought!
Yet after an hour I discovered with shock I had run out my demo and was desperately wanting more! It was too much fun watching my resources, planing my building strategy, buying from the traders and growing quickly to accomplish my goals of building the palaces.
I wanted to see how the story developed too, which was shaping up to be very interesting! The minigames themselves were definitely interesting and fun, plus you can buy and place orbs to dodge those games you don't care for so much.