Really do not understand all these 5 star reviews. A very boring game, with all the same game play (chasing away ravens, stuck drawers, oiling things, putting out fires, etc...). Not a single thing new or different . The HOPs are irritating to play, yet more garbage piles that add nothing to game play. The scenes are kind of dark and fuzzy, and the objects to find/morphs are almost just splooshed on the scene, could almost find them with out my glasses. Unpuzzling puzzles we have seen over and over. A very unimaginative tiresome game.
I thought Mad Head had been sold, so I was expecting quality to drop. Is this a great game? No, but in my humble opinion it was way more enjoyable then several recent games released by other devs. The collectibles are fairly difficult to find (they are engraved rather than being solid). I did not like having to use the cell phone to search for symbols in order to advance the game play, it happens twice in the demo(hope that's it). I like the more real world feel(as opposed to made up worlds), and the graphics were clear. Yes, a horn is used to scare a crow, magnet on a rope etc, but I find that the gameplay somehow makes it more tolerable. How I score is, a 2 just for releasing a game, a 3 if I finish the demo, a 4 if I actually enjoy it, a 5 if I know I will be playing it over and over. So, I will probably buy this game, but it will be a pleasant surprised if it is a game I play more than once.
This review is based on the trial. While this game is not an immediate buy for me, it is still better than the last few HOPA games that have been released. It has an interesting story about a policewoman who loses her sister to a serial killer in the past and now works for a PI looking for his missing employee. Its a mystery that I hope does not dissolve into a "mystical" theme (and I suspect that it does due to the "golden" bees that keep appearing), cuz that is a cop out and they should make it clear in the trial. I like games set in the real world, even if they are set in the past (50-70 years ago). The HOPs are fairly relevant to the story, very clear, and the graphics are very good. So far there fairly few of the irritating devices (cutting with glass, diamonds to cut glass etc...) but it is just the trial. There is nothing new, nothing exciting, but it is an ok game that is okay to buy maybe on sale.
I do not understand the 5 star reviews, as this is yet another average offering from Domini. I was bored throughout, absolutely no novel game play or interesting story, and I require one or the other to even make 4 stars. The whole idea is confusing, you're trying to save a world from a jaded hero they made to fight dragons, who froze his "lady love" by "touching" her(??did not sound like she returned the love), and now he is stealing all the world "energy" to thaw her. While the graphics again are colorful and consistent, I find the HOPs irritating due to their "garbage pile" nature that do not really have anything to do with the story. I also have to get it off my chest, that hint button was so big I accidently hit it three times in the first couple of scenes. The game does play a bit smoother than the last few from this game maker, and I did not have to use a shard of glass to cut anything (game is actually refreshingly free of glass, clocks, corks, and glass cutting rings, but it WAS just the trial). However, a few dragons does not make a game worth buying. It pretty much is interchangeable with any other Domini game, nothing new. If what you enjoy is literal repetition, then go ahead. Otherwise, keep your money and replay the ones you already own.
Ok, so I review games by comparing them to my favorites. Once again, despite an ok storyline, we are cutting glass with diamond rings, making scoop nets, scaring birds to get them to drop stuff, repairing gloves to move pokey things. But the thing about these games that irritates me most is the irrational stuff. Why would there be a locked door immediately beside a 2 day old crime scene, or an old record player (yes you have to find the record) with the dead woman's diary beside it that somehow was missed despite all the crime scene stuff. Why would the "spiritualist" policewoman need to find a special sphere to connect to the crime scene at the crime scene?? Its dumb, and Domini games are full of these dumb things, and that's just the trial. I can suspend disbelief with the best of you, but I won't pay for dumb. For those of you who adore Domini games, this is a repeat of all their past games, nothing new or novel. Have fun!
This review is based on the trial. So, within the first few scenes I used a diamond ring to cut glass, a fan to move smoke, nuts to bribe a a squirrel, replaced books on a shelf , pine resin to glue stuff, fishing rod to pick something up blah blah blah. When are the developers going to figure out that creativity is more than pretty graphics and fantasy creatures. The story is boring, the play, a clone of many games. I especially dislike the hops of this developer, they feel like they have nothing to do with the story, kind of junkpile-ish. I miss Mad Head and Eipix. If what you enjoy is repetition, then this is your game. Or just replay the games you already own.
Yes, it is a pretty game, full of over saturated colors and scenes. However, those colors make it difficult to see the difference between items in the the HOPs and scenes. In some scenes, you cannot even tell what the item you are picking up is until it is in your inventory. We have bought most all of the Christmas games over the years, but this is one of the least appealing. There really is no whimsy or charm to it. We have an evil sorceress, and a goblin character destroying presents, and none of it is really all that fun (not at all like the early Tin Soldier type games). This is where I want the child like magical sweet fun to show up (like the old boxtrolls), but it just falls flat. There are so many Christmas themes out there to explore, and here we are with the same evil sorceress...and a goblin. Sorry, but I want something better. Buy one of the nicer games from a few years ago(Nutcracker, Tin Soldier, Gift of the Magi, puss in boots, even Christmas express), or replay them, they are way better than this.
Played for 15 minutes and gave up. There is no real attempt to draw your interest, or make anything new. Just a rehash of games I did not really enjoy the first time around. Not sure where this developer is going by bringing back old games in a a mushy, disinteresting way. For me the original Dire Grove was a great game, the 2nd was awful. To integrate games I have otherwise long forgotten and never replayed is a definite no buy. I tried the game to be fair, but was bored and irritated within the first 10-15 min. It is non-intuitive and does not engage the player. If you absolutely adored the original games (Ravenhurst, Carnival, etc..) then I guess you you will want this one. I disliked them, finding them tedious, and that is how I feel about this one. Sorry GrandMa, you need to try harder!
Look, it is dumb to make the player collect shiny sparkly things to charge the godmother wand, then give immediate swirly purple power to the one who steals it. It is dumb that the player goes uninvited into three separate houses(though there is a "detective" on the scene), only to use a fork to pull out nails, torch (with many parts) for cobwebs, and a corkscrew to open a drawer (all mine open even without the pull, thanks). These are silly, even if you never encountered them in at least a few hundred other games. It's more demeaning than childish.
Look, Big Fish, I am tired of being "gamed" down to. This is a clone of previous mediocre (at best) games, not awful, just childishly simple, straight forward, no brain power needed. I like to play the occasional easy going ones, just don't want a dumb one, its irritating. There is no game to this game, if you know what I mean. I find myself replaying older, better games, hoping for better times...
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
I played the collectors edition of this game and loved it. It's extremely challenging. It starts out really easy and gets progressively harder as the levels increase. You need to purchase the upgrades in order to get 5 stars on each level. For anyone who loves food time management games, this one is great.