This is yet another rehash of the previous graphics, ideas and theme of all the previous games in the MCF series. Nothing new to catch my attention. If you liked Fates Carnival, this is a slighly less irritating version of it. I played the full demo, waited for something to happen. No real stimulation to finish the game, just tedious task after tedious task, without point. For the entire demo you collect a MCF badge to plug into another scene, which gets you into a room that rehashes the previous games in this series. Yes graphics are clear and lovely, but they are replays of others games in this series, no reason to buy this one, just replay the others. Got bored waiting for the game to get to the point...
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
Another pretty game, but with very little else to elevate it from past games. I kept waiting for something to happen, but it was just the same pointless use button to unscrew, weird item to unlock other weird item, mix strange things to make pesticide sort of game. Another evil leprechaun (witch, wizard, entity etc...) sucking the essence out of something to gain power/get wealth. I have nothing against fantasy games, but they quickly become cutesy/tedious if the actions you are asked to perform make no real sense and do not advance the gameplay. These games very rarely hit the mark for me in interesting gameplay, and this one is no different. It is marginally better than the last few Labyrinth (we own a few of the older ones) games, but after playing the first 45 minutes of the demo I turned it off. Someone commented that the HOPs were better, but I found them to be irritating, some of the written clues did not really match to the items you are looking for. The mini games have been seen repeatedly in older games as well. All in all, nothing new, nothing interesting. Another no buy for me, as I already own at least a half dozen that are very similar from 4-5 years ago! Please developers, try harder...
I don't recommend this game.
18of30voted this as helpful.
The Love Boat™: Second Chances Collector's Edition
Get ready for a new time management adventure with the Love Boat crew!
I've never given a review but i couldn't help myself here. I was excited for another Love Boat because I loved the original and bought the game without trying it...bad mistake! The game itself is boring and the levels are way too easy and too quick! There's no difficulty setting that i could find. Also, the mini-games are repetitive and annoying at best. There's no skill to this game. It seems it was made for children. The Delicious series and all their spin-offs are getting worse and worse as the games come out. I really hope they'll go back to the original format because these new ones are awful...especially this one!
Yet another average game...and when I say average, it is my sadness to say that as silly as this game is in places, there have been many that are much worse released since the beginning of this year, so I cannot rate this lower in comparison. My sister and I own over 600 games on this site(since 2013), and we usually only buy collecter's editions on the HOPA games because we like the extra stuff to find, and to replay HOPs and games. The minute I finished this game, I forgot it, to the point that even though I bought/played it shortly after it came out just a few weeks ago (cuz I was bored, that's why), I had to refresh my memory to be able to review it. I did not replay anything, I lost interest the minute I finished this game, and deleted it from my desktop. I dislike mixed up genres--If you are a fantasy game, be fantastic. If you are a detective game, then what is with the fantastical contrivance of special "glasses" to figure out a crime scene? It adds nothing to the story or gameplay, and really just serves to exclude the player. And, If I can carry a little jackknife and flashlight on my keychain, why doesn't a detective have a fingerprint kit, or common sense? It is things like that that ruin games. I think that this game was attempting at "noir" but came very short. I did play it to the end, because I wanted to see what happened, so for that reason I give it an average review. Could have been so much better with just a few changes. Technology is only getting better, so I can only blame all these lame games on bad writing and lack of interest on the developers part. Was it awful? No. It was occasionally confusing, and did not flow well, and I did not have any connection to the characters. The story was still engaging, just not well executed. The morphing objects were mostly easy to see, and the graphics were good. But for me, the story and believability within the game is the key, and gameplay needs to make sense to the story. Anything else gets deleted.
Ok, this games is just ok. In comparison to many others that have been released in the last year, it hits just a hair above average. It starts out in the ubiquitous scary mansion, with the scary haunting lady who used to be good but gets drawn into the dark side because of a dark object. Everything is pretty much the same as every other game in the series. Many bemoan the lack of games like "Fates Carnival", but I don't, as I found that one long and tedious with too many puzzles and back and forth. For me, so far, this series began and ended with "Dire Grove", the only one I truly enjoyed. I want games where I can vicariously search thru people's medicine cabinets, cook something in their kitchen, root thru their cars, rummage thru the garage, read their mail, etc., even if there is nothing in there I need. This game has none of that, it is just more of find this thing laying in or around something else, put it in that thing so you can unlock this door/chest/object. I already own many of those. As well, it looks like at the end of the demo, you are going into an alternate version of the mansion thru a mirror (sigh), which I also dislike...I have bought many games where the game play switches from "reality" to some fantasy world after the demo, and it is irritating buying one type of game and getting another. Bottom line, it plays ok, kind of dark but not at all scary, easy to play, flows ok, storyline repetitive but makes sense (so far) within the game, characters unsympathetic but not irritating. I played the whole demo, which lately I only manage to do with a quarter of the games released because they are so incredibly tedious. Nothing about the game jumps out and says "buy me now", but I would use it as the second game in a buy one, get one free sale, unless something better comes along...