Full game completed. I found it way to easy, with next to no challenge. Game seemed short, but, that could be because play was so simple. Some of the scenes were slightly blurry. Story was the usual. I don't play with sound. Items were predictable, with some being used more than once. Some items are the same in 2 other series. Game was boring. (only my opinion, though.)
Approx. 15mins of demo played. The game has so much dialogue, it's beyond ridiculous. Another pet hate of mine is, having completed each level, I'm then forced to wait until all explosions and matches are finished, before I can move on. A definite no-no for me.
Missing this game, is probably for the best! No challenge, whatsoever.. No fun. Graphics, are certainly not the best. Can't comment on sound/music. This has got to be, one of the most boring, insultingly simple, & shortest games, in the history of gamedom! I used to look forward, to new G.F. 's coming out. Now, I'll be looking forward, to them not!
Really liked the look of this game. There hasn't been many, half decent Match 3's lately, without sparkly bits, & things! Game loads O.K. (Win 10.) I don't use sound. Graphics aren't too bad. How many loading bars/screens, does 1 game need? Try this, & be amazed! Game really slow, because of this. I also became bored, with all the waiting, before & after, just about every screen.
I won't be purchasing this game. This is only 1 opinion, though. Other fishies love it. I hope you do, too.
Demo only. Great title. I thought game was going to be, as good, or close to. Didn't happen! Super easy game, if testing the water, with match 3. Can skip dialogue. Boards played o.k., & not too small. Graphics, to me, were awful. I played over half of demo, & had completed, nearly 50% of the game. A definite no buy, for me. What a waste, of a good idea.
I recommend the game, if you like them simple, & short, as a time filler.
Overall, an O.K. game. Nothing special, but, not terrible. Dialogue scenes - too 'cartoony' for me. They can be skipped, though. Game-play is quite easy. The boards are a decent size. The tiles drop quickly. An absolute must - for me - I can carry on playing, while match 3's are happening. There were some annoyances - Every level has to load, When all requirements, are completed, for a level, the game carries on playing itself, until all bonuses are used up. Then the elements book, earth, wind, etc., appears - each level produces a part of an element - which I have to exit. Then the loading bar is back, to begin the next level. It does get bit boring, & tedious, after a few levels. I gave up, & deleted the game, as it wasn't enjoyable. Too much faffing about, to be fun. As always, this just my opinion. It may be the game for you, though.
Game is the non identical twin, of Laruaville! Same, same, or, similar, in nearly every way. From same developer, as Laruaville. Doesn't mean we should be expected to buy the same game, with different name. Really disappointed with this 'new game.' I use the term 'new' extremely loosely.
As always, just my opinion. I can't recommend a game, that I will never buy. I do recommend, try before you buy.
Should've been a smooth game. Not! Timer generous - I don't do timers! - & had plenty of time. Tried it for a change. Froze approx. 5x, at beginning, but, I was a brave soldier, & battled on. Wish I'd taken cowards way out now! What totally put me off, & was really irritating, was 'NO MORE MOVES!' The amount of times those words appeared, was beyond ridiculous. I joke you not! Had to get rid. The challenge was, to stay calm! I don't play games, to end up annoyed, irritated, & on the verge of having an episode of some kind! If you can stand seeing those 3 words - lots & lots, then go for it. If you can't, please don't waste your hard earned cash.
Part demo only. Where on earth, was this dug up from? No custom mode. Relaxed, or timed, only. Archaic options. Absolute minimum. Challenge - zero. Graphics - terrible. Old woman, at the start, wasn't walking. She was sliding. Slowly. Playing made me feel as if I had bad eye-sight. That was with my glasses on!!! Out of focus. Levels - called 'stages' in this - are over in no time. That's how simple it is. Where have the good games gone?