Demo only. Thank goodness! Standard, or system cursor. Lockable inventory. Fit my large screen ok. Only 2 play modes - casual & advanced. 'Hidden' object scenes, don't have many objects to find. I don't get that, as it's a 'hidden ' object game! 'Hidden' objects, are big, & in your face. Zero challenge. Areas of interest (not in this game!) have a big eye appear. Some scenes 3, all at once. I found the whole thing, bland, dull, & just plain boring. The game seems old. Like it's been dusted off, & threw out, for us. I thought there was way too much dialogue. As always, just my opinion.
I have a few of the earlier games, which I enjoyed. Nearly bought this one, on spec. Wowzer, how pleased am I, that I did try the demo 1st? What have they done to this edition? Whatever it is, the game's ruined. For me anyway. Is it aimed at youngsters? (Nothing against 'young games.') Children will love this. The tiles seem much bigger, than previously. Boards are smaller, which makes it worse. There is a choice of difficulty modes. Graphics are good. (That's 2 plusses!) I was finishing boards, with just a few matches! Everything sparkles, flashes, twists. All things that annoy, or distract. Or both! So disappointed. Is this another series, going...going..... somewhere?
I don't recommend this game.
22of28voted this as helpful.
Lost Bounty: A Pirate's Quest
Follow Anne and the Harpie's Song around Skull Island and discover pirates, treasure and adventure!
Demo only. Graphics, & colours are good. The tiles are bigger, than in M3's I usually play. Nice, & colourful, though. There are dialogue pages. which can be skipped straight away. Don't use audio, so can't comment. The game moves quite fast, which is spot on. The game may get more challenging, the further into the game you get. What spoiled the game, was, too many bombs, dynamite, etc., appearing all at once. I like to play a game, & use explosives, when stuck. There's no choice in this game. With so many, the game can't flow, & explosives just about clear the board. Shame really.
C.E. Demo. (Nowhere near 90 mins.) Boring. Story copied, rehashed, 37.75 times! Then there's the hated 'gimmicky', thing - a sucky, shaky, amulet thing. Oh yes, it's used a heck of a lot, & I only played part of the demo. There's no WOW. There isn't even a W! Definitely not, in my opinion, C.E. worthy. Most C.E.s are heading backwards, with next to no extras. They should rename them - An S.E. with an S.G. Just my opinion. Enjoy.
This has to be the worst, of the series. Boring. No challenge. Does that man ever move from that window? Does that woman ever let go, of that handle? Both may have to be surgically removed! Glad I tried demo. Well, some of it. Just my opinion, though. What's happened to good, challenging, gimmick free, enjoyable games? Hmmm! I wouldn't buy this free!
As I have the others, in the series, I thought this would as good, if not, better than the previous 4. I did play the demo, first. That was ok, so I bought it. Big mistake! Huge! As soon as I started playing, the game just got worse, and worse. Where's the match 3's? Where's the challenge? Where's the fun? All I seemed to be doing, was matching 3 bombs! Some levels, I couldn't match 3 of anything, except the bombs. Other levels, by the time all the explosions were finished, I was left with.....nothing. Level completed! The matching of 3 bombs, must be the match 3 game? This is only my opinion, though.
Part demo only. Thank goodness! This seemed older than the old games. Graphics were blurry, & just plain terrible. Phew! So glad I didn't purchase, without trying the demo, first.
S.E. Demo. I tried the demo, after reading some rave reviews. Was I playing the same game? Only one play mode. I couldn't skip cut scenes. Could skip dialogue. No map, so a 'back & forward' game. 16 clicks, to go back to first scene, pick up 1 item, then back again, to where I'd just come from. Boring. No diary. There is a task list. Plenty H.O.s. Lists only. None interactive. Can switch to M3, instead. Some H.O.s visited twice, & they are so annoyingly easy to do. Graphics, not the best. I know this is an old game, & boy, it shows. Scenes were boring. I don't have audio on, so can't comment. The whole demo was just dull, & tedious. I can't recommend this game. I've found some reviews, are nearly always 4-5*, for most games, so please read others, too. As always, this is only my opinion. You decide.
Part demo only. Story was, well... I've no idea, really! Seemed hitty missy. Graphics & colours were ok, though some scenes were hazy ish. Probably intentional? Didn't come across any glitches, in the short time I played. Can use system cursor. I won't be buying this one, as shock, horror, here we go again - a blinking helper! Shame really, as it's slightly different, from what I normally play. Ah well, never mind.
5of5voted this as helpful.
Redemption Cemetery: The Island of the Lost
You crash-land on an island populated by ghosts. Like them, are you trapped here forever?
I thought reviews were to be honest opinions? My 1st wasn't accepted. It was, well, my honest opinion. Easy game. Graphics are o.k. Lowest hint/skip time - 30 seconds, for both. When I lowered one, the other increased. Cursor behaves. Demo ended, after 33 mins.,which, in my honest opinion, is way too short. Because of that, I won't be purchasing the game. I'm disappointed, as, I have others in the series.