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Help Emily through the ups and downs of her pregnancy in the latest Delicious adventure!
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
47 of 48 found this review helpful
Delicious series is no fun anymore
PostedNovember 9, 2017
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
1 / 5
1 / 5
I used to buy every game of the series, enjoying how unique it was. The storyline was fun until Paige came along, and gradually, the series started to go downhill. I still try the demos because I hope the series will find back to its form, but most of the times I'm disappointed.
This time, I didn't even finish the demo. The gameplay is as usual, they added a few tiny changes, but there is nothing really new there. That is not bad in itself, but unfortunately, the challenge level has gone downhill as well. In previous games one was always busy, some levels were even difficult to do on the first try. Here, it's three stars on the first try way before the level even ends. The side tasks are taken care of quickly and easily, even in the extra levels. Maybe they want to make the game appealing to new players, but they could have resorted to offering two skill options, like they used to. Now, it is just boring.
The graphics aren't awful, but they are not as good as they used to be. They look cartoonish. The facial expressions in the animated scenes are weird and don't always fit. They are also kept too long sometimes. What are the characters waiting for? A laugh track? These animated scenes used to be fun to watch and flowed well.
The storyline wasn't too my taste at all (and neither are some of the future locations - it's all children-related and doesn't feel like a restaurant game anymore). Paige is still a brat and her awful behaviour is still considered cute by her family. Emily has become whiny and annoying, the storyline is boring. The story used to be the highlight of each Delicious game - I remember when I couldn't wait to see how it continues. Now, I skipped after some lines of lame dialogue and strangely animated facial expressions.
Another strange thing is that the game freezes for a while every time one starts a new level or skips a scene. I never had that issue with a previous Delicious game.
Maybe a new player might enjoy the game. It still has the basics of the old series, they still came up with a nice variety of dishes to prepare and for someone looking for a relaxing TM game, this could be the one. For me however it feels as if they took a few steps back with mediocre graphics, awkward animation, freezing times and challenge level.
Maybe they could give Emily her spirit back, finally come up with a story line again that doesn't revolve around toddlers / babies, and put the challenge level up (a lot). Then it would be a fun series again.
I don't recommend this game.
47of 48voted this as helpful.
A Halloween party becomes a spine-tingling fight for survival!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
7 of 11 found this review helpful
Been there, done that
PostedNovember 1, 2017
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Time Management
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
4 / 5
I played about 30 minutes of the demo and then stopped because I was getting rather bored, so this wasn't really my cup of tea.
First, the good things. The graphics are nice, very colourful and done with care. There are a few shock effects which are mainly things suddenly appearing. Not really scary, but absolutely fine for this sort of game. There are also a few objects that give animations when one clicks on them - nice details. So the design is well done.
As for the sound effects, the music went on my nerves very quickly, it's overly dramatic. The other sound effects were good.
The story seems promising and it might have been interesting to explore it further (though I read this seems to be a short game, so I'm not really sure how well the story is crafted, then). However, the tasks/riddles were below par. Not all of them, some of the mini games were not bad and the HOG scenes were lightened up by interaction with objects and sub-tasks. Still, there was just too much of the "find shaped object to open a container". This seems to be a popular thing with many games and it gets overused quite a lot. Here, I would say that 60 - 70 % of all tasks were like this and it just got old very quickly. As the other tasks were okay, but not more, they didn't help make this more interesting. So I noticed how I was getting less engaged by the minute.
It's a pity when graphics and details are no nicely done but the tasks are so lacklustre.
I don't recommend this game.
7of 11voted this as helpful.
Do you have the time management skills necessary to manage a hotel where both mortals and the undead come to stay?
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
10 of 11 found this review helpful
Very simple, but fun
PostedJuly 29, 2017
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
3 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
I'm glad I downloaded it in spite of the two initial bad reviews. This is a very simple TM game. Guests either want to eat or stay in a room, so when they arrive you either click on a table or a room door. Occasionally, you get guests you don't want, so you add something to their food to make them leave. Most of the game is clicking on the bubbles that show you what guests want, bringing things, collecting money and cleaning up. It couldn't be more basic, but yet it is fun, especially when more guests come and pace picks up a bit.
The graphics are simple, but not as bad as one reviewer made them out to be. The background looks quite nice, the characters are bulky and the whole game has a bit of a dated look, but it's fine and certainly doesn't ruin game play.
I had no problems at all with things not working, the game ran smoothly, all clicks worked. Three things I didn't enjoy so much: the waiter can only carry one thing at a time and the game is not very challenging. There is no minimum amount of money to be made during a level, you just play until you have enough money to move on. The third thing is the very bad English ("site" instead of "sight", "increase" instead of "decrease" etc.). If one wants to sell a game in English, one should let a native speaker read the text.
In total, it's a simple game, there's nothing really new, but it has a nice pace and is fun. I wouldn't pay full price for it but will definitely buy it during a sale.
I recommend this game!
10of 11voted this as helpful.
Discover a new cooking game from the creators of the award-winning Delicious series
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
3 of 4 found this review helpful
Another Delicious clone, but at least a good one
PostedApril 22, 2017
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
I only downloaded the demo because of the good reviews - I'm a bit fed up with all these Delicious clones. If you played any Delicious-type game, you know how this one works, as it is once more exactly the same.
Still, it was enjoyable to play, much more so than some of the other clones. There is nothing new to the gameplay, but almost all of the dishes require some kind of preparation and so this makes the game a bit more fast-paced and keeps one busy. The dishes are also quite nice to look at.
When you choose "expert" level at the beginning, you get a few warnings how extremely difficult it will be, but I found that not to be true, I made three stars on each level right away and the extra levels neither were difficult to do (this is my conclusion after playing the demo - maybe it picks up later on). So it's no real challenge, but still entertaining enough.
I won't be buying the collector's edition and I won't pay full price when this game comes out as a regular edition (as I don't approve of being sold the same game with different pictures and characters over and over again), but I'd buy the regular edition at a sale's price.
I recommend this game!
3of 4voted this as helpful.
Help Maggie keep the show running, stay out of the Hollywood drama and follow her dream!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
0 of 1 found this review helpful
Delicious once more
PostedApril 14, 2017
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
This is basically Delicious, just with different pictures, just like "Angela's Fashion Fever" or "Cathy's Crafts". It seems the publisher is out of ideas and therefore just puts the same game out again and again, with different characters and a different setting (reminds me of Farm Frenzy when it stopped being good). There is absolutely no development in gameplay, and for a publisher that once always managed to surprise me with new twists to the Delicious series and the lovely Allison Heart games, it feels very disappointing and lazy.
So, you do what you did in all the Delicious games before - you pour drinks, you put dishes together, you deliver things, you clean up afterwards. Three challenge levels, the extra tasks on the expert levels are the same as well - serve only happy customers, find items and so on. Even the mouse is still there. The movie background is not bad, one can follow the dialogue in the scenes being filmed, but it doesn't add anything new to the gameplay.
I found myself being able to play on autopilot more or less and when I realized I was mentally making my shopping list while playing and that only half an hour of the demo had passed, I also realized that at least for me, the Delicious formula is stale now. It's not a bad game in itself, but there is absolutely no incentive for me to buy this.
I don't recommend this game.
0of 1voted this as helpful.
Follow Lisa's journey as she learns the intricacies of running her own movie studio. Visit the world's trendiest movie festivals, meet celebrities and fall madly in love!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
22 of 23 found this review helpful
Very entertaining, with some nice new ideas
PostedApril 14, 2017
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Time Management
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
I didn't expect much from this game, due to the very mixed reviews on here, but it surprised me and I enjoyed it very much.
It's basically your typical TM game - you take care of tasks within a certain time. Here, the tasks are taking props to different movie stages, sending employees there to solve problems, dressing actors up correctly. It's a nice mix of things do to and it adds a few new ideas to the TM routine known from other games. It gets a bonus point for not being one of the countless "Delicious" clones currently overflowing the TM market (don't get me wrong, I liked the Delicious games until Paige ruined them, but it's annoying to have countless games copying them).
Dressing up the actors certainly puts a nice twist into the "click and bring stuff"-routine. The right actor has to be chosen and he/she has to be dressed in the right combination. You start with one outfit, but more and more outfits are added and there also combined differently, so it doesn't get boring.
You start with two film sets and then two more are added, so pace picks up nicely. The film sets are all animated well and so there's always something to see. The graphics overall are cute, but not exceptional. Still, they make for a nice quirky background.
Updates are good and make sense, the tutorial can be skipped (always a big plus, though here I needed it in the beginning - it's not too intrusive). The game in total is much more fun that I would have thought and a definite buy for me.
I recommend this game!
22of 23voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
57 of 68 found this review helpful
Not the best Delicious game
PostedDecember 13, 2016
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Time Management
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
2 / 5
I still think the Delicious series is one of the best ones around. In this game, the graphics are nice, there are a few subtle improvements (and Evelyn looked delightful in her winter outfit!).
Overall, though, I was a bit disappointed. I don't expect big innovations of an already very good series, but it was the first time that game play left me with a bit of a "meh"-feeling. Not very challenging, very much the same as before, somehow I didn't feel the usual "oh, just one more level" eagerness.
A major weak point of this game was the storyline, though. Paige was always a bit annoying, but here she is just unbearable. For the first time in a Delicious game I had to skip the story after some levels because Paige just got on my nerves so much. I wistfully thought back to the last Christmas themed Delicious game (Emily's Holiday Season) which was the first Delicious game where the storyline captured me.
So, it's still a good game, but - in my opinion - not up to the usual standard (which started to slip with Emily's Hopes and Fears).
I recommend this game!
57of 68voted this as helpful.
Travel to the glory days of ancient Egypt when impressive and mysterious buildings characterized the western shores of the Nile.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
5 of 5 found this review helpful
Old-fashioned controls take the fun out of an otherwise nice game
PostedJuly 19, 2015
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management, Strategy
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
I had quite high hopes for this game; I was a big fan of the Civilization series and always enjoy building games that require a bit of planning and strategy. So I very much wanted to like this game.
I found the controls to be extremely tedious. Everything requires so much more clicking than should be necessary and it all moved rather slow. The graphics are also very old-fashioned. In fact, I found this game to be more user-unfriendly than the very first Civilization game.
I did my best to stick it out, hoping that I would get used to the controls, because the game idea is nice and I could see the potential. But with every level, the tedious controls just became more annoying. So this is no buy for me.
I don't recommend this game.
5of 5voted this as helpful.
After living on a pink cloud for over a year Emily decides to reopen Emily's Place!
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
7 of 7 found this review helpful
Good, but could have been better
PostedJanuary 6, 2015
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Time Management
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
2 / 5
I'm a big fan of the Delicious games, especially since they fleshed the series out with nice storylines, interesting characters and extra tasks during levels. That said, I wasn't very much looking forward to this game because I'm not all that crazy about the baby storyline.
However, after playing the game, the baby bits are less annoying than I thought - still I think the game would have been better without them.
Emily's New Beginning introduced some new features that I like. There is a customer forecast before each level, each customer group has different preferences with regard to food, different patience and tipping levels. The menu can now be adjusted according to the expected customer groups, and I enjoyed it. It adds a nice twist to the game, though I couldn't tell how much influence the menu actually has. I once forgot to adjust the menu and still got three stars without problem. Still, it's a nice touch.
There are five (six with the CE extra) restaurants and they all have different food and drink items. No locations are revisited, as in some other Emily games. The food items always fit the restaurant type well, as do the customer groups. The graphics, as always, are very nicely done, with good details.
There were some things I didn't enjoy so much, especially in comparison with previous Delicious games. The storyline is very weak and most of it revolved around something "cute" the baby just did and adds nothing to the story. Emily's quirky family members hardly show up except to admire the baby. That's a pity, because they are always fun to see, but here they were little more than props for the baby. Patrick was his usually wimpy self and didn't do much except for constantly asking "How are my girls?"
So that took a bit of the fun out of the game - I was less involved and less interested than usual. The baby itself is quite cute, but still rather annoying. She crawls around each restaurant a lot and some guests don't like that, so one always has to watch what she's doing. That adds a challenge to the game, but not a fun one. I relished the few levels without the baby. - Emily was less likable than usual, especially as an employee (using her employer's restaurant for her baby's birthday party against his will, during business hours, and leaving a mess on the next day - really?).
The game felt shorter than the others (though it has as many levels, unless I'm mistaken), and is not very challenging. The 3 stars are easily reached, there were not a lot of extra tasks and I never felt particularly rushed.
So, yes, it's still a very nicely done TM game, with delightful graphics and details, and they did put some new twists into gameplay, as always. But in total, a bit of what made the Delicious series so unique to me is gone and has been replaced with a half-hearted storyline and a very spoiled baby.
I recommend this game!
7of 7voted this as helpful.
 PuppetShow: Lightning Strikes Collector's Edition
PuppetShow: Lightning Strikes Collector's Edition
The women of Paris are being turned into puppets! Can you find out who's pulling the strings?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
2 of 4 found this review helpful
The Puppet Show Series never disappoints
PostedAugust 28, 2014
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Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
4 / 5
While some series seem to get weaker with each new game, this new Puppet Show game once more managed to enthrall me. I have just finished the demo and will definitely buy this.
The storyline is intriguing - young girls disappearing after being struck by lightning. Why and how - nobody knows. One investigates in 1888 Paris. The locations are very nicely created and several little movie scenes move the story forward at good space. We meet our old nemesis, the spider puppet and several other interestingly designed puppets and creatures. As always, the creators had a wealth of amazing visual ideas, it's always surprising what pops up in some corner.
As others mentioned, this is a bit different from the previous games, though I have to say that I enjoy the new additions. There's a case book to sort clues, a nicely created Paris and a clairvoyant who helps along. There is however also still enough from the old games to keep the Puppet Show spirit.
The game is simple (I played in casual mode), maybe even a bit to simple, but then it might be different on the other two difficulty levels. So far, I don't mind the handholding too much, though I can understand that it might not provide enough challenge for very seasoned players. For me, this is a nice relaxing game with a delightfully spooky theme.
I recommend this game!
2of 4voted this as helpful.