Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
Even if you have never played any of the series before I think you would maybe let it scrape in at OK. However if you have any of the others, don't bother, it's constant boring tasks.
What's new: *You have to keep your buildings open by lighting alters or they stop producing and are locked off. *You supplement your food by first growing your own bushes * There are slugs as another creature of 'removal' * Standing on two buttons at the same time to remove barriers
What's the same: *Everything lol, including no connection with the characters or warmth to the game. Just hard no fun slog * A chest you get your temporary bonus from every few levels *Wood, gold, food, stone *A tough timer..stressful not fun. *Upgrade everything or else..no win *It does HAVE a strategy guide * Bonuses like run or work fast etc *portals, ghosts, markets, and ships
I find the timer on this too tough (all games), and for me personally I never play relaxed, my fun is beating the timer by clever strategy and swift moves. This game is just like spending a day on the slave line to win without any thinking properties. Just go fast, upgrade everything, and stress out.
There is ONE original property of this game and series, and you need it a fair bit..you do not have to clear the road "in order'. You can bypass gold and food to get to wood or a building you wish to get happening so as to get your second worker quicker or supply running.
I honestly had really had enough by the end of the demo. As a CE the only extras are art and music. There are no collectables or much of interest. You cant even see how many extra levels there are ahead of finishing the main game.
Its a wide pass for me as far as purchase. I have never rated this series well and this game is no different.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This is classic TM and classic Northern Tale. A build, gather and meet goals. But it is a lovely series and we haven't had one for a while. And just like most things even though they are what you remember, they have kind of shrunk, like the sweets you ate as a kid. Same thing..but smaller. There are only 40 levels on this compared to the 50 they used to offer.
Having said that..I let them regain the star I was going to take off because they left one of the most fun parts in the SE that you usually only get with a CE. There are number of hidden objects on each level (you can see how many on the ? at the top)..when you find one by moving your cursor around a rainbow appears where it is. As long as you have gained your 3 stars you can go back and get the objects and your score will stay. But you cant just go back and get the objects and go out...must play the level out the level out till the end again, (but you don't need to worry about your score, your 3 will stay). If you don't finish the level out again.the objects wont register.. (perhaps that's why we only get 40 lol)
There are a couple of technical issues, it is a bit slow to load and if your cursor is a bit 'floaty' go to options and 'untick' the box. This happens lately in some games.
There are wolves to scare, people to consult, buildings to upgrade, magical stones to destroy and lots of bonuses for more of stuff or extra workers etc. It is really just standard TM, but what sets it apart are the wonderful graphics, a sense of warmth with the characters and the strategy is top notch.
As always try the demo, its not perfect in the mechanics, and the levels are a bit of a short change, but all in all its the wonderful game we have always loved. Enjoy
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
It took me quite a few repeats on the low levels to really get a handle on this game, as every level is so different and introducing new features there's a lot to take in. But that's what makes this a great game.
It is a gather, build and meet goals TM, but there are lots of novel features (bits of quite a few games by this developer).
Firstly the railroad is the main feature. There is a train that delivers recources to the main platform that you buy with the gold from your houses..but there are also small stations that it drops stuff off to you free of charge. And on every level till you get your first delivery you have no idea which resource (food, ore, wood etc) it is actually going to bring you. So it keeps your interest just hoping for something special lol
Once you have an idea what the train is bringing..then its pure strategy. You must do it the right way, right upgrades, right direction and then stuff like remembering to actually put a worker in the production buildings you built.
There is a fellow who sells you food for cash, and a sherrif and robbers (requiring a jail) and extra resources can be found by chopping trees, digging ore or gold so you are not totally reliant on either the buildings nor the train. So lots of running around, lots of thinking and plenty of fun once you get the flow of it.
There are three modes including relax, but I find that just normal is plenty enough challenge for me. Every level has something a little different and it makes you look forward to what may be in store. I think its great, but play the demo and give yourself a chance to find your rhythm. Enjoy!
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Based on playing the CE. Well there has been 'country' and 'kingdom' and now here is 'caveman' Tales. I think its the best of the series. Its humorous, its strategic, and its busy.
Your workers start out quite slow, but after they have 'worked' for a while you promote them at the headquarters and it all picks up a notch.
Its got the usual stuff, build, gather, collect, chase away thieves,animals and build momuments. Even explore caves, (that may be a dud or resource) and heal the sick. The merchants are there and some magical qualities in the tasks and of some buildings.
The money is quite novel as rather 'flintstones' looking cash, and in this you can get the kids to collect food from the bushes (non replenishing). You need to keep track of how many building plots you need to meet the goals, and its always your choice what you build. That's an important part of the strategy. In fact on some levels its more like what can I demolish to build what I need?
(Here's a tip, I found that collecting a lot of food 30-40..meant I could also demolish the farm. This is brand new for the series, in others you had to have a farm standing on a plot to enable you to continue feeding your houses..this one allows you to just use your already gathered stock. I hope that's not a spoiler, but having played the CE, its the only way to finish some levels. Nice improvement.
I just love the game. It has smooth movement, and you can skip the cut scenes if you want. (but they are fun). There is a hidden treasure chest on each level that you find when it sparkles, and it adds a small but important bit of gold to your cash.
Please always try the demo, but if you love a 'put your thinking cap on' TM this one is it. Enjoy!
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
I have always liked this series. And this game is like the others, fairly light hearted, interesting story line and smooth mechanics. There are 45 levels and it seems 10 extra as bonus.
I did however find this one way oversimplistic compared to the others I have enjoyed. I was finishing in 'normal' with half time bars, and even in expert there was a lot of time.
My main gripe of this one is that when you click on an item to see what it is about you put it in a queue that I couldn't seem to get rid of and so you cant change your mind. Sometimes I had four or five tasks numbered just from exploring things, and first up was first served.
There were a few little novel bits like a maze, and a few new tasks like rafts to make and items requiring three parts etc, but really I found it getting a bit mundane.
The CE itself has all the bells and whistles including collectables, 2 on each level, a statuette and a tortoise you must grab at the right time because it 'sort of' morphs lol. There is a decent strategy guide (that you probably wont need) Admittedly I am only 25 levels in..but by now it should be more interesting (no matter how much the voice tells you it is)
There is a relax mode, and there are new features, but to me this time it just misses the mark somehow. Try the demo always. I will play the game out, and it will be OK, but that's all it is IMHO. I am not hitting the 'recommend' section because I cant go the other way either. Its not a 'dislike' just not exciting enough. Cheers.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I rarely (almost never) review Hidden Object games, but this one really grabbed me! The graphics are gorgeous and I really like that the animals actually talk.
Its a normal HO game with puzzles and an adventure story, but it has the two features I really like, a custom mode where you can set the hint and skip to zero, and an alternative match 3 game for the HO's
Try the demo of course, but I just loved the colourful screens one after another after another. No dull grey palette here, and the story about the animals really takes just as much precedence as your own adventure side by side.
Well this is actually a star or two above what I generally rate games from this developer because at least they are trying hard to do better. And even though this is not part of a series, we mostly all know the style of this game, so I will keep it brief and just lock in the key points:
What's new (for a change) -You are operating out of two base camps often -There are lucky dip treasure chests along the road -there are more characters to rid along the pathway -The timers are circles not a numbered countdown -The characters turn and applaud you at levels end -the speed bonus is SUPER fast
What's improved: -The animation has stepped up a notch. The buildings are cute and colourful, and the workers look almost realistic. (There is a thief that actually looks very shady lol) -Waiting for resources is much improved (not a lot of idle gaps)
What's the same: -The tasks do become quite the same things, very standard requirements of stocking up on one resource or creating certain level on a particular building. -The sense of not much warmth nor 'excitement' in the game. (Getting better at it though) -Lots of levels
This is not a bad offering, but personally I don't think I would even buy the SE let alone the CE. It would still feel like a chore wading through the generous amount of levels offered task after task..
There are three modes of play including relaxed, but really unless you just like watching tiny characters picking up stuff and building, the strategy is not too impressive. As long as you upgrade and build everything you will make the time. You know its liable to need a lot of wood when you see three sawmills on the level or food with three mills
Try the demo. As a stand alone game its ok. For me its still a pass, but I hope this developer keeps making the effort and tweaking their games and I may go back to purchasing them like I did way back when they were novel and changing constantly.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
This is a bit of a steal from my CE review.
Well this certainly is a 'gather resources' game..there are heaps! I bought the game with a coupon and just as well because I would have used up my whole demo time just figuring out what to do! Its very busy, and the tutorial is quite intrusive at telling you what to do, and not always when you want it popping in.
The graphics are very cute, but extremely small until you get used to them. (just look for what's still red really)...the gameplay itself can be quite confusing. By the time I got to level 10 I had it under control, but my brain was boggled.
Sometimes a sheep gives you a resource (and I hadn't even clicked on it as I thought it was part of the landscape) and if there are no sheep..ropes seem to provide it? There are traps to set for the guards, but finding how they work takes some skill, you have to distract them, but finding the way entails scouring the very crowded game screen and clicking on just about everything to see what gives in the early stages. You are often called on to go to the 'archery area' to shoot targets or villians, but you get used to finding it and what that looks like too.
While the tutorial pointed out many things...it failed to show me the fish in the water in the begining..and I couldn't figure out how to get more food (like getting goods from the sheep). So its a bit hit and miss.
This is a game that takes a LOT of getting used to. But I am actually starting to really enjoy it now I finally have it coming under control a bit. The timer is very generous...perhaps it allows for some confusion? There is a relax for full stars.
I do like this game...finally! Do try the demo and do give it a chance.. Also listen and do what the tutorial tells you at the start. or it can get confused lol. Enjoy. Show less
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I honestly cant find fault with this game. It has lots of bonus levels, a numbered and verbal strategy guide, three modes of play including relaxed, the ability to skip dialogue (bottom right arrows), colourful graphics, easy play mechanics, novelty and strategy.
It has collectables but only six over the whole game, so not sure yet how you get those? One novel thing is that to get your 'faster work' bonus or 'cheaper price' etc you must use the points you earn to restore an ancient Olympic village and receive them. They themselves can actually be upgraded just as you would a building to get better yet again. Others just appear on the screen amongst the resources for you to click on, and some in the regular 'window'. I think because the game screen is quite busy they needed to spread them.
The game is a quite standard of build and upgrade, collect, banish bad folk and clear paths and help good folks lol.. There are plenty of traders too. But there are little quirks like having to recruit your workers sometimes by giving them their wishes (resources), scenes where you must clear the fog and guess which way to go, and chariots to search which are basically a lucky dip.
If you like TM's of any sort you will appreciate the quality here. The gameplay is very smooth, and there is enough action to keep you thinking constantly. All I can say is try the demo to make sure, but I think its absolutely terrific! Enjoy!
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
Quite apart from this developer constantly dishing up the same game over and over, this particular one moves so slowly I found myself just sitting and waiting for buildings to plop out resources over and over as well.
They have introduced a couple of new features, ice warriors and firing ranges to bump 'em off, slightly different animations, and some new sounds at last, but really its the same as ever. Just plain boring and repetitive.
There are achievements and a numbered strategy guide, 50 levels and then the amount of bonus levels is not showable. I thought when I started the game I was in a two star frame of mind simply because the developer makes little effort to make the game exciting, but the actual mechanics left me so annoyed I took off another one!
Usually I can say "same games' are ok if you don't already have any of the series, but this one is not even ok on its own. It's a big pass from me.