Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
No.8 has everything you expect in a CE TM. There are extra levels, a very good strategy guide both verbal and numbered, three collectables to find on every level (stones, gears and gremlins all marked on the guide), wallpapers and concept art, and three modes of play..relaxed, normal and professional (lol)
I must admit this game is smooth to play and I did get a chuckle out of some of the new features, (an insane fountain that spurts the path and blocks you till you deactivate it), Enchanted mechanisms. The traders are back too..very cute.
There are several worlds you move through each ten levels and tasks vary, but I am just perhaps are becoming a little jaded with the series? Not because it gather and build (that's what TM's are!)..but I found by the time I entered the second world it was all too easy on normal mode, so I am going back to become a professional to see if that gets the adrenilin going.
All in all, there is NOTHING wrong with this game, it is a very well developed offering. It's got everything you can add to a CE TM, but try the demo, and if you have played all the others see how you feel after so many? I am actually recommending it as a CE, because most of the main fun I am having is the collectables! I think this game will please in either format SE or CE, I just cant stretch to 'love it'..I DO like it a LOT! Enjoy!
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Well this certainly is a 'gather resources' game..there are heaps! I bought the game with a coupon and just as well because I would have used up my whole demo time just figuring out what to do! Its very busy, and the tutorial is quite intrusive at telling you what to do, and not always when you want it popping in.
The graphics are very cute, but extremely small until you get used to them. (just look for what's still red really)...the gameplay itself can be quite confusing. By the time I got to level 10 I had it under control, but my brain was boggled.
Sometimes a sheep gives you a resource (and I hadn't even clicked on it as I thought it was part of the landscape) and if there are no sheep..ropes seem to provide it? There are traps to set for the guards, but finding how they work takes some skill, you have to distract them, but finding the way entails scouring the very crowded game screen and clicking on just about everything to see what gives in the early stages. You are often called on to go to the 'archery area' to shoot targets or villians, but sometimes I didn't know if I had done it as many times as asked.
While the tutorial pointed out many things...it failed to show me the fish in the water in the begining..and I couldn't figure out how to get more food (like the pumpkins from the sheep). So its a bit hit and miss.
There is a numbered strategy guide that may have helped me in the top corner of the map, and it says there are extra levels after the 45 main ones are played. Wonder how many?. There is music and 'skins' of the characters as the extra's
This is a game that takes a LOT of getting used to. But I am actually starting to enjoy it now I finally have it coming under control a bit. The timer is ridiculously generous...perhaps it allows for some confusion? There is a relax for full stars.
It was going to be a 3 star review..but now I am getting into it is turning out to be a bit of light fun so it gets 4. With so many features to keep an eye on...its not boring! Please try the demo..and do look at the strategy guide..that may make the journey easier. If you do have the tutorial on...don't race it..just follow it at first or you will actually confuse it LOL.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I bought and reviewed the CE version of this game, and must admit that there was more fun in that one due to the collectable cups and scrolls. However this is still a fascinating and strategic game.
There are many features not found in other games even though the gameplay is still standard gather resources meet goals TM. There are lots of features which allow you to trade, so if you run out of one.. a bush will give you candy for imagination, a tree will give you wood for candy, and a book will give you imagination for gold..takes some thinking about! Also scenes where the colour is missing until you restore it.
There are altars that need activating, and only Alice can do that. So part of your strategy is to get her path cleared ASAP. She is also the only one that can collect 'imagination'
The setting is delightful and imaginative, but it is not too far in you end up in the castle and tends to become an 'indoor' game for a while. I also found the level of challenge in the early levels was very demanding and one wrong directional move and you wont make it. This tends to ease off a bit later in the game? (don't think my gameplay improved that much lol) The timer seemed very tough early on.
You can click ahead and your bonuses appear in a wheel in the corner. They don't stay however before closing up so you have to catch them as you see them (and choose out of several sometimes) You get used to what they are, but there is much in this game is a little overwhelming until you orientate to it.
You can turn off dialogue completely. You can play in relaxed and still get three gold stars and the tutorial is quick and only comes on in arrow form. It is fast paced and intricate. I think it is a really well constructed. Allow yourself a moment to get used to it and I think you will find it an unusual and fun game. Enjoy!
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
There's nothing much new here. But it is a bit of Halloween fun. There are plenty of modes to work with limited time, moves or relaxed. There is some 'off board' building to buy fish and ornaments to decorate your scene using your aquired loot, (which already have a designated place)
A standard match 3 but light and breezy..quite a lot of explosives and bonuses, but eventually you are glad to see them appear. Its a not outstanding but it all makes sense and you feel in control of your moves. There is quite a bit of variey in the gameboards and they are quite colorful.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
My first thought when I saw the screenshots was please don't let this be boring or repetitive. Its not. Yes it is a gather resources game, and yes it is well into the series numbers, but after playing for quite a long time I am impressed that so far not on one single level have my tasks or the features involved been the same!
The bonuses (run fast, production etc) appear early which is nice, but the miriad of new features here will keep you scurrying. There is a wolf that stops you collecting until you destroy his lair, and he keeps coming back till that is done. There are areas that are blacked out so you dont know what's behing them until you light the torches. (just once I lit the wrong one first and had to repeat as the building I needed was behind that one)
There is a very in depth strategy guide both visual and verbal. And there is a also a new feature of collectable owls. This is possibly the only thing I think could have been done better. They are not marked on the map as being collected, or where they are. The only way you will know if you missed one is checking your board and if one is blank between those collected..you missed one!
There is the tavern game, a mahjong game with rune symbols, and as I move through I am now coming across other familiar features like dropping the barricade stacks by standing on the rune symbol. There are many familiar features as well as the new ones, but in this game they just have so many to choose from you will not get bored. There are 65 levels.
Its classic Viking Bros, but they have done a great job of mixing up the tasks and adding new ones. I am only hoping that still to come will be some of the wonderful graphic creatures we were treated to in the last one. I am loving it, but try the demo. It has all the CE bells and whistles, but perhaps the only one I will be that interested in will be having the strategy guide. (haven't peeped yet though lol) There is a relaxed mode too. Enjoy
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I always complain when developers dish up the 'same' game, but with this series it is more like checking in with an old friend instead
The gameplay is much the same as others, crafting items and spells, and resource collection, but there are always new features! Mirrors figure prominently in this, ones that duplicate illusions so what you think you see as a resource may disappear when you smash the mirror, and there are hand mirrors scattered about. There are dark spirits needing a spell cast to banish, and various items that require Frankenstein and an axe to remove. (including the mirrors)
I found the challenge very high, but that's IDrac as usual. There is casual and a relax mode for us 'non experts'. The tutorial in this one comes in the form of a book that gives you advanced warning of what is going to be required to craft or cast items.
This is an SE, so lash out and have some Halloween fun with a fast paced, smooth. and quality TM that you can even use a coupon on. Enjoy!