I guess I'll be the fly in the ointment here with reviews but I am just not feeling the love on this one. I can see the 10 year old group getting into this but for adults, no way.
Very simple, easy to get 3 stars with your eyes closed and actually rather annoying in places. The Star Trek music when supplies load on the platform is a bit grating and the relentless arrows that point at things you have to pick up (we're talking large, pulsating arrows! It's like "Yeah! Ok! I know I have to pick that up! STOP!"). Not for me..hoping for a GOOD Emily soon! Again, kids will enjoy this.
I am impressed by the level of challenge with this game as my expectations were low going in. I don't see the CE price tag but that's what Dev's are doing with new games even if they don't deserve it. Anyway...off my soapbox...this is loaded with strategy and thinking. The higher up you go, the harder it gets. There are NO grunts and UH-Huh's anywhere to be found (thankfully) from the workers except for an occasional Hey which is actually kind of cute. 3 stars are hard! Give it a try and use a coupon for the CE price.
Talk about eye strain! While the graphics and artwork are pretty, the objects are SO small, even with my glasses on I had a hard time finding things! Alot of the objects are the same color as the background so that made it worse. It's a pretty game but, not worth the headaches to play.
While this offering is fun (although I, too, find it crazy easy), the annoying sounds the workers make on every single move is SO distracting. "Yeah, Uh-Huh..." is totally unnecessary and actually stopped me from purchasing. This seems to be the latest trend with Dev's. They, for some reason, feel there has to be constant noise during game play so they throw in these worker grunts. Seriously...background birds chirping or brooks babbling would have been more acceptable than that!
What is up with the Star Trek noise on every move ? I know the theme is some kind of space odyssey thing but to have this annoying tech noise every time you click on a task is ridiculous! Very basic and simple collect and build game with items so tiny you can't hardly see them. The home base is some kind of blue floating plasma thing that looks out of place. The whole thing plays and looks like a kid's computer class put it together. NOT worth the CE price tag!
So many pluses and minuses with this game. First of all, in order to achieve 5 stars on each level and in order to purchase upgrades that are decent, you have to replay some levels upwards of 8-10 times. One level I had to play 14 times to achieve 5 stars! There is normal and elite modes. Elite is crazy!
It's VERY lengthy, the map gets confusing as they have you bouncing all over the place between mini games (LOTS of mini games) ,levels and shopping carts. It's still fun and it is a decent TM game BUT why they changed this and made it so confusing and overly busy is a mystery. If your goal is to get 5 stars on every level, be prepared because there is a problem at the end where you can't get all the points needed for the final chest.
Now, the adult in me thinks that this is a weird subject matter during a pandemic. You are basically fighting viruses after a young man dies from one. The morgue levels and bio levels are a a strange offering, especially with the widow crying by his taped off cooler and others, including a baby, in isolation. I don't know if this game came out pre pandemic but I think it's a strange offering during these times and wasn't thought out.
I have a brand new laptop that loads every other game just fine. This one has an obvious glitch as the in between levels are anywhere from 5-8 minutes loading time, sometimes not at all. Made it as far as Level 4 and decided that long of a wait time is ridiculous.
I don't know why new games lately have the characters grunting and groaning on every move they make. This one seems a bit overboard on that and it gets very annoying after awhile. You really don't want to mute the all the sounds to get around it either. This was just midline for me...nothing spectacular, very basic and rather childish. Kids would enjoy it.
Another pound collect and run game. Sigh. Country Heroes was SO much better. They put thought and talent into that one. This next in series offering is below the standard of the first one and is basically just a collect resources game. The first one had bad guys and made you think your strategy out. This one looks like it was done by a different team. Very disappointed.
I was excited to see a new TM game (although a well done Emily game would shoot me over the moon!) but this one is pretty basic and can get frustrating at times. It's an old school TM game with the run and pound except, the workers are SO SLOW , it's more of a trot than a gallop! It's confusing at times and the strategy guide is of NO help as all it amounts to is a snapshot with numbers. This looks like an old game that was refurbished to me. Definitely not worth using a credit or paying a CE price tag. Wait for the standard version instead.