Welcome to Hotel Solitaire. On each floor you will find 5 rooms, each with its own game of solitaire. Play 15 different card games across 100 levels, either against the clock or with no time limit.
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Match 3, Card & Board, Family
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
I bought this game because I wanted something fun to play in my spare time. As mentioned before, the game has no storyline. Points are earned but that's about it. My biggest gripe is the timer. I do not like being stressed by a timer. I didn't realize the timer was as irritating as it is, or that it could not be turned off, before I purchased the game.
Complete dangerous missions amid dazzling landscapes of prehistoric Earth and alien worlds. Can you complete these thrilling puzzles in order to return home?
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Adventure, Match 3, Card & Board, Family
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I confess that I didn't get very far into this game. (Why did they bother animating the mouths?) When I got to the concentric circles, that had to be switched and rotated, and found that each incremental movement required a mouse click - no ability to drag and rotate - I was done. Game feels like one of those antiquated free hidden room games.
I usually just read reviews but this game is so very bad I just had to review it.............then saw 49 other reviews but still wanted to ad my 2 cents. I read 10-12 of the other 49 reviews and agree with most of what was said. I can certainly understand British versus American English and am okay with a few grammatical errors and misspellings but this game clearly written by people not only lacking a firm grasp of English but lacking a decent translation program. It is, to me, the epitome of what a game should not be. I agree it should have been beta tested - would never have made it to this point is my guess. I lasted about 5 minutes before deleting it.