Once again, Graphium Studios excluded from the home page
PostedJuly 17, 2024
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
... and goes directly to the "newest releases" page where many people "miss" the release. This also happened not long ago with their "House of Jigsaw 2: Greatest Cities of Europe", which is today's (July 17) daily deal.
Perhaps this Ukrainian developer should complain to BFG about being often "ignored" by being overshadowed by a different early access game that is nothing but the SE version of what was already released as a CE. Shame on you BFG.
This "Sentimental Journey" needlework coloring game falls in the footsteps of earlier releases in the series; so some will like, some won't. It is a time-consuming game, and I wish the completed images would "morph" into a clearer and brighter version. It's nice that you can pause any time and have your progress saved.
I, for one, will be buying this to support the developer (and I enjoy these more than the art-by-numbers coloring games!)
I could have said "every other e-FunSoft" game, but that wouldn't be fair. It's been a few releases since they've "upgraded" to voice-acting when telling the story; in earlier releases, only the story's introduction had voice-acting, not every upgrade, so that's a nice addition if you don't mind the uneven skills. Unfortunately for me, you can no longer choose the tools/power-ups to use because it's no longer part of the upgrading process; they are pre-selected for you at the beginning of each level, so that eliminates, for me, part of the creativity. Due to that fact, I've stopped buying their games.
I also wish the number of gems earned were not ALWAYS the same between games, so the element of surprise has also disappeared.
Not a bad game, but certainly not anything new except for the storyline and the artwork. But because of their stale evolution, I can't recommend it.
I got this game elsewhere (you know, what you get when you boil water!) about 1 year ago (they offer it for "free"), and I'm glad the folks here have a chance to play the 20 episodes this game has. No mouse transformations like in HOPAs, so you have to pretty much click everywhere to either equip yourself with somewhere or get information about that object.
It's also a genre BFG doesn't cherish, so I'm happy it made it here.
It has a decent hint system, and you'll have many hours of enjoyment for the SE price they charge because the hint system is included. To me, a good game which is not overly challenging.
This game came out back in 2020 (if not earlier) and will provide the installation of DirectX if it's not already on your computer.
A nice selection of weapons which, unfortunately, look cosmetically fairly similar. Each can be upgraded during gameplay, and their features improved between rounds/levels based on the number of stars you earn.
It's a bit complicated at first, but once you get familiar with the keyboard and mouse mechanics, you can control many things.
Lastly, it's in 3D and features a zoom if you want to see things more up-close. Lots of features, and a good difficulty progression.
The 1 downside is the fairly poor English; not bad enough to not understand the "story", the "commands" and the "upgrades", but enough to be a bit distracting. Still, hours of entertainment.
Well designed, and a game genre we don't see often enough on BFG.
It's not a HOPA... it's a series of HOS separated by mini-games
PostedJune 29, 2024
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I certainly wouldn't categorize it as an "Adventure" any more than their "Faircroft's Antiques" games.
I wanted to get the FULL tutorial, so instead I got absolutely no help whatsoever in my "Casual" mode. The extra content is made of additional scenes to explore, which would be worthwhile for the extra money if I was planning on getting the game... but I'm not. Reminds me of those games from "Relax Games" where you basically go from 1 scene to the next, just like the games from Casual Arts (Vacation Adventures Park Ranger.)
Nice graphics, but that's all I really enjoyed. Meh.
I couldn't here... I spent more time on it when I played the game elsewhere a while back.
The retro look and sounds of this game is not as offputting as the finnicky behavior of your cubetractor character... you've got to be aligned "just right" to be able to pull them in order to hit the targets (remember to get out of the way !!!) This is all done with arrow keys (or WASD.)
I have nothing against arcade-type games, but this one has been out awhile (10 years!!!) and even back then, it looked like a game from the 90's.
I think you'll know right away (at least get to the 1st "true" level) whether it's right for you, and decide if you'd like to pay money to play it. I think it's a poor choice as a new release, considering many better games are "out there".
This is a bit of an odd animal... The original game (sold elsewhere) has multiple expansion packs; the base game is free and you add levels/locations through those expansion packs. For BFG, I'm not sure which part of the extra content was included to build this release (perhaps the reason for the big "1" on startup?). This is basically a colorful mobile port that doesn't have the "in-app purchases" feature: you basically click on items in your restaurant to serve customers, earn stars in doing so, which you can use to "renovate" your decor. Not my type of game (or approach; there might be multiple releases here to include all the available content that exists for this game.) For those who enjoy the genre, it has bright and large graphics, typical of a mobile game... as well as a difficulty progression noticeable after the first 5 levels.
I feel sad that this game might go "under the radar" as its the 2nd game of the day. Developed by "Square Root of Tree", no "h", this game is very reminiscent, in its artwork and extensive storytelling, of the TM games that feature Emily and her family. Colourful and with a storyline to link the levels, it's also nice to see that this game, and it's follow-up, "To Atlantis", was only released at an SE price. Hours of funs await you, and you can play in a easy mode to get the hang of things.