So, yeah, STILL on my Big City Adventure marathon. Just finished London Classic, and while there were some improvements, I just wasn't impressed.
For instance, when the free demo ended, I was on Level 16 of 51, had 3 skip game tokens, 6 free hint tokens and 6 fast forward tokens.
What I liked: The variety of the mini games. Yep, definitely a few improvements there; and the old world looking map. Yeah, that was pretty cool.
What I Didn't Like: Still .... how sensitive the "hint" button is - sometimes I click on it once but it registers 2 quick clicks and I lose a hint; AND that I have to earn hints at all - really, really dislike that in any game. IF I do choose to purchase one of these games, right now it's definitely not going to be Classic London.
Even things like the following didn't perk me up as usual: Little footprints traveling across the map (I think their Grandma's but that's just me - lol); the little animations going on in each scene (look for them, they're there); and the history lesson we get on each location we visit - used to love it! Even the IMMENSELY improved HOGs (hidden object games) wasn't enough to impress me. And I've been waiting forever and a day to see changes in that quarter. FINALLY, you can actually find the items you are looking for because they are visible or not miniscule or buried behind a dozen other items.
I still encourage everyone to try this game. Beginners might find it difficult but this one would be a bit dry even for family game night. I'm off to try London Story and see just what the difference is between the two.
So, yeah, I've been on another marathon. Obviously, this one is the Big City Adventure series of games. Toronto, I thought, was my favorite but, New York has somewhat surpassed it.
What I like: Little footprints traveling across the map (I think their Grandma's but that's just me - lol); sound effects - really great in this version of the game (people hurrying along, taxis and cars (who drives in NY?) honking, traffic; the mini games, which are a bit different in variety in this version; the little animations going on in each scene (look for them, they're there); and the history lesson we get on each location we visit - LOVE IT!
What I Didn't Like: Still .... the HOG scenes (hidden object game) are still terribly overloaded with hundreds upon hundreds of other items that aren't needed - it's impossible to find the items on our list. By now, that issue should be getting better and NOT worse; how sensitive the "hint" button is - sometimes I click on it once but it registers 2 quick clicks and I lose a hint; AND that I have to earn hints at all - really, really dislike that in any game. IF I do choose to purchase one of these games, right now it's between New York and Toronto, in that order. But, there are a few games left to play so that could change. I'll keep you posted.
I encourage everyone to try this game. Beginners might find it difficult but for family game night, it'd be a sure winner in my book.
I've been on another marathon. Obviously, this one is the Big City Adventure series of games. Toronto - definitely my favorite so far.
What I like: Little footprints traveling across the map (I think their Grandma's but that's just me - lol); sound effects - really great in this version of the game; the mini games, which have been of a greater variety in this version; and the history lesson we get on each location we visit - LOVE IT!
What I Didn't Like: Still .... the HOG scenes (hidden object game) are still terribly overloaded with hundreds upon hundreds of other items that aren't needed it's impossible to find the items on our list. By now, that issue should be getting better and NOT worse; how sensitive the "hint" button is - sometimes I click on it but it registers 2 quick clicks and I lose a hint; AND that I have to earn hints at all - really, really dislike that in any game.
IF I do choose to purchase one of these games, right now Toronto is in the lead. But, there are a few games left to play so that could change. I'll keep you posted.
I encourage everyone to try this game. Beginners might find it difficult but for family game night, it'd be a sure winner in my book.
When I spent over 40 minutes and restarted the same level over and over, it was time to call it quits. I wish I could have loved this version of the game (personal reasons). Instead, it's probably the worst of the Big City Adventure games I've played during my marathon of said games.
The items that have to be found in the HOGs (hidden object games) are so small and too well-blended within the scenery, which in itself is extremely "busy". This is definitely not the one for me.
The game seemed to have a lot of potential but I didn't understand the game play at all. It wasn't what I was expecting and the tutorial was just as confusing as the game play.
Definitely needed MUCH more of a tutorial and/or hand-holding for a few levels. Too much going on at the same time.
So, now we're off to the great city of San Francisco. It beguiled me that there were actually 60 places (locations/levels) IN San Francisco to visit. I may actually hve to purchase the game and plan my next vacation around it.
The graphics are horrible, especially in the HOGs (hidden object games) and since basically every game is an HOG it makes playing this game especially difficult.
The HOGs are horrible in that the items you need to find are tiny, hidden behind other objects or placed in a scene of such splashed color and full of, again, too brightly colored background to be able to find anything comfortably. I actually played with my face glued to the screen to find things.
I would not recommend this for anyone with "older" eyes, or those who have difficulty finding tiny items in a plethora of non-related items. Sorry, BF, but this game doesn't do it for me.
Okay, before I get into my review, why in the world would you let your children go on an archeological dig? I mean, ages aren't given but by the use of the term "children", I'm guessing they're pretty young. Just sayin'.
The HOGs (hidden object game) part of the game was not too bad. Items were very easy to find. The mini games as well were very easy to do. It was also relatively easy to figure out what goes where or what to do to get/do something. The hard part came because there was no sense of direction in the game and, therefore, I tended to use the hint button more than I'm accustomed to.
Even though I enjoyed the game immensely, it won't be a purchase for me because there just wasn't that "wow" factor at the end of the demo. I hope there are some of you out there who will like it enough to buy it. It really is a sweet little game.
I recommend this game!
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Bubble Odyssey
Enjoy the bubble bursting fun you've always dreamed of through these 70 exciting levels!
Let's get out of the way that this is just (well, not JUST) a regular bubble busting game wherein you shoot a bubble/ball from a shooter at the bottom of the game board into a screen of various colored bubbles/balls to make a match of 3 or more and destroy them - KA BOOM!!!!!
Now, for the not too intelligent people such as myself, who it took a while to figure out some of the simplicity of the game, this is for you:
The color of the ball that is going to come out of the shooter is NOT the little ball at the top of the shooter that is FACING the screen of multi colored balls. The color that is GOING to be shooting next is the color at the back end of the shooter. That's right, laugh, the shooting ball is coming out the BEHIND of the shooter. How they do that is beyond me but it took me about 10 levels to figure out how to tell what the next color was going to be.
Another thing I had to figure out was ...... you CAN toggle a different color. Remember, there are 2 colors in the shooter. The BIG BALL in the BEHIND which is your next color ball and a teeny one in the front of the shooter (which is generally where balls would get shot from - but I digress). Well, say your BIG ball in the BEHIND is green and the teeny ball in the front is red. Well, say you don't want a green ball but that red one would sure come in handy. Click the right side of your mouse and, voila, red ball moves to the back and becomes the BIG BALL ready to be shot.
In every level there is at least ONE BIG BOMB that destroys a really, really huge amount of bubbles/balls. However, (don't you hate the however/buts of a sentence?) do not send that bomb so high up into the bubbles/balls that it can't be seen because it won't explode. It just disappears. Wait for the screen to come down a little to so you can see all the bubbles/balls up there or just shoot it wherever you have bubbles/balls just hanging around waiting to be destroyed.
There's also a really neat thing you can do with a rocket bonus that I won't tell you about. It's sooooooooooooo cool and helps tremendously. Just keep an eye out for a ball that you shoot that has a rocket picture on it. Then, just give it some thought, or not, and you'll probably accidentally figure it out - like I did.
Now, let me tell you why this is not going to be a purchase for me. Because when I discovered how to tell what the next color ball shoots out the shooter, I thought, ok, things will get fun now. NOT. Then, when I figured out you could toggle the colors I, again, thought, ok now it's going to get good. NOT. THEN, when a brand new color joined the group, I thought, for SURE things would get a little harder. NOT. I made it to level 37 in an hour of playing without losing one little life. Boring.
Now, just because that happened to me doesn't mean it will happen to you. You may actually enjoy endlessly shooting bubbles/balls up into the game board with no bonus levels, nothing in between some levels to liven things up. If that's you, you will love this game to pieces. So, try it before you buy it and enjoy.
I wasn't really impressed with this game. Perhaps, if you're a mathematician the upper levels might appeal to you. But, really, I found that I was thinking of my school age grandchildren and how this math game might help them with their studies. I remember teaching them to count with pennies and learning their coin value by letting them keep any coins they "found" at my home if they could tell me what coin it represented. So, yeah, always thinking about how to help the grandkids. LOL.
This is just a basic addition and subtraction game. Maybe it gets into division and multiplication in the highest of the higher levels, I don't know. But, what I experienced was basic math in adding and later subtracting AND adding or vice versa to get the sum of a valued number given to you to end up with. For instance, the valued numbers you may have to get are 7, 9, and 3. You have to string numbers on the game board together to get those valued numbers. Again, for instance, to get 3 you might put 2 and 1 together. To get 7, you might string together 4 and 2 and 1. It's a very basic math game.
Not a buy for me - mom says too hard for the kiddies yet - LOL. But, I'll keep it on the back burner for when they're a little older, wiser or smarter.
Everyone should try this before you buy it. It may be your new Sudoku.
Wow. Just ..... wow. I'm not even sure what to say about this game. I'm still in a state of "stun".
This game has it all - a wide variety of activities to keep everyone busy and all enthralled.
First, there's the HOGs (hidden object games) - more on that later. Then, there's a "bonus" type of game which could be anything. Following all that, there is the guessing (because that's all it can be) of the quatrain by putting the appropriate letters in the appropriate place without running out of either time or errors.
Let's talk HOGs. Unfortunately, while I do like HOGs, this part of the game had a lot to be desired. Definitely needed lots of work. The items you needed to find (could be upwards of 10 or more at each location (which also varied in number) were sooo very tiny in an area that had an over abundance of unnecessary items that were definitely larger than the ones you were looking for. It made for very, very, very difficult game play and the ONLY aspect of the game I disliked - a LOT.
The mini games I came across didn't seem too difficult, although some definitely were thought-provoking and I only skipped one because I just could not figure out the answer. But, overall, I LOVED the mini games.
Putting together the lines of the quatrain was soooo much fun, I didn't want to stop. It's almost like hangman. You add letters and keep guessing and placing letters until you either run out of time, patience or allowable mistakes. There's a tally bar for mistakes at the bottom of the screen. I also LOVED this part of the game.
I am soooooo on the fence about this game because the parts I LOVED, I really LOVED. But, to get to those parts of the game that I LOVED, I had to play at least 3 HOGs and because of the issues with that portion of the game, well, THAT put me on the fence.
I definitely recommend this for those who love sleuthing, a mystery, HOGs (albeit difficult to find), mini games and puzzles. This is definitely NOT a game for beginners but Intermediates and Experts will, I believe, enjoy it immensely.