This game is annoying. Even from the very start, I couldn't get 3 stars on any of the levels. The woman walks around slow, and the mini-games just slow the entire game down, as the game isn't paused whilst you do them. Some of the clothes look similar, so it's easy to make a mistake, and sometimes they want a dark bow in dark hair, so you can't easily see it! The just slows the mini-game down again. The clients get annoyed quickly, and it's not the easiest thing to get upgrades, either, to make to game more interesting.
This game could be much better. It's slow, boring, and annoying.
Diagnose and treat patients while growing your small clinic into a thriving hospital! Earn awards for hospital excellence to protect your land from the greed of an evil tycoon!
I could barely get this game started! I tried turning the music OFF, but it came on again. There was no way to pause the game, despite having a "pause" button, it wouldn't work. I just wanted to get rid of the music, as it was loud and distracting and there was no volume for it. I couldn't get to the menu, at all, as nothing would work, except clicking on characters. I tried ctrl/alt/delete, but the game just overrode it every time I tried. I actually ended up having to turn the lap top off by pressing the on/off button until it turned off to get the game to exit! I tried again, just in case it was something I'd done, but it was exactly the same. Couldn't turn the music off, as it came on again, couldn't pause the game at all, couldn't exit the game.
So I actually never really got to play properly, as it was far too annoying before I'd even started.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Time Management, Strategy
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
In every way this game is at least 10 years out of date! The graphics are flat and dull. There is no story. You don't really *do* anything! All you do is collect plates and stock up, and that's it!
Very poor indeed.
Come on developers, give us something different in a TM game!
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Arcade & Action, Card & Board, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
This game is okay at best. The music and the sound FX are irritating, but I can live with it.
I have bought the game as I enjoyed playing the demo. However, the game does get very hard! I have been stuck on a level for ages and can't seem to get off it!
Enjoyable game, play the demo, only you can decide.
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Arcade & Action, Card & Board, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
3/ 5
Only to echo what other reviewers have said. This game standard would perhaps have been okay 5 years ago for numerous reasons:
- Once again, it's just a click-fest and my wrist is actually sore - The cursor isn't very sensitive, and you often have to click more than once for the tick to appear - You cannot chain actions. Plus, it says "chain actions/customers for more points", but you can't! Plus, if you want to collect all the money at once, for a chain, it's starts flashing at you "don't forget to collect cash". - Can't hold more than one animal - FAR too confusing, for the following reasons: Animals look similar. The 'thing' you need to do to the animals look similar and is far too small. The 'thing' customers want appears at the side, and not above the character, which would make things less confusing. - Customers get mad quickly. I can only imagine this gets far worse! - When you deliver an animal, the character makes a "yipee" or "kiss" sound, and you can't leave the customer until they have finished "Yipeeing". - No recycle bin. So if you get it wrong, you're stuffed. - Upgrades are expensive
Hurrah! A time-management game after the numerous HOG that dominate this site now......only for the TM game to be a token gesture, and truly awful. BF, you obviously read these reviews, but are doing nothing to pacify your customers who want something other than HOG and HOG after HOG. I have been a customer since 2008 and am seriously considering cancelling my subscription.
I can't remember the last time BF brought I game out that I truly loved to play and replay again. Last year, I think.....
Favorite Genre(s):Word, Arcade & Action, Card & Board, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
A very strange game, IMO. If you can get past the whole weirdness, shallow nature and sexism of the game (towards both sexes), it's not a bad game.
Negatives: Not enough room to put your training equipment. It's easy to get gold (so far). The men get impatient very quickly. The men seem useless on certain equipment at times, and you have to remove them from it and replace them over and over before they stop sweating and getting annoyed. It can become confusing when all the men start to come on at once, it's hard to see who wants what if they're on the "rest" area. There is only one "date table". The "Match 3" mini-game seems pointless. You earn money, but you don't really need it as you always have plenty! Plus, the bonuses (ie the freeze and the speed-up) hardly ever come up and you can't really match them as they're no where near each other! It's pointless updating the equipment. All it seems to do is allow the person to finish quicker (by a second or two). Plus, the upgraded equipment is mostly too large, especially when there isn't enough room anyway. It would be nice to be able to pause the game when you look for/buy new equipment, or when you want to rearrange equipment, as the men just get irritated for the few seconds it takes. Assistants would be good.
It's not another HOG game. ZZZZZ It is a bit different.
I did actually buy this game, despite the negatives. But this was only because it was on the "today's offer" at £2.30.
So what do you do exactly? You click on items to put in a suitcase and that's it? Just that. A massive click-fest. Okaaay. Further down the game, there might have been more to it, but I didn't get that far. Zzzzzzz.
Enjoyable game, where you have to think tactical against which weapons will best defeat the enemy.
I say "enjoyable"....... but only up until a certain point. Then it suddenly gets VERY hard. I am on level 11 and have tried this level at least 10 times and cannot get past about the 3rd wave!!! It's ridiculous, and I am playing on EASY!!! Easy?? Yeah, right.
Put lots of dart guns with minimum power - die Put lots of cannons - death Put combinations - expire Put only a couple of dart guns to slow and power to max, add cannon for strength - shuffle off mortal coil Put couple of dart guns to max plus artillery - cease to exist Put dart guns on "power-up" and use gems, plus cannon and artillery - stiff Max out cannons only - kick the bucket Max out dart guns only - Shuffle off mortal coil Use combo of all three - push up daisies Put guns in place where they have the most range - snuff it
The only useful thing is that I have played that stupid level so many times that I keep getting gems and can buy more power-ups.
But I still.....wait for it.....DIE! Bet you got a shock at that.
Sadly, ANOTHER game which starts off enjoyable, then upon purchase, becomes (for me anyway), annoying, frustrating and a waste of money.
The other things about this game are: *Graphics aren't that good. *The music is okay! I usually turn the music on 99% of games OFF, but kept this on lower volume as it worked with the theme of the game. *The tutorial is adequate if you know these kind of games. *The big artillery are often annoyingly inaccurate
(Sorry, I posted a very similar review in the review section on the forum). .
I'm quite new to TD-style games, and have only really played ones like 'Garden Defence'. The instructions are minimal, but I thought I'd get through that. I played for the hour, and enjoyed it. Although it was hard, I thought to myself, that I would get used to how it played. So I made the mistake of buying this game.
However, I was SO WRONG!
The graphics are poor, the monsters are just blobs of green and red. You do not know which direction the attack is going to come from, or which path they will go down. They move so fast, you have no chance to think or make any strategy. You do not know which monsters are coming, nor do you know what specific monsters are vulnerable to which towers. None of this is explained. As the level progresses and monsters start to pass your defence, you get no more gold, so no chance of upgrading or building anything.
This game could be so much better. I don't know whatever possessed me to buy it!!
I loved the Garden Rescue game prior to this one and liked that one. This one is obviously very much the same, but with some improvements and was an instant buy.
The coin collection is simplified and gets collected automatically when you have the cursor over the coins. Plus there are more power-ups.
The game is sufficiently difficult and am playing the "Private" difficulty level at the minute and not always getting 3*. As with the other GR, I will probably work my way through the difficulty levels and try and get all 3*.
The bugs with the scarfs etc on are very cute!
Great game, a classic, IMO and one of my favourites. Fun, without too much stress and multiple clicking. Great stuff!! Love it. :heart: (sun) :thumbup: