I play these games on the "relax" setting because I like just kind of puttering around. So it was with a bit of regret that I reached the final chapter and started it.
Now I'm sorry I bought this game as I will never bother to finish it. The ending chapter is SO EXACT that, even with the in-game walk-thru, it's hard to finish. I started about 5 times and gave up. I hate having to re-start a game.
So... good game, lame ending. Up to you if you want to bother... I wouldn't. I'm saying I would recommend the game because they don't have a "meh" button. As I said... it's kind of up to you as to whether it's worth getting due to the end.
Usually there is a fairly good story behind these games, but not this time. Anyone familiar with the story of Hades and Persephone won't be at all surprised. The game is the same as the others without any of the story surprises or funny comments that the characters sometimes made. If you like this game in all its incarnations, then you'll be happy. If you were looking for just a touch more... especially an interesting story... you'll be disappointed.
This game IS fun. I'll give it that. It's a collector's item, which usually means about 60 levels.
I made it to level 55 and the game just... ended. Bang. No explanation for what was going on, no extra levels, and a statement that I am 60% completed. ?????
Admittedly I played it on "relaxed". Maybe that made some sort of difference? Apparently this game is so new that there is nothing on the forums about it and I can't figure out who to ask what.
Anyway, if you like a game that's kind of random and not your usual "collect and move on" type of game, then this is for you.
I thought this would be a fun little collect and wander adventure game, but there is nothing at all to it. I enjoy the mindless collections - especially the ones that keep you from running out of supplies accidentally - but I also like a good story that ties that together... and this definitely didn't have that. By level 14, I didn't care any more what happened in the game. It's just not interesting.
This is a wonderful game. The only reason I gave it a 4 star rating is that I got stuck and had to re-do a scene in Sug's Cafe. (It ended, but the "extra" item hadn't been done and the scene kept going and going though there was nothing I could do.)
The story to this is great. It ended a bit abruptly, but I do look forward to the next installment. Also, I'm not a fast clicker, so the "easy" setting was excellent for me. I was even a bit challenged in certain scenes.
All-in-all, a great game. Can't wait to see the next one! (But please don't make a "Collector's Edition" of it!)
I still like this game. Yes, it's the same, but the fun and sarcastic comments are still there. I *love* the fact that they have removed "collector's edition" from this so that you have a way to use some of those basically useless "free game" bonuses you get.
Be that as it may, Dracula and bride are at it again. Of course the Princess and Frankie all show up. There were a few levels that I had to start over because of not enough needed resources, but I could easily spot my mistake and keep going.
So... well worth playing again... if just for "old time's sake".