Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
After suffering a prolonged spell of gaming boredom for whatever reason, I've been reignited by the Headless Horseman's return to the gaming venue. This dev did a great job with the storyline, keeping it tight with the gameplay, & totally held my interest from start to finish. The artwork is really nice, & while devoid of live actors it's not lacking for it in the least. Voice overs are well done & there's not a ton of talk for it's own sake. Music is well suited to the game & sits nicely as part of the atmosphere. This HOPA has 2 play modes, the more difficult mode not being much of a challenge. Minis/puzzles are easy but fun for the most part. HOscenes there are: some typical, & some finding items from pics instead of a list, & there's some interaction. I generally think the fewer HOS, the better, but i enjoyed these ones because the devs were often flat out diabolical about hiding things - not that items are too small, but i had to work a bit at finding a lot of things & had fun with that. There are objects & achievements to collect clear through the game & bonus game, which adds to the interest, & i'm afraid i'll have to play again since i was a few short of finding all the horseshoes (but since there's replay value here, i'll enjoy it a 2nd time!) There's no map necessary, & you have a 2 part journal - clues, & background story of the horseman - which doesn't capture a whole lot of info so you wont be reading a lot, but dont really need to here, as the game/story is comprehensive & flows without the need for copious notes. So altogether, i don't think this is a game about challenging your abilities to the max; for me, it's about a well done storyline with very smooth, enjoyable gameplay that didn't leave me pining for something more. I'll 5 star this one 'cause this dev delivered a cool game with fun factor a-plenty, great graphics, nicely integrated storyline/gameplay, & it got me out of my gaming funk. Imo this one is well worth taking a stab at :) Enjoy your gaming, folks!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
This is another lovely Dana Knightstone game with nice graphics, beautiful music, good voiceovers, interactive HOscenes, easy puzzles/minis. The storyline is decent & gameplay is easy. I like the DK Novel games, including this one because they're easy on the eyes artistically, and fill the bill when i'm looking for a game to play for relaxation. There's nothing here that's going to make you jump or cringe, no occult influence, no heart pumping action. You'll occasionally see a benign ghost, of course. You won't need the map you don't have anyway, & the hint button gives clear instruction, eliminating need for a guide or walkthru if you get stuck. This is just a nice easy game that you can play when the brain's on the charger in the evening. It relaxed me when i needed it, so 4 stars for the favor :) Altogether, quite pleasant. Enjoy your gaming, folks.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Wow, this gem of a game by a primo developer slid past as a soft release that i missed, & boy, am i glad i finally heard about it! Had a blast playing this noir detective style game set in the 40's. You're playing as a Sarah Meiville, former police detective who's now working as a PI, or more to the point, an occult investigator with the gift of seeing people's memories. I don't want to give much away, but this is a very cool storyline, and the atmosphere created for it is wonderful. Graphics/artwork is great & i was enthralled by the stunning use of color in the darker areas - a perfectly moody stage for a detective drama. Music is repetitive but didn't bug me, as it was really appropriate for the mood. There are 2 levels of play & you have the option to have sparkles or not at either level. There's a journal that loads up with info as you go, no map, & a hint button that only points you in a direction. Puzzles give little to no instruction, so you're gonna have to figure what to do as well as complete them, & you can skip if you get frustrated. Also, no walkthru available anywhere that i found. So you're pretty much on your own in this game, Detective, & i think you'll find some challenge here, with nothing to fall back on but your little gray cells. This HOPA will provide you with smooth gaming, lots to do, HOscenes with a bit of interaction, great characters, & decent length of play. I was thoroughly engrossed in this one, played straight through. & am now ready for a sequel (please. I think this would make a great series). If you like crime/detective/mystery or dark & eerie games, i think it's worth your while to check this one out. Give it a go, & have fun gaming, folks.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Based on the demo, 'cause i'm not sure about buying this CE yet - Like a lot of other folks, I've got the 1st Phantasmat on my list of all time favorites, but wanted to give this a try even tho' it's not done by the same developer - big bummer. So you're skiing in the Alps, are a victim of an avalanche & on your trek out of the danger zone you begin meeting some odd characters, & something is amiss... but what, exactly? With a lot of back & forth & no map or journal, you'll figure it out eventually - but no clues from me :) This HOPA has a great intro cutscene, pretty decent voiceovers, & HOscenes that allow you to opt for match3 over digging thru the junkpiles to acquire your found object. The hint button gives BIG hints, & where your journal would be is a button that shows what your current tasks are. The music, for me, isn't enhancing the atmoshere. & i've not noted much in the way of sound fx so far. There are 3 levels of play to choose from, so the challenge can be bumped up some. Within demo time, it's not been a particularly challenging game. I do think this game's got some of the best graphics we've seen from ERS in quite a while - very nice, & a plus imo. The big thing for me is waiting for that delicious creep factor that Phantasmat 1 hit on right off the bat & carried through to the end, but so far i'm not feeling it at all. The storyline seems a bit weak. & in turn. gameplay is feeling less than exciting for me. I want to be rocked by a CE, especially one with the Phantasmat name. And some extra cool perks like morphing objects or achievements wouldn't hurt this game - but there aren't any. Since i haven't yet felt the "Phantasmat creeps", i'm not too anxious to spring for the CE at this point. It seems like an okay game, but CE worthy? I'm not sure. It's definitely good enough to give it a demo, & whether you go for this or the SE, enjoy your gaming, folks!
Prepare for a mind-bending journey into the realm of the weird in Haunted Halls: Revenge of Dr. Blackmore! Brace yourself for the unexpected in this exciting Hidden Object adventure!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
I just love to hate Dr Blackmore! This 3rd installment in the series was a lot of fun, & imo better than the 2nd one. This HOPA has plenty of HOscenes with little interaction, & some that involve finding pieces of sillouettes - none of which are tough to get thru so you can move on. There are a good many puzzles that are fun & wont make you bang your head, and lots of things to do, places to go, people to see in the weird world of Haunted Halls. 3 difficulty levels to tweak your gaming fun. The journal is back, along with your portable laboratory to help you make concoctions to thwart Blackmore's ongoing attempts to hinder your progress. That guy just doesn't quit! & i gotta say that whoever the guy is who does Dr B's voice is so good - getting this game is almost worth it just for those cutscenes alone. This is not a hard game to play regardless of your skill level, but it will keep you busy & entertained with a storyline & gameplay that go together nicely, real decent graphics, and a bad guy you really want to see go down. I don't know about the SE, but the CE main story ended rather abruptly, & bonus play was what brought the game/story to a conclusion - at least for now ;) Altogether, i think this is a totally entertaining game, & if you liked the other Haunted Halls, this is a must play. If you haven't tried these fun games, by all means give 'em a try, & have fun gaming folks!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
Brink of Consiousness:The Lonely Hearts Murders is not like BoC Dorian Gray... or is it? This is a Victorian Era murder mystery set in England, replete with beautifully rendered scenes right down to the costumes. Voice acting is very well done, & be aware that there is a lot of dialogue. While that can be off putting in some games, in this one it's necessary to the different characters' development, which runs much deeper than it may first appear. HOscenes are a bit interactive & not over abundant, as this game relies more on the adventure aspect - it even has a lot of look, feel, & movement of a LFA, which i thought was pretty cool. There are lots of puzzles that add to the fun, & they're quite well done. You're going to rely on your detective skills to solve this one, without much help from a very simplistic map & no journal - & i didn't miss either thru this game, i was so thoroughly engrossed in the mystery. This crew of developers has an amazing ability to delve into the recesses of the human psyche & translate it into a really entertaining game. This one will take love in different forms & play it through drama as well as insanity. So stay vigilant, detective; all is not as it seems ;) Imo, this deserves 5 stars for phenomenal artwork, deep & engaging storyline bound to the gameplay, and amazing creativity. And yes, it's definitely worth getting the CE - bonus play really tops off this winner. Thanks to BFG & mega kudos to Magicindie for this excellent piece of work. Enjoy this one, folks!
The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
It pains me to see a mere 3 star average rating from over 200 players of a MCF game, but it pains me even further to agree with the mediocre rating. Of course graphics & sound are great. Cutscenes are well done, but too long & too many, which apparently took time from actually gameplay, 'cause this is a short one for MCF. It's also way too easy; I'd expect more challenging stuff from a dev responsible for the likes of EFR, RTR, Dire Grove, et al. I thought EFR was a masterpiece for casual gaming, even tho' some didn't care for the edginess & sometimes grotesque humor - different strokes for different folks, right. But I was sure after that amazing enterprise, the next one would just blow us out of the water. Instead, it felt more like I was drowning in the boredom of Shadow Lake. REpeat, repeat, repeat... the same puzzles - 1 or 2 of the floaty puzzles was cool, but after that, cruel; the same assignment with the drawings over & over again; repetitive dialogue from a hokie - not funny - badly acted psychic; & a storyline so boring & gameplay so tedious that i had to force myself to finish the game. Was this really ready for primetime? Maybe for folks looking for good graphics & some live acting in an easy HOPA that's got a little twist on HOscenes & is very light adventure. With a map. If you're expecting the typical MCF game with challenge a-plenty to engage the little gray cells, a storyline that is indepth & well integrated with the gameplay, tons of stuff to do, & often a desire to play again later - more than once, even - forget it, this isn't it. I'm going to go weep into my coffee that would have served to keep me up thru a good long brain draining session of MCF, then replay a Real MCF game like EFR or RTR just so I can recall the good ol' days of Mystery Case Files gaming. I feel like recommending this would be equivalent to encouraging people to follow the ambulance to the train wreck, which is something I can't do in good faith. Not with MCF, where the expectation is so much higher. It takes more than artistry & actors to make a good game. I know that's harsh, but this is such a disappointment. So sorry. Now, where's my handerchief?
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
based on the demo: We've got another fine offering from this great dev, a big favorite of mine. This HOPA is primary adventure play with interactive HOscenes that give you the option of playing dominos to acquire your find for the scene. Graphics/artwork/cutscenes are extremely well done, typical of the developer, and the storyline is interesting & well executed. Choice of play modes, none of which are really tough. As the heroine, you're taking the risk of diving into stormy seas for your lost loved one, & find yourself entering a heretofore unknown city where the founding pretense of being a subaquatic Eden has quite obviously gone dreadfully awry. This is a different storyline from the usual, & quite, um, immersive (sorry :) Sound is sparse but the atmosphere doesn't suffer from it, and voice is well done. You'll acquire achievements, you've got a map & journal, fun minis/puzzles, & lots to do & feast your eyes on in this really fun & creepy game. The Abyss offers a lot of game for an SE and i'd highly recommend at least giving it a demo. I'm loving it, & off to enjoy this one. I'll 5 star The Abyss for excellent visuals, cool & different storyline, & really fun though not difficult gameplay. Dive in, folks, & enjoy your gaming!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Based on the demo: This is, imo, another winner from one of my favorite developers. A government biosafety agent is investigating unexplained phenomena in a town where the residents appear to have frozen in time, stuporous, and children have turned into... well, something else.. influenced by an as yet unknown force. This looks like a great addition to the Dark & Eerie genre, with excellent graphics & cutscenes, well done voice, and sound fx/music that are perfectly integrated & greatly enhance this creepy HOPA. Morphing objects, an interactive map, & decent HOscenes including the type where you put objects back into the scene, all add to fun. Minis/puzzles so far have been really easy, & i'm hoping there are some more challenging ones as the game progresses. Gameplay has been lots of fun thru the demo, largely due (for me) to the amazingly well created environment, & since i played demo on the easier of 2 modes - which is definitely easy to get through - i'll bump it up a notch to continue. This isn't going to be the most difficult game you've ever played, but i'm betting if you're into the D&E games like i am, you're gonna enjoy the storyline, exceptional visuals, & gameplay from this dev who's brought us so many other good ones. Give it a try, & have fun gaming, folks!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Angelica is a psychically gifted profiler on the case of a Chicago serial killer who's MO is eerily similar to that of a killer from past century England. The game & story are combined into one very well executed & creative hopa that's short on HOscenes & long on adventure as you move with the heroine through this terrific crime solving journey. Imo, the atmosphere as a whole - art, sound, gameplay - is spot on for this type of game. Mini's are good, the HOs are not hard on the eyes or over abundant, and you'll collect detective badges & dreamcatchers as well as achievements over the course of the game. Gameplay is pretty linear, so you'll be able to find your way through this without getting too frustrated regardless of play level you choose. I became quite immersed in this one & really got into investigation mode, which was a lot of fun. If you like a good mystery &/or criminal investigation, this is it, folks. Unlike certain recent criminally minded game(s) that were a real let-down for me, i found this to be a great change from the same ol' stuff, & i'd love to see a series of these games from this fine developer. I definitely recommend giving this a go if you're up for a change & like the subject matter. I gotta 5-star this one for creativity, story, immersive atmosphere & gameplay, & an altogether fine job by this dev. Have fun gaming, folks!