Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
And i thought this would be a dud!?! Silly me! This is one of the most entertaining, witty, well written, flat out fun games i've ever seen. It's an absolute blast from the opening scene, & just gets better as it goes. It's a fun adventure/hog that at times will have you working more than one location at a time (you're a vampire, you can pull off memphis to New Orleans & back in short order. Lookin' great while you do it, btw). Gameplay is really fun & challenging enuf to keep you moving, with decent HOscenes & fun puzzles/minis, but imo the best part is the humor, wit, perfectly timed sarcasm... I literally laughed out loud thru the whole game, right up 'til the non-ending, which i must say was quite the wtf moment. Yep, as others have mentioned this is parts 1-4 of a continuing saga, & altho the ending really does leave you at a half-way point, this 1st half is totally worth playing - more than once. I just hope like crazy that the follow up is released sometime. If you have reservations about a "vampire game", fear not, as this isn't gory or gruesome or even serious, so give it a demo if you're way behind times like i was on this, & enjoy! If you're a collector of the unusual & out-of-the-ordinary games, this is a must have. Too much fun not to give it 5 stars!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
i was mesmerized by this game from the beginning. The graphics are astonishingly beautiful, which is a big selling point for me. Cutscenes are great. And this game had two "firsts" for me: i've never "loved" the music in any game before, but it is so well suited to every scene, & so haunting & memorable, it's just amazing; and, i'm actually using a screensaver and wallpaper from the game, which i've never done, but again, the art is so fine i couldn't help myself. This game offers a lot, beginning with a good, if not unique, story: you & your twin sister have an unknown past that has taunted you with visions and feelings while you grew up in an orphanage. Now your sis has disappeared & you are driven to find her. You journey into a weird and magical land full of many unexpected encounters. This HOPA gives you all the tools you need or want to move thru the adventure: 3 play modes; journal with tasks; awards & achievements; the extra of collecting coins to buy bonus items in "the store". HOscenes are interactive, and like in Phantasmat, you can opt to change to match 3 for the entire HOscene or just part of it. Minis/puzzles are good. I was immersed in this odd mystical world (with occult overtones, which may not appeal to some folks), intent on reaching my goal but taking my time moving from one amazingly well rendered scene to the next. The SG is there if needed, but i must say i didn't get much use out of it, as the game is not difficult. But it is loads of fun, filled with amazing scenery & quite well put together. I did note a bit of lag between some scenes, but all in all the game performed very well for me. I would highly recommend this one to any level of player who might have an interest in the genre. I have to go 5 stars 'cause i just loved the game, that's all. Give it a demo & have fun with this really nice one! Kudos to the devs!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
based on the demo - i was pretty excited about this based on all the 5 star reviews, & happy that ERS has started to move in different directions from the same ol' routine. This feels like a crime/mystery HOPA, more adventure than HO, with some unusual HOscenes that involve finding & using serial, interactive items, which is a nice change. Graphix are decent, tho' we've seen much better from this dev: not as crisp & defined as we often see, & many scenes & cutscenes have that foggy/gauzy look that imo is over-used & detracts from rather than adds to the atmosphere. Gameplay is easier than i'd expect/hope for when the adventure aspect is emphasized. There's lots of back & forth as would be expected in adventure play, but a lot of it seems like movement for the sake of movement, rather than to advance your investigation. This is making Sinister Obsession feel a tad more tedious than fun for me so far, & i'm hoping that gets better as the game progresses. Voice overs are good, puzzles/minis so far are fun, & the story is inviting. Some reviewers have indicated that the bonus game of the CE is necessary to the plot, which bothers me - if the bonus enhances it, great, but i'd be concerned if SE buyers get an incomplete game experience due to lack of the bonus play - a bad idea imo. I'm on the fence with this one: not loving it like so many others & not feeling that 5-star jolt of a great game... but liking it ok, & curious about where the mystery leads. I'd give 3.5 stars if i could, but bump it to 4. I'd recommend it for mystery lovers, & folks looking for an adventure-flavored game that's not too difficult.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Just finished the demo & because the game involves dogs, i'm wishing i loved it, but so far i'm only hoping to love it later. The story begins in a town full of dog lovers who are in a quandary over a pack of canine type beings that have been attacking, stalking, killing, & even puppy-napping, for reasons we must learn. It isn't presenting as gory or Dark & Eerie; more of a mystery adventure so far. The intro involves a human & said canine types that are cartoony, and not even good cartoony. Thankfully, upon entering the game the graphics were pretty nice, even tho characters appear to remain on the primordial edge of game graphics, giving it a dated look. I haven't noticed much as far as atmospheric sound fx, & music isn't intrusive. The HOscenes are minimally interactive & not difficult. I've only caught a couple of puzzles thus far, easy also. Typical 3 modes of play, hint, journal, & a map that takes you there. Haven't had to check out the SG yet, as gameplay hasn't been tough so far. I'm intrigued to know what these "dog like creatures" are & how they are being manipulated to do their dastardly deeds. But, tho' it seems like it probably provides some decent entertainment, Fierce Tales is coming across as too average compared to some of the amazing games that have come around lately, so i'm passing on the CE, & will check out reviews by folks who finish the game. Then maybe the SE.
A new breed of virus has spread throughout the City of Oxford. You must search the city for a missing girl who holds the key to stopping the global epidemic!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
imho - WOW. First of all, the storyline of this adventure/HOG is not your typical gaming fare - no ghost, fairies, or goblins here. Think "Outbreak" or "Andromeda Strain" & you get a little closer to the basic idea, which may be off-putting to some, but it's definitely not the "same ol' stuff", & really held my interest. Like a vice grip. This game brings on a sense of urgency & even emotion as you make your way thru the adventure to it's conclusion, which for me is darn rare in a game. "Infected" was well thought out & put together, & offers some cool innovations. HOscenes are bumped up to a new & improved level in this game, as just about every item depends on interaction with others, which is fun & challenging, & could entice those who've grown cold on HOgames. Also, you have the ability to totally customize your options, including tweaking levels of play. like never before throughout the course of the game, so check that out in the demo. Overall the artwork & cinema-graphics (if that's the right term) are really great, & appropriate for the content & atmosphere, tho' some places may seem a bit dull & darker than necessary. Cutscenes//voice/acting are all phenomenally well done & truly brings the "real feel" home. The journal collects interesting info as you move. There's a map that only shows where you are, & isn't interactive. The hint system shows you where you need to go if you want some help, & minimizes the need for the SG, which imo is lacking, ie: you can't click a pic of a puzzle or scene to enlarge & visualize optimally. Mini's/ puzzles are decent, & you won't tear your hair out solving them. There's some lag between scenes at times, which wasn't terrible but did surprise me considering the general quality of the game. I played thru this game pretty fast, even tho i'm usually a slow poke 'cause i like to linger & take in the scenes. Maybe it was the urgency i felt for the characters & situation - i literally could not stop playing, it was that good. But maybe it's also a little shorter than expected for a CE. The extra gameplay is decent tho' pretty short, & i don't think necessary to the game or the plot. I usually don't care about wallpapers, etc, but (Possible Spoiler) the CE extras include a short "making of" film by the devs which gives a cool & interesting inside look at how this was put together, & i really enjoyed it. I got the CE after the demo about knocked me outta my seat & i couldn't even think about waiting for the SE. No regrets there. But I think the SE would still be really good. The implied follow up will apply to either version - and I can't wait. Mega kudos to the devs, Gogii, for this brilliant piece of work! Highly recommended.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
(imo, based on demo) - This started pretty slow for me. The game initially came up in a window, then transitioned to full screen, sort of - with a black bar across the top of the screen. First time that's ever happened for me, & maybe a resolution adjust will fix it, i don't know. The intro scene of crashing my plane was just flat, but as soon as i got out of the plane it was a different world of enthralling graphix, which i think look great. I really like the atmosphere attained by the combination of art, lonely sea sounds, & the real sense of being stranded alone on this haunted, unmapped, ghost inhabited island. The music could have been left out tho - it doesn't enhance the feel of the game, & cuts out noticably. Transition between scenes is sluggish, which is a bit irritating for me, but i've seen worse. HOscenes are junk pile & some items are pretty tough to see. No map or journal. Hints are simplistic, ie: "Theres nothing to do here now". There are achievements, and (*possible spoiler*) there are haunted souls to find throughout the game, but keep your eyes peeled 'cause they're blended into the surroundings well & appear as ghostly faces, which i found quite by accident. I've not heard of this dev, but wouldn't be surprised if they're pretty new to casual games, since the whole thing does feel a bit rough. However, it's a worthy effort on their part, & i'd look for more & better offerings in the future. I'm finding this ghost story enticing enough to keep playing, & am further drawn in by the presentation of the ghosts themselves, which are quite well done, with very good voice acting. I missed the CE of this somehow, but don't think i'd go there regardless because the game isn't as smooth as a CE should be. But overall the SE seems good, with ghosts, hauntings, nice artwork, & a decent story, & i foresee good stuff yet to come beyond the demo time. I'd recommend giving it a try if you like ghost stories & spooky places to roam. I do, so i'm going to go press Buy Now & save some lost souls. Have fun gaming, folks!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
(imo, based on demo) - This defines the standard to which all CE's dev's should aspire. Elephant Games does it again with this excellent offering to the casual gaming world. Lord of Statues has it all: a very good story that pulls you in & starts the adventure straightaway; graphix that are pure eye candy & i'm just eating it up; voice overs that are truly fine; 3 play modes to suit any challenge level you please; music that is well done & suits the mood of the game at every turn whether dramatic or mellow; a map that will take you there & save your sneakers; HOscenes that are not over abundant, are interactive & nicely done; the coveted achievements we all want to get whether we admit it or not;) puzzles & minis; and miniatures rather than morphing objects to find throughout the game. Then there's Rupert, your kindly diminutive narrator, story teller, & hint giver who is adorable but not overly cutesy. I haven't ventured into the strategy guide, but others have reported good things like access to bonus material before you finish the extra gameplay. If that's accurate, all i can say is geesh, finally a dev listens to the crowd! I wish i could stay up & play this adventure clear thru tonite, but will have to wait 'til the weekend. But heck yeah, i'm owning it! Surprising myself, i have not thing one negative to say about this game. Plus, i'm now a Royal Detective, which isn't too shabby. Haven't had a call from the queen since Madame Fate :) You're a gamer or you wouldn't be here - so do yourself a favor & at least demo this beautiful, fun, & imo close to flawless piece of work, This is what many of us ask for in one form or another, so give it a go & Enjoy this winner!!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
(*imo, based on demo*) I'm having a good time with the latest happenings at Haunted Hotel. Altho i'm not quaking from fear or quivering with expec.....tation, i'm finding the play to be both relaxed & nicely creepy at the same time (an odd mix, i know) Sound fx thru my headphones are spooky cool, & so far i'm liking the music which is turned down low. Graphix are pleasing to the eye in most places - clear & fairly atmospheric, & items are easy to discern even in HOscenes - which are pretty easy & so far not interactive. The black ghostly mist that seems to be a primary player in the game bugs me only because it's awfully pixelated & i think that could/should have been remedied, but it doesnt detract much from the game experience, so no biggie. Puzzles so far are nothing out of the ordinary, nor are they taxing on my pea brain. Cutscenes are good, & i'm thinking there's live environmental filming incorporated, making the setting seem quite real at times. I like the story, & altho it's not the most original ever done, i do want to know who/what/how/ why all this weird stuff is going on, & why is my bro missing. Finding random articles & out-of-order pieces of diary from past residents or present dangers will eventually lead me to the answers, if in a rather roundabout way that could get annoying. We'll see. Is it CE worthy? I'm not convinced it is just because i expect a good CE to rattle my brain & rock my world, which ain't happenin'. But i'm buying anyway 'cause i'm having fun, I liked the last Haunted Hotel, & my self control button is out of order when it comes to decent spooky ghostie stories. Give it a demo & see if this one's for you; i think lots of folks who are into the dark & eerie games might enjoy this. Have fun!!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
*imho, based on the demo* First I will say that the graphix, cutscenes, sound fx & background music are all quite good, & Could be the hallmark of a really fine game. Except in this case it ain't happenin' after an hour demo, which has my gamehead in limbo - not a good omen. The opening scene is awesome, totally grabbed me... & then the gaming commenced & splat! - dropped my Great Game Expectation like an egg onto pavement. The subject matter would be cool but the storyline seems disjointed & falls pretty flat, while gameplay is predictable & completely unremarkable so far; in turn, i've about lost focus & the desire to keep playing. Or maybe i'm just riddled with ADD ;) It's not a very challenging game even in expert mode, so it may disappoint those looking for a more stimulating game experience. But a basic adventure/HOG with nice visuals may fill the bill for plenty of folks, so i'd recommend giving it a try. I do not think this game is CE-worthy at all, offering nothing more than a fair to middling presentation, & if I decide to finish the game, it'll be the SE. Honestly, if I continue with Guardians of Hope, it will be mostly out of sheer curiosity to see whether or not this ends up in the graveyard of mediocre & forgettable games: RIP. It had such potential....
I recommend this game!
1of6voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Collector's Edition
Dive into an epic journey as a museum owner in pursuit of an undead pirate who has kidnapped your daughter in Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart!
Overall rating
5/ 5
3 of 4 found this review helpful
This CE is worth spendin' yer hard earned doubloons
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Gotta add my 5 stars for this exceptionally well done game by Artifex Mundi, a brilliant dev who also did Enigmatis. I got to beta this game & could hardly wait for its release. The work that went into this game is obvious from the beginning: totally stunning artwork & cutscenes; excellent storyline & scripting with just a touch of humor here & there; music & sound fx that feel like an integral part of the whole, & not overtly in your face; & super fun gameplay that just makes you want to keep playing. It's not a tear-your-hair-out difficult game, but you'll not be bored - there's enough challenge & things going on to keep it really fun & interesting. Puzzles aren't nail-biters either, but still part of the fun. HOscenes are nicely done & you've got a cool option of choosing mahjong in lieu of one or all objects (like Phantasmat gave you a match 3 option). The map is a decent reference tool but doesn't give anything away, nor does the rather sparse journal. Imo, everything about this game is just plain good. If you haven't demo'd this yet, all i can say is what are you waiting for?!? It's a pirate game like no other, so shell out yer doubloons, hoist the anchor, & sail on, maties. This is a great ride! Have fun!