Welcome to Top Secret Finders. Your first mission is to save a small town, uncover the truth about a government conspiracy and stop the villain in his tracks!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
*imo, based on the demo*, so far i agree with others who are seeing this game as reminiscent of an X-Files type theme (oh Mulder, wherefore are thou Mulder? :), & that's a plus in my book. There's nothing like a good government coverup with sci-fi flavor to force my finger to the "buy" button, 'specially when i get to be the "highly trained special agent" investigating. Overall quality seems pretty decent to me: cutscenes are well done with actors who i think are as good as any artistically rendered characters would be; there are enough HOscenes so far (hopefully not an overabundance thru the game), but they're not difficult or overpopulated with junk, & are interactive; graphix are good & i think appropriate to the setting of a long-deserted, creeped out town full of apparitions, coverups, & possible murder or worse (sounds enticing, huh?). The hint button is nice, showing a pic of a place to go for clues or action, & you can get there via the pic. I've only seen a couple of puzzles so far, easy, & can't say what will pop up later. Two modes of play so if it's feeling too easy on casual mode you can bump up the challenge. I like a journal, & this one fills up with plenty of reading material & needed info you capture as you go. Music hasn't even registered with me, so it must not be too bad, right. TSF is feeling like a fun & interesting game & i now NEED to find out how it ends, This isn't Dorian Gray quality, but i do think TSF is definitely worth a demo, & is a really decent game for a SE release. Give it a go, & have fun. Now pardon me while i go covert...
Rescue a young girl from the Penumbra Motel. Solve puzzles, unravel a long standing mystery of death and disappearances in this heart-pounding adventure game!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
*imo, based on the demo*, i'd call this adventure-light. While you pick up items for use while trekking around, there are no HOscenes. Graphics are decent, tho not extraordinary; i think we've seen better from ERS. You've got minigames/puzzles; some nice voice acting by real actors, which i think are well done here; cutscenes that are provided by film reels you find, & these are integral to the story. The music is an interesting backdrop; it's more quirky than spooky, & seems to be purposefully misleading - kinda like the lighter stuff you'd hear in old Alfred Hitchcock or Twilight Zone stories right before the axe drops or the body falls out of the closet & scared the pants off you 'cause you didn't see it coming. I've not reached the part yet where i didn't see it coming in Penumbra Motel, & unfortunately don't think that point's gonna come. Although i love the basic idea of this story, especially the adventure play as opposed to primary hidden object type gaming, i'm sad to say the game isn't knocking my socks off as far as challenging, engaging gameplay. It's just too easy & predictable, which will likely keep me from going for the CE. I did so want to love this game, but if it just doesn't do it for me, i do think this is a good game for folks who are tired of constant hos & looking for a not-too-hard game that still has a bit of the spooky factor. Give it a demo, & Have fun gaming, y'all.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
*Based on the demo*, so far i'm curious if not exactly excited about the storyline, & have hopes that it will grow more interesting as the game progresses. The art is typical Blue Tea Beautiful. As others have noted, however, the cutscenes are blurry for no reason that i can grasp, & imo detracts from the scenes. Gameplay is the conventional stuff thus far, with lots of back & forth broken up by easy HOscenes that are interactive, puzzles & mini's, & morphing objects (love 'em). Music isn't intrusive, & sound effects are nicely eerie in the background. The unbidden "popping journal" is irritating & even startling, but not the startle effect i'm looking for in a game - probably not the best idea this dev's had, but oh well. The "bells & whistles" have been noted by others, so i won't rehash. I'll just say that although the Dark Piper hasn't yet amazed me with truly imaginative plot & gameplay, it seems to be a decent enough game to jump into & find out where the Piper leads. I've no doubt i'll enjoy the jaunt, & would recommend by virtue of this dev's track record & the visual treats they offer, at the very least.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Cant believe i waited 'til now to try this game! So often lately i've found myself pining for "something different" in a game, & by jove, here i've found it! Much has already been said re music, art, storyline, etc, & at this late date i can only say if the report was good, i agree. It took me a while to warm up to this one; right off the bat i was wading in "what the heck?...". In short order, tho, i was into the story, the steam punk overtones, & really wanted to find out how this story ends. This is plenty different to satisfy a case of the same-old's, with some humor interjected that's lol worthy. If you haven't done so yet, give this a try. 5 stars for quality, art, story, voice, etc, & especially "la difference". Very cool game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
*imo, Based on the Demo* - Right off the bat i thot the poster pic for the game was lame & almost didn't demo just for that reason. But as someone noted, "don't judge a book by its cover". This game is oddly enticing. Despite the cartoony rendering of the characters met in the initial cutscene, the scene is so well done & gripping that the old school style artwork immediately became immaterial, or even Absurdly cool. I think the voice acting is great, & combined with imaginative, spooky sound & visual effects, i was fairly captivated in short order. The sound effects seem to be often in the forefront & could be considered distracting, but to my mind it references the distraction of the demonic force working against you as you move toward your opposing goal, & i think that's wicked good (even if its in my own mind:) The storyline seems quite good & makes me want to continue. HOscenes i've done so far are lit in such a way that, while atmospheric, makes finding some items a chore. Puzzles have been short & easy so far. Graphix are a visual cornucopia, very nice. I'm not sure at this point how much help the journal's going to be, but it's there. I demo'd in casual mode for 1st quick bite, but felt there was way too much hand holding for my taste, & will switch up a notch to complete (choice of casual or expert). There's frequent talking by the main character/you as you play thru, & because the voiceover is well done, i'm liking the effect, if not the overly-helping hand it provides. So far, this is a D&E lover's game & could pan out to be an unlikely prize. I'm liking the artistic license the dev Goggi seems to have taken with this, & am intrigued enuf by something different to get it. Thanks bfg & devs.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
*Based on the demo* I agree with Nilosh (& thank him for all his great reviews) about being sucked in by the opening scene of this game. Holy cow, my heart was pumping already! 'Abandoned' offers perks equivalent to a CE, & am hoping the length is good as well. There is very noticable movement as you pan back & forth slightly in many scenes, so those who have probs with that kind of motion, demo first. There may be a little too much leeway with that, plus I did notice a tad of unintended screen adjustment- or compensation-type movement too; don't know how else to describe it, but noticed occasional tiny, almost insignificant movement that i've not noticed in other games, so maybe it's a glitch, or some over-zealous tech thing. Agree with folks that there's some difficulty in getting screen brightness just right at times, most notably in some HOscenes which made 'em tough, tho not impossible - I totally get the drab, gauzey spooky look, but it was a little too much at times. That's just a small thing that hopefully the artists clear up next time. But other scenes were crystal clear & amazingly well done. Morphing objects, spooky story & atmosphere, very good graphix, appropriately creepy sound effects, good voice overs, choice of play mode, interactive HOS, plus an integrated SG all really hit the mark with this one, imho. If this is overly saturated with HOscenes i'll be a little bummed, 'cause this game doesn't need an onslaught of 'em, Either way, i think if this is the direction the dev Lazy Turtle Games is moving, look out - we could get some outrageously cool stuff! Disclaimer: i am a devotee of Dark & Eerie games, & haven't yet become weary of asylums, haunted mansions, & the like, & right now i'm a happily creeped out gamer. I'm seeing 5 stars for both effort & over-all quality. Thanks devs & bfg. Buy buy :)
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
This was a nice fantasy game that keeps the story moving effortlessly. Not an overabundance of HOscenes, some of which took a new twist, & tho not difficult, they were fun & warded off the monotony of serial HOS. There were plenty of puzzles, lots to, & it's quite pleasing visually - bright, colorful, nice graphix. The music isn't invasive. Voice overs were well done. Difficulty level, well, that's relative to your skill level, but you've got 3 level choices. I think this game could appeal to any level of player who enjoys the fantasy genre & is looking for a well done game. The extra gameplay was as well done as the rest of the game but imo isn't crucial to end the story, so the SE would be fine. Have fun with this one!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Just finished & was surprised at how much i enjoyed this game. It's a really fun, old fashioned (ok, Victorian) murder mystery that reminds me of the Poirot/Agatha Christie genre, but so much better than the casual Poirot/Christie games, imho. Nope, there's no hint button except in the HOscenes, so you must resort to the useful map that indicates areas to investigate & gather evidence, which essentially supplies all the hints you'll need, and your wits. That's what keeps this game interesting and utilizes the little gray cells enough to keep you motivated to move foreward. And soon, voila, you weel solve ze mystery of ze yellow room. This isn't razzle dazzle edge-of-your-seat gaming, but it's a well done story with very nice graphix, fine voice overs, and made me want to wear my master detective badge again:) Have fun with this one! And I'll have another, please.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
for what it's worth after 104(!) reviews already... I thoroughly enjoyed this game the whole way thru. Loved the 1st House of 1000 Doors, & was glad the followup wasn't a let down, as happens occasionally with rapid-fire follow up games. This is not terribly difficult, but good fun, a good story, and worth the buy. I agree with much of the commentary that came before me, so wont reiterate, but would say regardless of your level of playing ability, there's something about these games that will appeal to & entertain most. Thanks much to bfg & the devs.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
The Hidden Mysteries games are, for the most part, well done & engaging entertainment. I quite liked this one (tho Salem Secrets is still my fave of the group). Graphics are very nice. The story is well thought out & kept my interest, & i really enjoy the historical flavor of game. It's a rather basic game by recent standards, ie: no voice overs or killer cut scenes. But it's a decent length; not very difficult, but plenty to do & look at; & there's a nice flow to the story - all of which made this game well worth the small price for a fun, relaxed game experience. Enjoy this one!