Small, as in tiny objects hidden in the murk. I even increased contrast and brightness, still could not find most of the objects. Repetitive, and like I said, ridiculously tiny objects. There may have been a story line, but I had to quite before the end of the demo and give my eyes a rest!
It's half a game, if that. No conclusion, just thanks for playing. It is NOT a collector's edition, more like a demo. Totally regret paying my hard earned cash for it.
But one thing, the demo had the ability to turn off tasks. On the game itself, no matter what you do or do not click on Custom, Tasks keep coming up during the game. Could someone tell the game developer NOT to be irritating. Other than that, it's an okay game to entertain the kids on Halloween.
The earlier Hidden Expeditions were intelligent and innovative. However, this entry is like every other HOG out there, including the fascination with Aztecs and/or Mayans, and the "save the planet from the evil corporations" thread. Also, there are bugs in the game itself, I have had to start over, and reload in order to get to the bonus items, and there is no Walkthrough to refer to. Very disappointing, I wish I hadn't purchased it.
I thought the concept of Bonfire Stories was intriguing, then with each entry the quality deteriorated. This is a very routine HOG, with simple mini games, and using a map for navigation is irritating. I played the beta, didn't particularly care for it then, don't now. HOWEVER, maybe it gets better after the demo. As for recommend, if you like routine, yes. If you are above a beginning player, no.
A good addition to the saga, however, as it common with this developer, the Tasks cannot be turned off. Even if you go into custom and uncheck the box, the tasks keep showing up. Other than that irritation, it's a fun game!
It is reminiscent, in tone and story, of the original Ravenhearst saga: brooding insanity in a claustrophobic setting. There are lapses of logic, but if the characters were sensible, they wouldn't stay in the house! Loved it, recommend it to anyone who wants a game that does not involve magical portals and pink and purple fairies and elves...