This is from the people who made Adelantado Trilogy. It's wonderful! Ticks all the boxes: build what and where you choose; hidden caches to find; challenge to get done in time. An improvement over Adelantado: your buildings don't slow down. A must for all of us begging for more like Adelantado!
I've played the previous 9 in the series. This follows the same pattern. The puzzles are in 3 colors, which I like better than the cross pics that are monotone. I like the challenge of the cross pic games. Fantasy Mosaics has some powerups (hints, hammer, and sun) that help with the hard spots. The items that are added to the garden/environment after you win each level, are weird. Good puzzles.
This is a regular tri-peaks solitaire game. Each hand you win advances a little archaeologist across the top of your screen. If you lose a hand, bad things happen (which I have found amusing and almost worth losing to see the dude spring the trap). After you win 7 or 8 hands, you win the level and obtain a "rare" treasure (my favorite so far has been the mittens for Vishnu).
The Next Stop series is one of my favorite TM games. I managed to get gold on all but 3 of the levels. You can stack up the things that need done - the games where you have to wait until the workers come back to their base, are hard for me to win. The level goals are clearly defined. The storyline continues from the first one - you are once again beating the nasty banker. Please make a third one. Maybe doing a transcontinental railroad, with historical information from 1869.
I suffered through about 30 minutes and then deleted this game. I bought it without doing a trial, because the other "Escape" games have been good.
The biggest problem is that you can't see the things you have to find. The graphics are a bit fuzzy. And every room that I saw was all shades of brown (think old photo in sepia). The objects were too well hidden: only a corner showing; behind something else; same color as object behind it. And the mouse point had to be dead on the object or you got a mis-click penalty.
I think the game storyline probably had potential. You are working through a museum that just had an earthquake, and are picking up things that need saving or are what you need to open the door to the next room.
The hidden objects were difficult to find - I used a lot of hints. The other puzzles were okay, nothing great. And the story line was just dumb. The music was like 4 bars long, over and over.
Don't buy this one! You play as Vera - who talks to everyone like they are toddlers. All the dialog is stilted and fake. Vera is propositioned by other characters, even though she is engaged and looking for her fiance'. Some of the mini games are debatable. Like giving a nearly naked Socrates a massage! Things can be hard to find, and it's not always clear what's next.
This game has you finding pieces of things, which can be very hard to locate. Once you have all the pieces, you have to figure out where to put the object. You do 3-5 rooms at a time. All the object pieces are in the same room, but the object may be used in another room. Not much of a story line. The ghosts aren't scary at all. This game is probably more for the 6-9 y.o.; they have better eyesight to find the bits. Family game. I don't remember anything being even suggestive, no profanity.