I played the first game in this series and liked it very much, but I couldn't really get into this one. I wish that the character's lips would move when they speak; although this is not a flaw exclusive to this particular title I find it to be annoying. The artwork was okay. Be careful to collect all the cards as you go along as they won't give you another chance to go back for ones you missed at the end of the game. The bonus chapter didn't really add anything to the story. My advice, play the demo and then decide.
I really wanted to like this game, but something about it's contemporary look and feel was put me off. I didn't fully understand the story line; the fairy tale metaphors went over my head. I had trouble finding morphing objects. I was glad that I got to go back and find collectibles and souvenirs I'd missed during the course of the game at the end. The music was good. Overall though, I won't be buying or playing anymore Anderson Accounts games unless there is some radical change to the visual look and feel or the story is more clear. I'd play the demo first. The people were well drawn, especially the hero, but since I was playing him first person I didn't get a good look at him until the bonus game at the end. My recommendation if you like more a of super hero and less than a supernatural evil type of story you should give this a go--otherwise play the demo before plunking down your money to make sure you'll like it.
I've played Mystery Trackers for years. I liked this game, but it seemed awfully short to me. The artwork and screen layout seemed a bit off to me--instead of having Elf set aside, he's in your inventory. I can't help but feel that the layout was designed to make it adaptable for mobile editions; but all in all it didn't bother me. I liked the story, but be careful to look for puzzle pieces and collectibles (I missed one puzzle piece and a few Elves) because you won't get a chance to recover them later. If I have any real criticism of the game is that I wish that they had indicated on the maps scenes where collectibles were to be found (like some other games) and let you know when you'd got them all. Either that or allow us to go back and revisit the scenes where we missed them and recover them in the bonus section. If you are fan of series I recommend it, I only gave it four stars because of my frustration at not being able to find everything and it being relatively short.
I have really enjoyed the more recent additions to the Grim Facade series, which is why I had to buy this one as soon as it came out. I liked the game for the most part, but I found the story line unnecessarily convoluted and confusing. You can't beat the artwork and interesting characters--but maybe I'm dense, but I really didn't understand what the whole family drama was about--who was having an affair with whom, whether there was a love child, etc. If you buy pay close attention, because it baffled me.
If you like the Steampunk genre of games this should be right up your alley. The artwork and music were beautifully done. The story line was enjoyable and it wasn't gory or disturbing. A good creepy game for younger people as well as adults. I didn't find anything not to like about this title, the hidden object scenes were well done and artistically done without being redundant.
I have played every game in this series up to this one and I enjoyed this one the least. I am over the crow's league, but that is a personal preference. If you're a die hard fan of the series go for it--otherwise I recommend playing the demo. Warning--if you don't fine all your feathers in each scene from the beginning there's no way to go back and get them later--so be careful if you want to be able to play the puzzle you need them for.
I will say the the artwork, music, and effects were up to the usual standards of the studio. I must give them credit for that.
The Haunted Hotel series is one of my favorites. The game isn't as gruesome as other entries in the series; so those bothered by gore aren't likely to be disturbed about this one. The artwork was beautiful and and the music fitting. The storyline seemed a bit familiar to me, having played so many of these types of games int he past. I managed to get all the collectibles and puzzle pieces, I just missed a few morphing objects- I wish they would let us go back at the end and look for them. All in all I recommend this game to fans of the series; but don't expect to find James in this one. Those who haven't played any of the Haunted Hotel games I think this is a good one to start with--it doesn't have any connection to any of the characters in the other games.
I have played other games in this series and this one was fun. I wish the heroine could have been made a little less geeky and a little prettier--but that's a small thing. For the most part the artwork and story were interesting, though not the best I've seen. I will say though, I'm getting tired of the renegade Indian Demons on the warpath theme. It's not the only game that I've played where Native American demons and dream-catchers played a major part in the story line, that's why I only gave it 4 out of 5 stars--it seemed all to familiar to me in many ways. Maybe I've been caught in the time loop. If you liked other games in the series I think you'd like this one. The bonus game makes getting the CE worthwhile as it provides more closure than the ending to main game does and is not merely a prequel.
I've played ALL the games in this series. I enjoyed this one and I like being able to pick an avatar to represent my character--I wish more of this genre would do this. The story was at once different and familiar. I'm glad they've gotten rid of the curse Egyptian magic doll wand thing. If you like the series you'll be sure to enjoy this one; the steampunk retro look that's a hallmark of the series is definitely still there. Although I wouldn't say it was my favorite, I liked it enough to recommend it to fans of the series--and I personally did not miss the "spider" puppet. As usual I had trouble finding all the collectibles and wish they would give us a way to jump back to the scenes where we missed them and find them.
The artwork in this series just keeps getting better and better. I've loved all the Grim Tales games I've played. Richard and Anna are back to save the family from some dire circumstances. Richard keeps getting younger with each installment, is a resurrection in store for us in a future title? One of my favorite series, any fan of the Grim Tales games should like t his one as well. Play carefully though, you only get one shot at finding all the pieces of the screen saver puzzle in the bonus content. If I have an gripe about the game is that it didn't allow be go back to the scene where I missing piece of the puzzle was and find it--I had all but one.