Your much loved friends from Oz have sent Clutch, the Emerald City’s gate keeper, to invite you to Oz’s inaugural Christmas celebration. Did you happen know that whenever someone leaves Oz and enters our world a star falls? Well, it does happen, and poor Clutch arrives with a crash right into your cornfield after his balloon is hit by a star. Thankfully, Clutch was not injured and delivers the invitation but before you can return to Oz there is a balloon to be repaired.
Well, because we are all living in BFG land, what would a game be without a wicked witch? In this case the witch happens to be that Witch of the North who along with her pack of gremlins is bent on destroying Christmas. Hmmm, maybe things would have been better if someone had thought to send her an invitation to the celebration. Well that little detail must have slipped Scarecrow’s attention span and so now when you arrive in Oz, you must rush into damage control and work to save the Christmas celebration.
What is there to say except that I love Christmas games? They are so colorful and vibrant (well at least most of the time) and generally bring out my inner child as I sit down to play for a few hours. In this game we have those pesky little gremlins that will do everything to destroy Christmas for those in Oz.
Your tools include a map and yes, there is a helper. Toto has tagged along with Dorothy for this game and will help out in some situations. I generally find pet helpers to be okay in a game and as a dog lover I never seem to mind them as much as squawky birds but unfortunately Toto is not very well behaved and seems to make some sort of noise throughout the game. At first I thought there was a kitten stuck somewhere until I realized that the noise was coming from Toto who wanted my attention. I really like the new trend in games where WE can choose to have a helper or to play along without one. If there are helpers maybe the developers should at least train them a bit better and teach them to sit silently in our UI area until needed.
There is really nothing different with the HOPS and puzzles in the game except that they are all related in one way or another to Christmas. I happened to enjoy the HOPS but think that the storybook scenes were very easy.
If you prefer the CE version of a game this one includes Emeralds to collect that are hidden in each scene and will be used later in the bonus section. There are also Firecrackers and Book Pages scattered around Oz to find. I didn’t spot any morphing objects but I could have missed them. The other extras are standard fare although we can replay the HOPS and Puzzles.
As I mentioned earlier, I love Christmas games and manage to collect most of them that are released each year. The Christmas Spirit Trouble in Oz is no exception. I found that I enjoyed the game right from the time that Clutch landed in my yard. There is nothing new or spectacular with the gameplay but that is okay with me. The only thing that I don’t care for in the game is the mix between using real characters and graphics. I much prefer the artistic graphics to the human actors. I always have found them distracting or awkward. Of course, this is only my preference and it isn’t enough to prevent me from enjoying the game. I know that I will enjoy the full game because I happen to love most games from this developer. Since we all have different taste in games, please try the demo to see if The Christmas Spirit Trouble in Oz is a game you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
The graphics are very good even though a bit dusty and filthy. I am so very sick of insect-ridden, nasty, filthy graphics, which is my biggest complaint about some mystery or horror lite games. Why can’t we have a horror game where things are tidy and neat? Guess those two things don’t go hand in hand in HOPA Land – huh?
The HOPS are just about what we come to expect in all these games – nothing more and nothing less. When you have played as many HOPA games as I have in the past 14 years then there really isn’t much that is new out there. That being said, I still enjoy the genre and am a huge HOPA lover. The same thing goes for the mini-games or puzzles. The ones in Project Dawn are a bit easy but that is okay with me. I actually like some of the puzzles from this developer and they are not all toggle this or spin that to reach the end. I like that there are puzzles where one actually has to think about what to do in order to solve most of the puzzles.
If you love the CE version of a game this one is fairly typical of other games in the Surface series. Yes, those collectible flowers are back and you will find them hidden in each scene. There are also morphing statuettes to be found in some scenes BUT I really think that this developer rather skirted their way around the extra content by including a rather short list of items. Yes, all of the standard fluff is there but when there are really only 12 collectible statuettes to find and not that many flowers to find (if the strategy guide is to be trusted), then it makes for a rather less than excellent CE quality game. The Strategy Guide only includes about 43 pages with 3 pages listing the collectibles so it is probably a very short game as well. Maybe if the developers would include better CE packages and longer games, the gamers would be willing to pay more for their games – just sayin’. Of course the reverse is true and if we would pay more for the games, maybe the devs might work harder to create more.
With a short game and a storyline that seems to steal its gameplay from the Redemption Cemetery playbook with freeing guilt-ridden souls, I don’t think this is one of the best games in the Surface series. Of course, Surface has not been a favorite series of mine, but still I expected a bit more from this developer. The game isn’t a bad game but it simply can’t compare to earlier games as far as I am concerned. Newer gamers will most likely love the game because it still is terrific as far as the game itself. I am simply disappointed in the length of the game and the lack of collectibles from a top-tier developer. I am finding that some of the lesser known developers are working a lot harder and creating games that are far superior to the ones we are recently being offered by this developer (and a few others) who seem to be “resting on their laurels”. As always, please try the demo because Surface Project Dawn might just be perfect for you. Happy gaming!
It is Christmas Eve and you are invited to the wedding of Prince Edward and his beloved Rose. When you arrive at the castle everything seems to be very quiet for a wedding celebration with the only noise being a barking Schnauzer who has cornered a fox. Being a kind-hearted soul, you rescue the fox that really isn’t a fox at all but is in fact the best man whose name is Joe. Joe thanks you for your help and tells you that the Prince and his bride, as well as all of the guests, were cursed by a wicked witch and turned into either animals or objects. Joe also says that with your help if the clock in the grand hall can be restarted before midnight everyone will be turned back into their original form and there will be a happily ever after for Edward and Rose.
As is the case with all of the Christmas Stories games this one has beautiful Christmas themed graphics. I love the big Christmas tree in the hall and that scene reminds me of the first Christmas Stories: The Nutcracker. I know that some may groan to find out that you have a rescue pet helper but hey, it’s Christmas so just chill out and enjoy. Maybe you will stick around long enough to see Joe become human again and take up his role as Best Man.
I always enjoy the HOP scenes from Elephant Games because the original list type is my favorite. Although the first scene in most of this developer’s game is generally the list type, they have branched out and we can expect a mix of styles in the HOPS. One of the things I appreciate most that the items are nice and clear and not overly difficult to find. Some might think it makes them too easy but I think it makes the games more fun rather than making me feel crazy when I struggle to find an item.
The mini-games are sometimes difficult and the first one where we need to place the cycles of the moon in the appropriate sequence is one that always causes me trouble. I have never been able to easily solve those puzzles and have to either resort to cheating by looking in the SG or simply skip the puzzle entirely – lol.
The CE has all of the goodies I love in a CE and this one seems fairly well loaded with bunches of morphing objects. The collectibles are nothing spectacular – only puzzle pieces but we do get to build 4 puzzles in the bonus section. The other standard fluff is found such as Wallpapers, Concept Artwork, replay of Mini-Games (I’ll definitely look forward to playing the moon cycle one again) and HOPS, Music, Bonus Chapter, Strategy Guide, and a Secret Room.
Christmas Stories: A Little Prince is a terrific family game that is wonderful to share with the little ones as you go through the holiday season. I think that although they can’t play HOPA games on their own even young children will love to watch mom, dad, grandma and grandpa play this beautiful game. Each year, I eagerly wait for the Christmas Stories game from Elephant Games to be released and it is always an automatic purchase for me. Even though I was surprised that there is a wicked witch in a Christmas game, I have no doubt that it will all come together in the end. In spite of being thrown off by the witch, I still think this is an excellent game. As always, I recommend that you try the demo to see if this will be a game you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
Santa’s Workshop Mosaics is the second holiday themed game from this developer that has come along in recent months. I purchased their Halloween game Far Kingdoms Spooky Mosaics in October and enjoyed it so much that I have now played through all of the boards three times so it is a terrific surprise to see Santa’s Workshop this morning. I imagine that I will play this game just as many times during the Christmas holidays especially when I need to take a break and put my feet up for a bit.
When I started the game I was amazed by the gorgeous, crisp graphics that are full of brilliant color. Not only are the graphics excellent, the accompanying Christmas music soundtrack makes this a perfect Christmas game. When you begin the game you will see an option in settings – “Cover” – that will allow you to select different tile sets. For now I am playing with the original tile set but will experiment with others later. Another thing I like about this game is that I can choose to play the game in the casual mode where I don’t have to play beat the clock. I dislike any game where I must complete a task within a set amount of time or lose “stars or points” so I appreciate being able to select the casual setting that allows me to complete the different boards at my own pace. As you play you will earn coins that can be used to purchase items to decorate Santa’s Village. I have had so much fun with the Halloween game and have changed the spooky landscape several times so now I look forward to setting up my little winter wonderland.
I love the mosaic type puzzle games in general and several of the penguin family games live in in my GM all the time. It has been great to see that in the past year there have been other mosaic games that are just as terrific. For now I look forward to seeing other seasonal mosaic games from this developer. Actually I am hoping that they produce more mosaic games in general because they such great little games and are a great alternative to playing HOPA games. Amazing job Lazy Turtle! Your games are awesome.
In another spin on the Beauty and the Beast theme comes Living Legends 6: Uninvited Guest. I am very fond of the Living Legends series and found the last game just as excellent as the first. This newest offering so far holds up to that same standard. Also I am an incurable romantic at heart and so I love this particular game.
You play the game as Kate who hasn’t seen your cousin Leo since childhood. You have received an invitation to his wedding and it presents a wonderful chance to renew your childhood friendship so you undertake the journey to his castle. Of course being a HOPA game your trip is beset by little things that inevitably make you late, which in this case is good. As you arrive for the wedding the gate to the castle is blocked and you find out that something horrible has befallen the castle and now you must use your wits to save your cousin Leo.
I find only one technical issue in the game and it is something that also occurred in another game by this same developer – Immortal Love the Price of a Miracle. There is a quick, bright flash that seems to occur when there is a transition within the same scene such as entering the tent in this one. I only mention it because it is a bit annoying. That being said, the graphics are gorgeous as they create a fantasy world. Although the castle has been besieged and is damaged at least the scenes are not dreary brown and black. The artists have still used a great deal of color in creating Leo’s castle.
Your tools include an interactive map that allows quick travel between scenes and locations. You also have a Magic Mirror but of course some might think of it as a gimmick because you will periodically need to find Soul Stones to feed it to receive its help. The game has 5 chapters plus the bonus chapter and I am finding each chapter longer than normal. There is a lot to do and a lot of things to discover. Of course looking for those collectibles and morphs are keeping me busy and slowing me down a bit.
The HOPS are nothing new but I still like them because most are the list type that to this day remains my favorite type of HOPS. The scenes in this game are very lovely with some touches of creativity and a bit of interaction. Thankfully, they are not all so interactive that I want to rip my eyelashes off.
The puzzles are not difficult and I am enjoying each one that I come across. Sometimes having puzzles that don’t fry my brain is a good thing. There are times when I really enjoy the challenge of some more difficult puzzles but the nature of this game seems more fitting for easier puzzles. As is always the case, I have no doubt that there will be one or two more difficult puzzles later in the game but for now I am happy. Not everyone likes easy or slightly challenging puzzles but many gamers who dislike puzzles will most likely enjoy this game.
The CE version of the game includes all of the extras I would want in a CE with 68 collectible owls and 34 morphing objects to find. Some of the collectibles are easy to spot but others are well-concealed and it takes a bit of hunting to find them. For those of you who are interested there are achievements to earn as well. The other extras include the standards such as Wallpapers, Concept Art, Screen Savers, Movies, Music a Bonus Chapter and the Strategy Guide. This developer has also included the ability to replay Mini-games and HOPS, which is something that not all developers include so, IMHO, this is a great CE package.
Living Legends 6 Uninvited Guest is a beautiful game and I have been enjoying each moment that I have played. I highly recommend this game if you want an excellent fantasy/romantic type game to play. There have been some times where I didn’t know what to do but that was because I wasn’t looking everywhere and even checking back into my inventory. So if you decide this game is for you don’t leave any stone unturned or book unopened as the case may be. As always, I recommend that you try the demo to see if this will be a game you enjoy. Happy gaming!!
I loved the story but hated the HOPS. I wish this developer would go back to making the wonderful HOPS that they did in years past.
Congratulations Ms. Douglas you have been selected by Discipulus College to receive their Lifetime Achievement Award for Literature. After your soaring arrival on campus, things heat up with a murder since this is a Dead Reckoning game. As far as games in this series go, this is actually a very good one and a bit better than some others; however, I did have a lot of up and down moments with the game – going back and forth between whether I liked or did not like the game. At times I loved the game and at others I found it very frustrating and those moments were mostly related to the HOPS, which are what I look forward to the most in a HOPA game.
As far as I’m concerned the best part of the game is the storyline that is full of twists and “I didn’t see that coming” moments. This is probably one of the best storylines in the Dead Reckoning series so kudos to the developer.
The HOP scenes are very creative but, IMHO, they are poorly designed. I struggled with most of them because the items were too itsy-bitsy to easily spot or in the case of the really interactive scenes, the items were so well hidden there was no clear way to start the ball rolling. I found that I hated the HOPS in the game and that is saying a lot. It is one thing to make a game more difficult but when you do it at the expense of the HOPS then it takes all of the fun out of the game.
So if I hated the HOPS it didn’t leave much aside from the puzzles and the storyline to add to my gaming enjoyment. Well, I guess for me the storyline is what really carried the game because the puzzles were confusing and had very poor instructions so I couldn’t really understand what needed to be done to solve them. Yes, there were maybe one or two terrific puzzles that I could actually understand and figure out but the rest certainly left a lot to be desired. Maybe those gamers who are a lot smarter than me will be able to understand how to solve some of the puzzles because I was at a loss and ended up using the skip button.
I managed to make my way through the entire game with the help of my trusty hint button and I fully intend to replay it at a later date to see if I have the same reaction now that I understand some of those mysterious instructions. So you might ask why I am giving this game a passing grade, and the truth is my evaluation of the game’s merit is based almost solely on the storyline. Yes, there were some HOPS that were better than others and at least passable but nothing on the scale of the excellent HOPS created by this developer in years past. I was also able to solve some of the puzzles and I did consider those to be fun and even require some thought to solve. In the end, because I think this developer is selling out to those who want difficult games at the expense of those who prefer entertainment value, I am only giving the game 3 stars. Had the game not been so tedious and difficult in the HOPS and puzzles, I would have given it a much higher rating. As always, I recommend that you try the demo to see if this will be a game you will enjoy because Dead Reckoning Lethal Knowledge might be just right for you. Happy gaming!
Danse Macabre A Lover’s Pledge is the ninth game in the Danse Macabre series. Although the actual game begins a bit better than the beta that I played, I still don’t find anything compelling about this game because it somehow seems unfinished and lacking in storyline development. When the game began I found it difficult to associate the opening cutscene at the rail station to the events in the opera house and, IMHO, in a rush on the part of the developer to bring the game to market they didn’t put enough detail into the beginning storyline so that we actually have an idea about what is causing the events at the opera house. As the game moves forward with a snail’s pace, we do find tidbits of past events but those aren’t enough to pique my interest to the point that I want to purchase the game. Since I generally play a game very slowly, I was quite surprised that I finished the demo in about thirty minutes which makes me think that perhaps this will be a very short game. The demo itself is almost a snooze fest and I had to force myself to continue to the end so I at least would have a glimmer of the “real” story. With the game’s demo being so boring, I doubt I will purchase the game. Unless reviewers have a different opinion of the game I might purchase it as a “filler” game so that I can take advantage of the two for one sale this weekend.
EIPIX is at the top of my list of favorite game developers and because I generally enjoy most of their games, I know they are capable of so much more than Danse Macabre A Lover’s Pledge. The very first Danse Macabre game was a stellar game and It is very sad to see that A Lover’s Pledge is nowhere near the excellence of The Last Adagio. As always, I recommend that you try the demo because what might be a game that I don’t like will be perfect for you. Happy gaming!
Dark City London is the first game in what might be a new series for the developer, or maybe it is simply a stand-alone game - only time will tell. The game surrounds the beginnings of London’s Landmark Big Ben and a possible curse to prevent the bell from being rung. The game is a puzzle lover’s delight and an exciting mystery game where you detective will get to frequently use your renowned power of deduction. After the game is off to a smashing start you are off and running, chasing a thief who has made off with a very important briefcase that is central to this story and your investigation.
The graphics are quite good with a mixture of styles. While some scenes are presented in pen and ink sketches most of the others are beautiful artwork scenes. The game comes to us from a “Friendly” development team that has recently brought us some excellent games and, IMHO, is quickly becoming a top developer of HOPA games. The 4Friends games have always been at the top of my list and when a new game is released by them it is a definite purchase for me because they pack their games with all of the things I enjoy when playing.
The HOP scenes are presented in some very different ways and although most of them are list style the scenes are excellent and well-crafted. I enjoy the way that a puzzle might either serve to open a HOP scene or will quickly follow the actual scene so we get to stretch our brains a bit more. The puzzles seem moderately easy and I haven’t found any that I couldn’t solve. One of my favorite puzzles has to do with changing the valve handles on a set of plumbing pipes so that the valves align with their shapes at the bottom. Another favorite is a puzzle where we must move to the end of a maze in order to open the code lock on the Engineer’s case. This is a fun and tricky puzzle because you must end exactly at the end of the maze in order to open the lock.
The CE version of the game offers the standard extras so there isn’t too much new to comment on. We all know there will be collectible items, and this one has morphing objects as well. Then there are achievements, and the other standard fluff. We can replay the HOPS and Puzzles so this makes the CE version worthwhile. Dark City London has a 47-page strategy guide so I am guessing the game is a decent length.
When I played the beta for the game and realized the game was from 4Friends I absolutely knew that it would be an instant purchase. Now that I am playing the full game, I know why I love this developer’s games so much. I only quit playing to write this quick review and now it is time for me to get back to playing. If I don’t get too wrapped up I might even get some sleep tonight. As always I recommend that you try the demo of a game before you buy. Hopefully you will enjoy Dark City London as well. Happy gaming!
When I played the beta for this latest Hidden Expedition the Curse of Mithridates, I honestly fell asleep. Well I tried again a few days ago and the same thing happened so I was either too tired or the game was just downright boring. Hating to give up and with a good sale today I ended up purchasing the game. When I started playing a strange thing happened – I ended up thinking this is far better than I thought it would be. By the time that I got out of Turkey and into Malta I was becoming convinced that the game was actually better than I thought it would be. As of the time I write this review, I have almost finished the full game and have to admit that my first impression was totally wrong and this is an excellent new Hidden Expedition game and, in fact, it is much better that the last few offerings in the series.
I am not going to bother writing about the storyline or all of the other basics as others have covered that by now in their reviews but let me just say that a game that started out as an archaeologic find has me now globetrotting to save my fellow H.E.L.P. members. It is a fun adventure with lots of great HOPS thrown in for good measure. My only complaint is that some of the puzzles were downright confusing mainly because the instructions left a lot to be desired. Fortunately, purchasing the full game I had my trusty strategy guide on hand and that did offer a bit of help in solving or at least figuring out what I was supposed to do to solve some puzzles. Many of the puzzles were straight forward and easy while others were scratching my head difficult. All in all, there is something for everyone in the game.
One of the reasons that I think so many gamers might be down on this game is because it really does get off to a slow start. I have recommended that the developer try to put a bit more forward movement into the beginning of their games and that might generate a bit more enthusiasm on the part of their audience. When a game moves so slowly and is bogged down by so many little items in the beginning the gamer wants to say enough already and gives up, or goes to take a nap – anything to get away from the snail pace action. The only thing I can recommend is that you stick with that very slow beginning and then enjoy the excitement as the game truly gets going.
Since I am almost at the end of the game I am now looking forward to playing the bonus chapter that promises to be just as good as the full game. As always, even though I love this game I recommend that you give the demo a try (please stick it out to the end of the demo) to see if this is a game you will enjoy as much as I do. Happy gaming!
When Saga of the Nine Worlds the Gathering was released I was excited to see a new series; however that hope quickly dwindled as I got into the actual game. So when I saw the beta for The Four Stags I asked myself why this developer even bothered to continue the series when the first game was so bad. Fortunately, the developer did continue with game two in the series, The Four Stags, which, IMHO, is so much better than the first game. Yes, once again the game starts off slowly with quite a few mundane tasks to complete before it picks up momentum but it is worth slogging through all of those tasks because once the game gets going it is very, very good. It’s funny because when I tried the beta for the game I wasn’t sure about it since I didn’t care for the first game, but now playing the full game of The Four Stags I am finding that I love it. So what changed? For one thing in the HOP scenes the items are so much easier to find than they were in The Gathering. The items are still well hidden but they are a bit larger and not so monotone which makes them a bit more visible. Although the first HOP scene is covered in old and dusty cobwebs I could still spot the items. Subsequent scenes are even better with more color, which is a great step up from The Gathering.
I am not going to jump into the storyline in this review because others have already done that but I will say that I like this storyline much better than the one in the initial game. The graphics, at least to me, also seem much better and I love the beautiful fantasy realms created by EIPIX. I’ve already mentioned that I think the HOPS are so much better in this game, and even though the puzzles seem easy I know that there will be tougher puzzles ahead. I’m hopeful that as the game progresses the difficulty of the puzzles will as well, which is generally the case in most games. I am hoping that I might run into a couple of super-puzzles later in the game.
I am sure that many gamers will enjoy this game because it seems to be more of an adventure, quest type game than my favored HOPA type. Even though this game may not have as many HOPS or puzzles, I am thankful that this game is so much better than I anticipated. Even though this game is one that I really enjoy, as always, I suggest that you try the demo to see if Saga of the Nine Worlds The Four Stags is a game you will enjoy as well. Happy gaming!