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Can you stop an otherworldly force before it’s too late?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
123 of 154 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 21, 2017
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fromHopefully this is a series that will continue!
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
You and a friend are exploring the now vacant but once acclaimed Kilbourn Observatory. Ryan and Anne Kilbourn worked there for years until there was a terrible accident that tragically took the life of Anne. Not long after the accident Ryan went missing and it is as if he vanished from the face of the earth. Ryan and Anne were said to have created a device that would open a door to another universe but maybe that is not such a good thing. Enveloped in grief over Anne’s death Ryan began refining the device with hope that he would even be able to reunite with Anne one day.
With Fright Chasers Dark Exposure being a game from a very talented developer it of course includes wonderful graphics as well as an excellent sound package that includes believable voiceovers that relay all of the emotion that the characters “feel” in the game.
Your tools include a transporter type map and, hold your breath – wait for it . . . yes, you guessed it a gimmick. This time we have a camera that when fitted with a special lens will allow us to see the spirit world. The camera isn’t that annoying as far as gimmicks go and it does serve a purpose in the game. There is also another tool that can qualify as a gimmick since you will use it for protection but there is a puzzle associated with its use.
I enjoyed the HOPS in this game more than in recent games and found many of them to be very creative and well-designed so that they fit well into the storyline. Even more than the HOPS, I absolutely loved the puzzles. Some of the puzzles were different and I think one of my favorites was the safe puzzle where we must recreate the pattern from some photos in order to open the safe. It is a bit tricky and lots of fun to figure out the right combination. The puzzles are also a bit more difficult than usual at times so I wish they could be replayed in the CE extras but that ability doesn’t seem to be built into the game.
CE Content includes Collectibles include the same old boring Mad Head Signature Swirl to find, There are Morphing Objects to be found in the usual places as well.. Of course there are Achievements to earn as well. Wallpapers, Concept Art, Soundtracks, replay of 21 HOP Scenes, Case Files to assemble, a Bonus Chapter, and a 46-page Strategy Guide.
I found this game to be very good with some great gameplay moments. Coupled with excellent puzzles and creative HOPS I think this is probably one of the best games to be released in recent weeks. That being said the game theme became much different than I originally hoped it would be. Unfortunately, we have another evil that is taking control and I am really over that theme. It looks like Fright Chasers is going to continue as a series but I hope that the developer might find some different content for future game themes. All in all, even though I am not fond of where the game went, it was done quite well and had moments that provided a lot of entertainment and a need to think along the way. Even though I really enjoyed this game, please try the demo to see if it is one you will enjoy as well. Happy Gaming!
I recommend this game!
123of 154voted this as helpful.
Antiques from Rosen's Workshop are coming to life!
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
59 of 66 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 20, 2017
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fromAnother green-eyed possession is running loose. Please let them get some rest
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
1 / 5
I’ve struggled two days to write this review and it seems like they each become more difficult when so many of the games seem to blend together with each one being almost the same as the last HOPA game I played. So here we are now with another game in an endless cookie cutter series with game number six in the Spirit of Revenge series – Unrecognized Master. When I started to play the game I had to go back and check to see if this game was created by the original developer because it definitely didn't feel anywhere close to the creativity and excellence of the first game – Cursed Castle.

Unrecognized Master begins with the now obligatory scene of blood and murder but despite that I pushed myself to continue playing so that I could at least give the game a fair shot.
One of the first things that frustrated me about this game is that when I selected the custom setting there were very few options available. There were sliders available to set the hint and skip times but the custom option was really a joke. If developers are going to add a Custom setting, why not make it worthwhile for the gamer and offer a variety of options such as choosing map options or, real hint and skip values.
I don’t feel as adamant as other gamers about helpers but I didn’t care for the mechanical Kiwi. Being a “Kiwi” myself somehow it seemed rather wrong to modify this naturally flightless bird so that it could perform the various tasks that I couldn’t possibly handle on my own with a little creativity on my part.
The storyline for Unrecognized Master is basically a rehash of storylines that have been used over and over and over again here at BFG and the gameplay has nothing new or interesting – just a change of characters, and this time with neon green eyes to indicate they have been possessed by some poor apprentice who had been slain by his benefactor 200 years previously.
The only things that really kept me moving forward in the game (one that I haven’t finished by the way because the storyline is simply too boring) are the HOP scenes that I do enjoy and the entertaining puzzles or mini-games. The HOPS were well-designed and even though most of them are list type (my favorite) the items are not too difficult to find and the scenes are not just dark and web-riddled. The puzzles are creative and some did seem like they were new so I found those quite enjoyable. I am sure there are more to come and another day when I have nothing better to do I might go back and actually finish the game.
The CE version of the game really is nothing more than what we would expect but at least there are morphing objects as well as the collectibles to find. The other extras are the standard fluff and we all know what to expect so I am not going to waste my time letting you know at this point what is included.
In closing I really was not overly impressed with the game because I know this developer can do much better. I suggest they go back to the drawing board and perhaps put an end to this worn out series and come up with something new. I know there are many new gamers here at BFG and you will probably appreciate Unrecognized Master far more than me. It is not a terrible game and it does have some good things to offer. If you are new, you might love this game but for me it is simply a rehash of another cookie cutter game. As always I urge you to try the demo since we all like different things in games. Happy gaming!
I don't recommend this game.
59of 66voted this as helpful.
Can you find out what's targeting young men in Paris?
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
72 of 95 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 18, 2017
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fromYou might not want to find out why Adalinda wears a mask
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
4 / 5
5 / 5
Chimeras Blinding Love is the sixth game in the series and in this game you are once again a detective but now you are in Paris circa 1800s. Your services have been requested by a woman named Marie whose son Julien was smitten in more ways than one by a beautiful young circus performer. Julien’s mother found him one night lying in the street blind and paralyzed. What is more troubling is that there have been similar cases throughout the city. Marie has hired you to find out who is behind this horrific crime so that more young men do not suffer the same fate. The only possible connection to the crime is the young circus performer, Adalinda, who has stolen Julien’s heart and his reason as well. Play this new game in the Chimeras series to see if you can solve the mystery of Adalinda and the illness affecting the young men of Paris.
Although Blinding Love is yet another sequel, I find that I actually enjoyed the game. The gameplay seemed a bit more difficult until I got started with the puzzles quickly becoming what I enjoyed most about the game. Even with a very simple first HO scene that was a story type the game overall seems to be excellent.
Technically, the graphics are not the type I prefer since I love hand drawn artwork rather than what seems to be the computer generated scenes in this game. Another thing I noticed is that some of the scenes appear foggy in appearance but that could have been intentional. The sound package is nothing outstanding but it is overall quite good. Your tools include a map but this one doesn’t display the links to collectibles or achievements that maps in other games from this developer include.
As I mentioned above the first HOP scene was a brief story type scene where we found the highlighted reference from the story. The second scene was the standard list type that is my favorite. If the beginning of the game is any indication there will be more puzzles than HOPS but I won’t know for sure until I play the full game. I loved the puzzles and even found the first one that looks to be quite easy very tricky. The puzzles offer some variety with some being easy and others being far more difficult. Although I haven’t seen the first puzzle previously I loved that I had to struggle a bit to find the solution. Of course there are the typical sliders that are mostly easy and those directional arrow puzzles that are mainly trial and error but still there are some puzzles that require a bit of brain power to solve.
The CE version of the game includes fairly much the same content that we find in most CE games from Elephant with 27 Morphing Objects, 36 Puzzle Pieces, and 12 Collectible Cards to find. There are also the ever-present achievements to earn as you play the game. The other standard fluff includes Wallpapers, Screensavers, Concept Artwork, Music, Cards, a Secret Room, Bonus Game, and a 36-page Strategy Guide. Unfortunately there is no replay of HOPS or Puzzles, which is one of the main reasons I purchase the CE version of a game. Oftentimes, if I simply want to move on with the storyline in a game, I will skip a puzzle that gives me trouble knowing that I can replay it later in the extras. It is rather annoying that I will have to replay the game so that I can try to solve a skipped puzzle at a later time.
The general design of Chimeras Blinding Love seems geared toward the younger crowd but it is one that can be enjoyed by the entire family. The storyline is interesting and at least there is not an evil wizard wreaking havoc and attempting to control the world or some other such nonsense. In my humble opinion the first game in the Chimeras series, Tune of Revenge, was awesome and could have been a ten-star game if that was possible in the BFG rating scale. Sadly, as is generally the case with most series the games went downhill from there with Blinding Love definitely better than the last two in the series. As always, I recommend that you try the demo to see if Blinding Love is a game you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
I recommend this game!
72of 95voted this as helpful.
Can you defeat dangerous creatures and find your grandfather in time?
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
61 of 65 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 15, 2017
Customer avatar
fromI am so sick of demons! Are there no other game themes living in the world of creativity?
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
This will most likely be one of the shortest reviews I have ever submitted on a game. Others have described the storyline and all of the game’s features so there is no need for me to rehash those. However, what I do need to say is that I am absolutely, totally, and thoroughly sick of games that feature demons and monsters even if they are dressed up in a lovely shade of light purple. A demon, is a demon, is a demon! I am certain that very creative developers can come up with other themes for their games.
Now that I have made it clear that I hate the subject matter of this Rite of Passage game I have one other pet peeve and that is the wretched HOPS in this game. Why do developers feel that it is necessary to make almost every HOP scene nothing more than dark heaps of junk in poorly lit rooms? These types of scenes are nothing more than an exercise in tedium and frustration for most gamers over the age of thirty and I even doubt that younger gamers would have fun searching through piles of rubble to find the items they need. Developers need to realize that many of us who love and PURCHASE HOPA games are over the age of forty. Yes there are younger fans of the genre but many of us have been members here at BFG for many, many years. I remember a time when HOP scenes were fun and items were far easier to identify and find.
Judging by the recent rash of games that have been released by Big Fish Games, if this is the future of HOPA games, I think I will have to close my laptop and take up another hobby.
The only enjoyable part of Rite of Passage the Sword and the Fury were the mini-games, some of which were excellent and fun to solve. I disliked the storyline that could have been so much better if the developer had worked a bit more on the theme and ditched the demons entirely.
Honestly, I hate writing negative reviews but lately I don’t think that the games presented by some very qualified and excellent developers deserve more than one or two-stars for their games. I love HOPA games and I spend most of my entertainment budget on purchasing them here at BFG. If future games are more of the same then I can look forward to saving a lot of money. As for the Sword and the Fury, I think it should get lost in some gaming portal in a faraway land.
61of 65voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
52 of 68 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 14, 2017
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fromI think I have played this same game at least 15 times this year
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
Mystery Tales Dangerous Desires is game number eight in the series. Imagine eight games since the series began in 2014 with basically two games per year BUT there have been three games since January of 2017. Domini has recently become a prolific game developer, with the Mystery Tales series only one of the many that it brings to market each year. So with this rate of production something has to suffer and it finally becomes totally apparent with this game. If you have played Domini’s recent games then you will see the recycled scenery, the rehashed storylines, puzzles and HOPS. There is really nothing new about this game, and within minutes Dangerous Desires is nothing but an exercise in boredom. I am guessing that this developer uses the concept art from their recent games and only changes a few items to make each game specific to a particular storyline while everything else remains the same. As far as storyline, we have the same old evil mage or wizard who wants to avenge some perceived injustice and then either take over the world or destroy it.
Dangerous Desires screams same old, same old from the beginning scenes where we must find the same old items and use the same old tools to find them. The puzzles are the same old puzzles, with the same old HOP scenes.
The release today of Dangerous Desires is a Collector’s Edition release and yes, there are the same old morphing objects and the same old collectibles. The Strategy Guide is just an updated version of one from previous games.
At one time I thought that this developer would be a bit different than others but unfortunately they have jumped on the BFG bandwagon of creating game after game after game, and in the process I have seen this developer’s creativity decline. In the end I must at least recommend that you try the demo to see if you perhaps find this game to your liking. Happy gaming!
I don't recommend this game.
52of 68voted this as helpful.
Can you delve into a dangerous past and escape in time?
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
48 of 61 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 13, 2017
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fromNope, this is definitely not my cuppa and I have better things to do with my day
Skill Level:Expert
Let me start by saying that Phantasmat has never been anywhere close to being my favorite series. After the last Phantasmat game - Mournful Loch, I swore that I would never buy another game in the Phantasmat series. Well here we are it’s another day and for some odd reason I just had to indulge my addiction to purchasing CE games. What a mistake, particularly when I should have known better and shackled myself far from my laptop and that “buy” button.
In the game’s opening video we see a young boy named Kevin being urged by his friends to scale a mountainside and then when they realize he is in danger, they tell him he has gone too far and that he should climb down. Well with the series name being Phantasmat it doesn’t take a genius to know that the boy will slip and fall; and with that we have the beginning of another game in the Phantasmat series.
You play the game as Ashley White (or do you?) who has suffered a severe concussion in a traffic accident and now must recover from a bad case of amnesia. The doctor tells your husband Stan that you must have a quiet environment in which to recover so he takes you to his farm in the country. I guess with a bad case of amnesia you didn’t happen to notice the rain stained pillows or the decaying environment. I doubt I could relax in a dirty and rusty bed but hey anything is possible in game land. At any rate, it isn’t long after you arrive for your relaxing recovery (and yes there is a raging storm approaching just to add to the ambience and make matters a bit worse) when Stan informs you that you must first secure the windows from the storm before going to bed – yep in that filthy bed no less – even though he realizes you are injured and tired. As you are securing the windows you happen to see the reflection of a young boy who seems to beckon you and you have an urge to follow him. Kevin (yes the very same boy who fell from the cliff) leaves some clues and help for you as you find your way through the decaying farmhouse. As we learn bits and pieces of the story we begin to see that loving Stan definitely has another side to his dark personality. So the question for me is do I really want to suffer through the tedium of the game in order to find out more about Stan and our relationship. In my case the answer is no but that is just me.
Where the game falls apart for me is with the HOP scenes that are simply dreadful. There is a progressive scene early in the game where I had to use the hint button several times to simply get started. The scene made no sense and the items were ridiculously difficult to find. I know there has been a huge outcry from some gamers who want more difficult and challenging games but I am not one of them. However, I guess this developer has heard that call because their last several games have been so tedious and boring that I doubt I will ever purchase another. I remember when the Eipix name once equated to awesome, gorgeous, and wonderful games. I found the gameplay to be fun, if not challenging, with HOPS that were creative and where I could actually identify the items to be found. Recently this developer has resorted to using unidentifiable blotches, parts shrouded in glaring light or hidden behind dusty webs, or worse yet – items that are so infinitesimally small it would take a magnifying glass to find them. That is not what I want in a HOPA game. Part of the enjoyment for me is a relaxing search for items that can be found without too much effort. That does not mean that I don’t want some challenge or creativity in the scenes because I certainly do. I just don’t want tedium and frustration when I play since I don’t find that fun.
If this game has any redeeming qualities they turn out to be some excellent mini-games that I actually enjoyed. Unfortunately, the game is so bad that not even the excellent puzzles could get me to stick it out past the game’s demo.
Unfortunately I purchased the game without trying the demo and that was a huge mistake. This is a game that will sit in my purchase history without ever being played. Well maybe one day when I want a dose of punishment I might decide to suffer through the game which might not take too long since the game appears to be very short with only 12 HOPS and 13 min-games and a very short strategy guide. Even though this game was not my cup of tea, I am sure that many out there in Big Fish game land will find the game to be just what they are looking for. As always, please try the demo because you might just be one of those gamers who love the game. Happy gaming!
I don't recommend this game.
48of 61voted this as helpful.
Can you break free from your nightmares in time?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
27 of 28 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 12, 2017
Customer avatar
fromI think I will need to have a chat with my doctor
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
4 / 5
Do you have trouble sleeping because nightmares awaken you during the night? Well, you do since you play the game as Mr. Reynell, whose lack of sleep is affecting his job performance so much that he visited his doctor who gave him a prescription for sleeping pills. One would think that with two sleeping pills he would sleep dream free but that is not the case as he now will revisit scenes from his life rather than getting that peaceful sleep that he craves. As you play the game you will revisit scenes and times from Mr. Reynell’s life and find the answers to what is troubling him.
I love this game. I love the graphics and the way the game is put together. Even though the early scenes in the game are rather dark with a lot of gray and black the game is not all like that as we step into various scenes from our character’s life. Visit grandmother’s house and your school and beyond those early days as your life and dreams move forward.
Sable Maze has been a series that I loved when it was first released in 2012. Most of the games were excellent and this game continues in that trend, which is a bit unusual since many series seem to decline in storyline appeal after several years. There is a lot to love about the game including the excellent HOPS and puzzles.
The HOPS showed a lot of creativity early in the game but then it seemed to rely a lot on the storybook type of scene that I tend to dislike. I have been playing HOPA games for well over 10 years and even after all of that time the standard list type scenes remain my favorite. Because so many gamers demand more creativity in the games the developers have branched out but I still love the basics. Overall I do like the HOP scenes but wish those storybook scenes would go away.
The game has a ton of puzzles – maybe more than I have seen in a lot of games but again gamers keep clamoring for more puzzles and more difficult puzzles. So here we are with over 30 puzzles in this latest Sable Maze game but most of them are fairly easy. Some of the puzzles offer a choice between hard and easy when playing so it is up to you.
If you prefer the CE version of a game this one includes Shadow People to collect that will be used in the Shadow People Encyclopedia. You also collect 15 Family Pictures. Other extras include the standard fluff of Wallpapers, Concept Art, Music, and this one has a feature that I enjoy – the Developer Diary.
I found the game very enjoyable and think it is probably right towards the top of the series. Other games include Sullivan’s River, Norwich Caves, Forbidden Garden, Twelve Fears, Soul Catcher, and Sinister Knowledge. As always, I suggest that you try the demo to see if you will enjoy this game. Happy gaming!
I recommend this game!
27of 28voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
7 of 8 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 12, 2017
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fromI think I will need to have a chat with my doctor
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
4 / 5
Do you have trouble sleeping because nightmares awaken you during the night? Well, you do since you play the game as Mr. Reynell, whose lack of sleep is affecting his job performance so much that he visited his doctor who gave him a prescription for sleeping pills. One would think that with two sleeping pills he would sleep dream free but that is not the case as he now will revisit scenes from his life rather than getting that peaceful sleep that he craves. As you play the game you will revisit scenes and times from Mr. Reynell’s life and find the answers to what is troubling him.
I love this game. I love the graphics and the way the game is put together. Even though the early scenes in the game are rather dark with a lot of gray and black the game is not all like that as we step into various scenes from our character’s life. Visit grandmother’s house and your school and beyond those early days as your life and dreams move forward.
Sable Maze has been a series that I loved when it was first released in 2012. Most of the games were excellent and this game continues in that trend, which is a bit unusual since many series seem to decline in storyline appeal after several years. There is a lot to love about the game including the excellent HOPS and puzzles.
The HOPS showed a lot of creativity early in the game but then it seemed to rely a lot on the storybook type of scene that I tend to dislike. I have been playing HOPA games for well over 10 years and even after all of that time the standard list type scenes remain my favorite. Because so many gamers demand more creativity in the games the developers have branched out but I still love the basics. Overall I do like the HOP scenes but wish those storybook scenes would go away.
The game has a ton of puzzles – maybe more than I have seen in a lot of games but again gamers keep clamoring for more puzzles and more difficult puzzles. So here we are with over 30 puzzles in this latest Sable Maze game but most of them are fairly easy. Some of the puzzles offer a choice between hard and easy when playing so it is up to you.
If you prefer the CE version of a game this one includes Shadow People to collect that will be used in the Shadow People Encyclopedia. You also collect 15 Family Pictures. Other extras include the standard fluff of Wallpapers, Concept Art, Music, and this one has a feature that I enjoy – the Developer Diary.
I found the game very enjoyable and think it is probably right towards the top of the series. Other games include Sullivan’s River, Norwich Caves, Forbidden Garden, Twelve Fears, Soul Catcher, and Sinister Knowledge. As always, I suggest that you try the demo to see if you will enjoy this game. Happy gaming!
I recommend this game!
7of 8voted this as helpful.
Can you stop the infamous Crows League before they strike again?
Overall rating 
Disliked it.
2 / 5
10 of 10 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 12, 2017
Customer avatar
fromMaybe I need to take a nap and then wake up to find out that all of these interminable series have finally ended
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
2 / 5
Level of Challenge 
2 / 5
2 / 5
Dark Tales is back with game number eleven in the series. It is obvious that the developer is grasping at straws in order to keep this series alive because I doubt that many of you will find this game has anything to do with EAP’s Lenore. I guess we could maybe stretch our imaginations a bit and accept this might be a story of Lenore’s childhood and early life but that would be quite a stretch.
There is really no need for me to go into all of the other features in the game because if you want to know what to expect, there are others who will lay it all on the table and do an excellent job of providing the game’s details.
When I began the demo, I noticed that our haggard detective is back with perhaps just a bit of a cleanup since his last foray into the Dark Tales game world. You, of course, will play his sidekick who will do all of the work and discovery while Dupin just pops up with idiotic comments, not at all what one would expect from a top-notch detective.
As usual we get to find the missing objects and replace them in order to progress in the game, but the question here is do I really want to take another walk into the Dark Tales world when I really didn’t find much in the beginning that would give me the extra nudge and let me know that Lenore will be worth my time and effort only to find out that Lenore is yet another feeble attempt at keeping a series alive that should have been put to rest long ago.
If you are new to playing HOPA games, you will most likely enjoy Lenore. The ERS team certainly is excellent in presentation and I doubt that any other developer’s art team can create such wonderful characters in a game. On the other hand, the voices are terrible and certainly leave a lot to be desired. The reading of the letter at the beginning of the game had me wanting to beat my monitor with a stick to speed up the reader. The presentation of the mayor’s letter almost put me to sleep and was just the beginning of the downward spiral as far as Lenore is concerned. It is very sad for me to write a negative review of an ERS game because this developer was integral in creating my love of HOPA games. Perhaps, there have just been too many games in this series and I have reached my saturation point. That being said, many of you have not yet reached that point and will most likely find Lenore to be an excellent game. Please try the demo to see if Dark Tales Lenore is a game you will enjoy. Happy gaming!
I don't recommend this game.
10of 10voted this as helpful.
A Halloween party becomes a spine-tingling fight for survival!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
179 of 238 found this review helpful
PostedOctober 11, 2017
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fromThis game is destined to become a Halloween classic
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
You play the game as Jane Stone whose friend Joe invited you to attend what is supposed to be the Halloween party of the year. You and Joe arrive at the party only to find out that it is much different than what you expected. The magnificent costumed guests morph into ghoulish creatures before your eyes and soon you are trapped in a room and learn that Joe has been kidnapped by the ghoulish partygoers. How will you escape, and how will you rescue Joe? Who are the Beyonders? You will need to play this incredible Halloween game to find the answers to these questions and even more.
The graphics are awesome and crystal clear. The voice overs are amazing and convey the right touch of weird and creepy. Okay, I hate to give things away in a game but just as a warning there will be spiders. Fortunately I don’t suffer from arachnophobia but for those of you who hate the crawly, creepy things there are some in the game. Of course this is a Halloween game so we should expect a few spiders lurking around – right?
Since there are other reviewers who will provide more information about the HOPS and Mini-games I will only let you know that they are excellent. Although the HOPS might seem familiar the creative presentation is excellent. The puzzles are excellent and not too easy, but also not so difficult that you want to rip your hair out.
If you prefer the CE version of a game this one includes the usual items: Morphing Objects, Puzzle Fragments, Creepy Figurines, Achievements, Wallpapers, Concept Artwork, Music, Secret Room, an Album Strategy Guide, and a Bonus Chapter. My only disappointment with the CE is that there is no replay of the HOPS or puzzles.
Okay, I am not a huge Halloween fan and don’t prefer creepy games but there is something compelling about Halloween Stories Invitation. I find the game very creative and imaginative even though the game follows the usual pattern of do this, find that. As is generally the case in recent years, the gameplay might seem rather predictable but the presentation is wonderful. For me though the storyline is terrific and I want (no, need) to learn more about who the Beyonders are and why they are so fixated on Jane Stone. We do learn a little in an early HOP scene in the game but that tidbit left me wanting more. Because I want to figure this out, the game was an instant buy for me. Somehow I have a hunch that this is undoubtedly one of the best Halloween games ever and one that is sure to be a classic to be played again each year.
I recommend this game!
179of 238voted this as helpful.
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