Look after and feed fun 3D fish and watch them play and interact with each other as you complete exciting match-3 levels to earn money for decorating your aquarium!
I played obsessively but soon realized that the game would not end before I had carpal tunnel. My only objection was the cheezoid decorations and repetitive music.
O.K. so they used the same basic sets, that ends the similarity to Dire Grove. There were no live actors as in the original which was a mistake in my opinion. Why the addition of those irritating puzzles that were not able to be solved by most people without a hint? I dislike them so much that I found myself hitting the skip button, which is something I never do.
Oddly enough, I began my membership with BF when I played Dire Grove and I am considering ending it with the Dire Grove sequel.
There was nothing special about the bonus chapter at all.
The first Final Cut was the best. From there it has been downhill. A bit overreaching with regard to the plot, in my opinion. The puzzles are o.k. but boring. I wish I hadn't purchase this. I played but I was not moved by the game or by the characters in it.
I like Eipix but I wish they would retire some games rather than beat them into the ground! One good idea is not worth five installments.
I agree with another poster who said that the characters all look alike.
While I really liked it, I would say the storyline was not as good as the rest of the Weird Park series. I am surprised this was not a CE though I can understand opting for a SE and having the audience wowed as opposed to a CE and having the audience feel somewhat slighted.
As much as I enjoy the amusement park theme I will not be as interested if the series continues with the new joker. For me Mr. Dudley morphed into a less interesting character.
A fire breaks out during a concert, and now your daughters are both missing. Hurry to track them down – their music may hold the key to life and death!
The game had it's good moments. I would never have purchased however, it were it not for the coupon.
I am not a fan of the grainy graphics. Also, why did the two little girls look like linebackers? The artists seem better able to draw objects as opposed to people but the children were the worst.
Hints were unnecessary but the skip button was a boon when the timed pipe puzzles appeared. That I found too annoying.
I just replayed this in preparation for the next Dire Grove. It was absolutely great. The live actors were amazing. The storyline was quite interesting and all of the puzzles good. There is almost no direction at all which made the strategy guide a must since the hints only worked during the HO scenes. I had not remembered that or how many HOS there were.
Also forgotten by me was the lack of a map. I felt like I was walking around a lot. It reminded me of the first adventure game I played, MYST. As much as I loved this game I wonder if the CE was worth it. I love the concept art but I do not want wallpapers. I'd rather have bonus gameplay.
It still amazes me how far ahead of their time these developers are. So very few games meet the standards they set years ago.
I replayed this game and realized that I enjoyed it more than I had when it first came out. It was very good. I do wish the artists spent as much time on the details of the characters as the environment which was so rich in comparison.
This game seemed longer than most with such varied scenes that I thought at times I was playing a CE.
Though I am not a fan of this style of grainy graphics the game was a winner for me. I will say that there was way too much dialog for my taste but nevertheless it was a good game. There were plenty of areas to visit and a lot to accomplish.
I did not find all of the skulls. A couple of them eluded me.
It is always nice to have something good to spend my game coupons on!
I love when BF has games I can use my coupons on. This one was a decent game. Though I am not a fan of the grainy graphic style it was a good storyline with plenty to do. The game provides an interactive map which prevents a lot of walking around which was never too bad anyway. The music is familiar and unobtrusive. The voiceovers were good as well. Nothing was especially difficult though some may find the game too easy but it was fun. This was a solid game.