The voice acting was so affected it was hard to get past that. Though as awful as the main game was the bonus was worse.
I played this when it first came out and replayed it skipping all the busywork. I don't know why I bothered.
****BF should make some distinction between games aimed at children rather than adults. This game might suit a young child but it did not suit me. How about it BF? Why not add suggested age for play?
I tried the demo and couldn't get through it. There was nothing captivating about this game for me. I thought the visuals were a bit amateurish as well.
I replayed this and realized it was quite forgettable. There was nothing special about it. I found the gameplay dreary and felt as if I was plodding along from one task to the next. I would have rated the visuals higher but they were inconsistent.
While the main game was passable, (I actually liked the ridiculous optimism of the main character's vocals), the bonus game was horrid. Why have a bonus game if it is just a silly afterthought? It felt as if all of the ideas that were rightly edited from the main game were thrown into the short and unsatisfying bonus.
Some series get better with age. This is not one of them. The graphics are good but the gameplay is so predictable. I found nothing in the storyline to connect with. It was as if the developers forgot the plot and just focused on the formulaic additions of puzzles and HOPS.
This game had a number of good moments. This is the second time I have played it and have come away with the same response both times.
The game is challenging primarily because there is no direction to it at all. It is sort of like playing one of those escape games. Nothing is divulged with the exception of a missing parrot or roses.
Some of the puzzles were made up by mathematics majors for the sheer pleasure of watching we mere mortals squirm. They are doable but not enjoyable.
Why did the ending feel like some sophomoric religious preaching?
Also, The fuzzy graphics are not my favorite style.
I just replayed this game and enjoyed it again. It was beautifully drawn and the voiceovers were quite good. It was challenging without being too difficult.
I replayed this and enjoyed it imensely. I loved the hallucination/dream scenes. You never know what is real.
I did run into a problem with the bonus ending. I still had things to do and I was abruptly thrown from the game. It was over and I had to replay it to figure out the issue. I do not recall that happening the first time I played. I'll wait another year and try again.