I see what Valdy means by the "light beams." They are a little distracting and make the graphics look a little fuzzy in some spots. However, I did not have difficulty seeing what I needed to see. On the whole, the graphics and game play were nice, music okay. I like the HOGs, clean and fairly easy to find objects. For some reason, I like the way this dev sets up the HOGs and the follow through when you find an item (silly, I know, but I like it). Games not difficult.
Voice overs are nice (always a plus for me), except that the "native" speaks exceptional English for a native. Sounds like he went to Oxford for his education. Wish all devs would use jump maps..extremely helpful and a huge time saver. Nice SG and hint system is very helpful as well. The one thing I didn't care for was the fact that you could not "click" through the dialogue. Yes, you can skip it, but I like to read through it faster than they speak it.
Even with the music and the speaking, this game is farily quiet. Nothing jumped out at me yet, but I'm sure it will. Especially since there are snakes. The only extras I found are the morphing objects, which I like.
I have the other two games in this series and really enjoyed them. I like this one well enough to also purchase this one to add to my collection, even though it is a CE and I swore off CEs. I have 2 credits that I will use for this one.
I think this game will appeal to all levels of players. However, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have dfferent tastes in games and you may not care for this one at all. Thanks for the reviews.
I tried the CE version as well and was not kicked out about it, but thought I would give the SE a try (feel free to read my review under the CE). After a second look at the game, I have decided my dislikes are still dislikes and I will not even use a credit on this one.
Graphics and game play are not bad, a lot (and I mean a lot) of talking and not much action. Still very quiet game. HOGs are a bit different, but a few like this now and then is plenty, not almost the entire hour. Again, stiff, plastic looking people with very silly dialogue in a lot of places. My CE review was a bit more indepth than this one, but all still holds true for the SE version as well. This would be an okay game for a beginner, but not for a seasoned player.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may find this quite to your liking. Thanks for the reviews.
I don't recommend this game.
14of23voted this as helpful.
Dark Dimensions: City of Ash Collector's Edition
A dark dimension has fallen over Phoenix Hill, turning its residents into volcanic ash. Help them rise from the ashes.
Okay, I have the first two DD games (City of Fog is the best) and was a little disappointed in this one. Graphics were okay, although a little washed out. Game play is nice, SG is nice, music and sound FX good. Hint system seemed a little slow on the return, but helpful when used. Very nice voice overs. Nice jump map (I like the way it is set up).
There is a lot of talking, maybe to make the game seem longer than it is. I don't care for games that do not show you all the chapters in a demo, they are usually always short games and I won't pay that much for one. I do not like it when I click off the custom cursor and it doesn't return to the arrow...very irritating...why bother putting that option in the settings when it is useless.
HOGs are a mix of straight HOG and "find me and use me with another item." Games are very simple. I did not find this game challenging at all and got bored with it very quickly. Don't know what the deal is lately, but we have had a rash of very poor games. This is not a bad game, but did not grab me and make me want to buy it to see what happens. I recommend this game as more of a beginner level. Not for me.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may find this one to your liking. Thanks for the reviews.
Why is it that I always have all the games that are included in a "bundle" price sale? Maybe I just need to wait for the bundle to purchase games. I have a lot of ERS games and have been please with the ones I purchase. However, I'm not sure this is CE worthy. The graphics are not real clear and not up to par for ERS games (haven't been for awhile now). The only HOGs I see are "match this with the item it goes with." Very boring. A few is okay, but not the whole game. Maybe it changes as you get into the games. Some items are very weird too...I would never have guessed that one of the items was a cork remover! They repeat the same area frequently.
I am very tired of the constant running back and forth for one item. Fortunately there is a jump map. I think they do that to make the game seem longer, but is getting very boring and I lose interest quickly these days.
Game play seems good. I do like the voice overs. Very appropriate for the setting and characters. Well done. Hint system is average for recovery speed. Music okay.
Not sure I'm going to get this one, even as an SE. It just didn't grab me and make me want to buy it to see what happens. Same story, different day. I will put it in the puddle and decide another day, if nothing better comes along. I do know that I will not buy the CE.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you not care for this one at all, or it may be just what you are looking for. Thanks for the reviews.
This is a very simple little game. Yes, the graphics are very old school and very cartoon like, but clean. A lot of talking, which you can click through. HOGs are not hard, but do take some thought when searching for items. Games are not difficult either. Music is okay but gets a bit annoying after while, so I just turn it way down. Voice overs aren't bad, but some comments are a bit silly. Nice jump map. Hint is helpful and fills quickly. Not a lot of instruction, but easy to figure out.
Very much like Gardenscapes and Antique Road Show. I enjoy this type of game, earning money to upgrade and buy things. Of course, it is all HOGs. This story line is a little different, which is nice. You have to find six jewels, which can be a little challenging. There is a little fairy to find in each scene, who will eliminate one of your find items. I save the fairy for last and use it if I can't find something.
This is one of those games that is relaxing. Nothing dark and gloomy (so far), and fun. A nice change of pace. I did enjoy this game and will use a credit to purchase. I think most all level of players will enjoy this one...especially if you liked Gardenscapes and Antique Road Show.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may not care for this one at all. Thanks for the reviews.
Got the first two LC games and really liked them. This one is pretty much the same as far as graphics and game play (nice). Games are simple. A lot of cut scenes, but you can click through them. You spend a lot of time and good shoe leather running back and forth quite a lot. I liked the mixture of HOGs (silhouettes...too many, list of objects and "put item back"), but the color was a bit washed out and some items difficult to see. Gets frustrating when you find an object but can't pick it up until you find something else first. I like a challenge, but not when it becomes frustrating and "not so much fun anymore."
Music not bad. Hint system nice, fills fairly quickly, but I did not care for the catching of the fireflies. They aren't that difficult to catch, just seemed like an useless step since the hint fills anyway. The fireflies just make it fill faster. Map wasn't bad, at least it was a jump..good thing since you ran around in circles quite a lot.
This was a somewhat challenging game, nothing extra or special. It did not make me want to run out and get it as soon as the demo ended. I would hope that this is the end of this series. As I have said numerous times, I am trying not to buy CE games, unless there is a real hot special. That said, since it is buy one get one free, I will get this game to add to my collection, along with the Dark Parables CE I passed on earlier this week.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may not care for this one at all. Thanks for the reviews.
Another in the series. A game has to be exceptional in all aspects in order for me to give it a 5...thus, the 4.5. I have the other four and thoroughly enjoyed them all. This one is very much the same in nice graphics (a bit washed out color) and game play. Games are fairly simple. I usually skip the "move from here to there," but I actually got this one right! I do like the FROGs. Some items are difficult to see, because of the color. Things just sort of blend together.
Story is nothing new, just a bit different (who knew there was more than one Cinderella). Hint helpful and fairly fast recovery. Nice SG as well. Music not too bad, but does get a bit annoying after awhile.
I have sworn off CE games until I use up my credits, and even though this is a nice game, I'm not sure it is CE worthy. There is nothing special. Nice voice over.
Not sure why we get the "extra" items we find, except for the clothing. I have not been able to find all four parts during the demo. END SPOILER ALERT
I did like this game and will purchase, but not sure yet if I'm going to spring for the CE or wait for the SE. I will add one to my collection.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may not care for this one at all. Thanks for the reviews.
Right to it...graphics are very old school and somewhat blurry. Game play was good, music okay. HOGs were junk piles and a lot of items were very difficult to see (otherwise, pretty straight forward). Liked the ability to change the lighting within the game...very nice touch.
Cursor was off center. I don't like custom cursors, so always click them off. The standard was way off course and I had to click numerous times to find the correct spot to pick up an item in the HOGs. I switched back to the custom and still had the same problem...very maddening.
The ferret was very annoying and made a lot of extremely stupid remarks. Voice over was okay, but a bit heavy on the accent (maybe it was real).
This game did not grab me, was not challenging and did not make me want to buy it to see what happens. A beginner may like it, but not a somewhat seasoned gamer like me. This dev has gone backward. Not for me.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may find this one quite enjoyable. Thanks for the reviews.
Over and over the same nightmare is following you: your sister Anna is trapped in a strange existence, begging you to help her escape. But what if these are not just random nightmares?
A fairly nice SE for a change...about time! The graphics are a bit fuzzy in spots, but otherwise very nice. Game play is nice. Music is okay (I did not find it annoying like most others). HOGs are quite dark in some areas, making a lot of items very difficult to see. Games are not hard, but some take a little thought. A WT would be extremely helpful...hard to tell how long the game is without one.
There are no voice overs, which would greatly increase the likeability of this game. There is quite a bit of reading that needs to be done. Hint system is very nice...fastest recovery I have seen in any game so far. This is not an extremely challenging game, but I found it to be fun. Since I have a credit about to expire, I will use it to get this game.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may not care for it at all. Thanks for the reviews.
This game has gone backward in graphic time. It is not a bad game, just very old school. Graphics are a bit cartoony and not as good as the first two games (I only bought one of them). Game play is nice, music nice, not a lot of HOGs, but clean and easy to find items. Games are simple and don't take a lot of thought. Nice voice overs.
This game is more for a beginner than a more advanced player, which does not make it a bad game. There just isn't any real challenge to it. Because there is nothing new or special about this game, I did not see that it is CE worthy. Maybe as an SE if you have nothing better to do, or have a credit you are about to lose. However, not for me.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may find it quite enjoyable. Thanks for the reviews.