I love Elephant Games and have purchased and gleefully played all the Mystery Tracker games. I didn't hesitate buying this one but wish I would've waited for the sale weekend.
As usual, the graphics are beautiful and the game runs flawlessly but I felt it was a bit short. The bonus game was sufficiently long, however. The map worked well in navigation. Not sure I'm crazy about the "foresight" mode. And I think the deduction dialogues seem to be trying to make up for actual game playing. Thank goodness Elf is back!
I hope Elephant keeps bringing us great games like this one...I know I sound cheap but I do like my money's worth when I buy a game. I'd like to get a day's worth of play out of a collector's edition.
I'm probably going to one of the few dissenters about this game, but it wasn't the best Christmas Story I've played (and I've purchased all three). The color and graphics were beautiful...almost a "color-overload"...my cursor slowed frustratingly during the snowing scenes and some of the scenes were a bit too "busy". I thought the game was a bit short, too. I just wasn't as happy and involved with this one. IMO if you want a truly great Christmas Story to play, try Christmas Stories: A Christmas Carol...THAT one was incomparable. Love ya, Elephant Games...keep 'em coming. Yours are always a "buy" for me.
Wow what a wonderful SE! Kept me occupied for hours, intriguing story and definitely matched my mood about MY job lol Challenging enough not be boring but not convoluted and confusing as some of the stand-alones I've tried. Kudos to the developers and I hope to see more from them! I recommend this
Used a free-game coupon on this...sorry, I cannot recommend this game. While the storyline line was ok, the actual gameplay didn't ring my chimes. The game was a little sluggish moving from frame to frame, the HO's were cluttered, alot of items were indistinct or very small and a couple of times, clicking on the item I knew I needed to collect several times didn't work...I thought I was wrong so I hit the hint and, sure enough, it was the right item and then it worked. It was confusing when I needed to use the key or scene changer, maybe I wasn't paying attention or just plain bored and wanted to get it over. I'm always looking for a non-CE game that will hold my attention...this one didn't.
You’re on a train in the middle of nowhere, and a band of dangerous thieves demand you tell them where to find the Hope Diamond’s shards. As the newest Hidden Expedition recruit, you’ve got to find the shards before they do…
You MUST have this game! Exquisite graphics, superb storyline, challenging ho's, achievements, extras...I cannot say enough about Hidden Expedition: Smithsonian Hope Diamond! The CE is WELL worth the price and the game doesn't end when you think it's over, Don't miss the souvenir room and getting your gold crowns for the ho's! This game will keep you busy for hours, maybe days :-)
I will be anxiously awaiting more of these!! Developers, are you listening?
I am more than a little disappointed in this game. I thoroughly enjoyed Botanica: Into the Unknown, beautiful graphics, wonderful game. This one, not so much. If you are expecting the same quality as the first Botanica, I think you will be disappointed, too. The HO's are too cluttered and the graphics weren't nearly as crisp and clear as the first one. The storyline was kind of strange, the animals that sliced through things were a weird touch and I found myself clicking as quickly as I could through the cutscenes and referring to the strategy guide more than I usually do. It IS a nice, long game with achievements and collectibles so I can't really give it too many bad marks. I'm glad I was able to purchase this with a discount code.
Loved this game! Nice length of playing time, graphics crisp and clear...HO's interesting and challenging, yet not so cluttered as to make it difficult for old eyes like mine to find. Map is nicely interactive but I didn't find it tedious to backtrack when necessary. The strategy guide, which I did refer to on occasion (mainly not to miss any of the teeny hidden symbols) is concise. The puzzles were challenging as well, but not impossible to figure out. All in all, I do recommend you not pass on this one. Blam Games, keep 'em coming!
To save your father from a hideous monster, you've decided to sacrifice your own freedom. Now you must journey through a strange and magical land before time runs out!
I bought this because I normally enjoy ERS games, but not this one. While the colors are beautiful, it was just TOO much, the scenes seem washed out, the HO's were too busy, almost junk-pilish, rather indistinct shapes with too much going on with flashing bugs, etc. I lost interest in finding the required objects and finally lost interest in the game altogether. I normally attempt and complete all puzzles but the instructions were vague and confusing at times and I ended up skipping most of them, which I NEVER do. By the end of the game, I didn't care if I gained any of the achievements, used the hint button far too much, just wanted it to be done and didn't bother with the bonus. This, of course, is only my opinion...but I don't recommend this game.
I don't recommend this game.
8of11voted this as helpful.
Paranormal State: Poison Spring
Thrills abound as the ghost-hunters from the hit A&E TV show "Paranormal State" race to solve terrifying Civil War hauntings.
I really enjoyed this game! I was pleasantly surprised by the length and fun factor. Not too difficult but very interesting storyline, good HO's, puzzles easy but challenging enough and good interaction with your collected items. The dialogues got a bit tedious and I ended up skipping them altogether about halfway thru the game. All in all, a very good game which I recommend. Short of having Ryan and Paranormal State back on tv, this game is worth a buy.
I recommend this game!
1of1voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition
Face off against Davy Jones and his nightmares from the deep!
I very much enjoyed this game! Crisp and clear graphics, storyline kept me engrossed, HO's were not so intricate as to be hard on my old eyes (I especially like getting a visual clue what to look for if you hover over the item#, puzzles challenging but not so difficult as to make you start hitting skip. I only found myself consulting the strategy guide when I was hunting silver owls #which I somehow managed in the end to miss one anyway) and I like the combination of morhphing and interacting to find the collectibles. And the pleasingly long gameplay ate up a good portion of my Saturday, so I highly recommend this! Good job, guys!!