I bought this game when it came out in 2010 and was rather surprised to see it back in the top ten. but I have never deleted this game because the atmospherics to me were brilliant. I would recommend it because the storyline is excellent , the graphics are good ( although these days they are just getting better and better from most developers) the HOS's are great and the music helps have you on the edge of your seat. It is great to have a game that draws you into the story but also creates a tense and scary feeling in the player. My favourite all time game was Raincliff which regularly made my heart leap out of my chest but this still stands out as one of the best put out by Bigfish.
The graphics are good, the music is ok. Indeed I thought the game was good enough to buy and I did and overall I had no problem with it at all except in each scene there was often few challenges whereas in a good hybrid I expect several. But what really got me with this is the loading time between each scene. It could be my computer but it took forever to load each scene and when you are running backwards and forwards trying to find something this is seriously frustrating. Have not even finished the game. Save your money and buy Dark Parables where the graphics are better and there is no loading time betrween scenes. I have not experienced such a loading prob for years on any game.
Have just completed the demo and if this is the first game they have ever developed I too will be waiting with anticipation for the next production. The graphics are fantastic and so far love the storyline. I loved Knights of the Templar and this one I agree reminds me of it. I am usually much much further through a game in the hours free play so it was challenging enough for me. I also Iiked the idea of the hidden symbols revealed by the amulet.
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
I am just over half way through this game. I tried it first and it crashed near the end but a reinstall fixed it so I bought the game as I liked the Return and Dire Grove immensely It crashed again about a quarter of the way into the game and uninstalled itself to boot. I reinstalled again checking the video card etc and it started working again. I am finding the content this time to be in truely poor taste. Whilst Return was also a bit sick it was acceptable because the storyline was clear and the game was fun to play. This game is frustrating as some puzzles i.e. the DNA part in Act 2 were extremely difficult to solve and ended up with me having to work it out myself with help from Marge in the Forum. It was a very annoying waste of an hour and these sort of things should have a skip button. The strategy guide as others have noticed is all in pictures which do not always help solve the problem. All recent games I have played have had comprehensive hint buttons and well written guides so you never have to leave the game to go to a forum or walkthrough. The game is long and the graphics and cut scenes are good so for a lot of people it represents value for money. I am still recommending but am disappointed.
Just finished the main game and was thrilled with it. Loved Raincliff and this has many elements of it. I loved the music, the drama, particularly all the cut scenes which draw you into the action. Loved the real people in those scenes. Absolutely no gliches, hint button brilliant, innovation in HOS's. Well worth the money!! Thanks Big Fish.