I was hoping to like this and have fun, but I didn't know what in the heck to do!! It doesn't give much help at all, couldn't build anything that I could see...I have absolutely nothing good to say about this game. Certainly a child couldn't understand it I'm sure,.
I've played LOTS of demos waiting for a game worth buying and this one is a definite must have. Talk about real FUN!! I haven't been this interested or had this much fun with a HO game in a long time. It's not dark and "scary" like many of the games and talk about interaction! There are acorns to collect in almost every scene, an interactive map you can click on to go to another location, and you will interact with this game all the way through. I LOVE this game!! You definitely won't get bored, it makes you think, but is not so hard as to take the fun out of it. It has EVERYTHING!! Hint button refreshes quickly, skip button does too....I can't say enough good things about this very fun game. You won't be disappointed with this one.
I bought this game because it was cute and fun and I wanted to go further and finish it, but now I'm a bit sorry I did. It's beautiful with clear graphics, challenging on a fun level, cute story line and so on. But, there are SOOOOO many mini games....more than I've ever encountered in any game. Sometimes there are 3 or 4 in just one screen shot. I finally quit because they just tired me out with them....NO need for so many guys!!
I've been getting very tired of gory, gloomy and dark HO games and this one is fun to play. Graphics are crisp and clear and I liked the storyline. I immediately bought it and will be playing this many times. Just a very fun game IMO.
I only played about 3 rounds of this before I knew I didn't like it. I guess small kids might. It has nothing to do with bowling that I could see and it's not real solitaire. All you do through the whole game is click on cards that match....ex: a 3 and a 3, a 5 and a 5...boring!!!! Not for me. I like a game that makes me think, not put me to sleep.
I think the storyline was very good on this game and it would have been interesting if the HOs weren't so very small. I was getting a headache just squinting to try and find them. That is the one and ONLY reason I gave this only a two. I want to have fun playing a HO game not cause me to have to go to the eye doctor. Sorry...make the objects not so tiny and hard to find if you make a follow up game....PLEASE. I may have bought this if not for that.
I think I may have liked this better IF it had a hint button. It's hard to know where to go and what to do. It kept reading "Inspect the forensic evidence in the living room". Well, where IS it? I got the fingerprints....it didn't give any help on what to do next. The map didn't help either. It just showed where you were and not what areas had tasks to be done...that might have helped a bit more. Nope!! Not for me. I play to relax, not to just get more anxious.
I only played the trial, but this is a cute little game. I liked the fireflies and it was just different than your average HO game. The HO scenes are....from what I played....all find same objects like "find all cylindrical objects", but the one with all objects that equal 8, many objects I couldn't see equaled 8. Hint button took a while to recharge, graphics good.....I liked it, just not enough to buy it....yet. I may at a later date. Cute!!
I didn't play this very long before I got into the first HO scene and the hint button did NOT show anything but took it like it did. I tried it again and kept a sharp eye to see where it went. It did NOT highlight anything, circle anything, send an arrow anywhere.....nothing. Plus, in the main scenes, the hint only brought up a small window telling you what to do BUT not any hint as to how to get there. So, I'm outa there....nope, not for me.
I think I would have liked this game better if the hints didn't depend on just finding the crows....which was only about 1 in a scene. I prefer the hint button that recharges and gives unlimited hints. I don't play a HO game for stress....I play them to relax and, if I know I'm running out of hints, that's stressful to me. I didn't play long enough to give the rest of the game more thought.....run out of hints, stop playing the game. You may like it better than I did.