Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word, Card & Board, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
3/ 5
BASED ON A VERY SHORT DEMO. You are to the rescue to save the muse Calliope, whose essence has been shattered into three pieces leaving everyone without their talents. Personally I dislike this game. The storyline is bizarre; the HOP scenes are redundant - finding objects which are used in the scenes with the option of a Match 3 game - plus one story sequence to search for items; the puzzles are boringly easy. You receive "Toga Barbie" AKA "Harlequin" to help you with your tasks. Being a "fashionista" - she cannot perform any activity without a costume change. The most ridiculous one to me was her dressing up in a cowgirl outfit to ring a bell. Really? There are also a myriad of animals brought to life through a paint palette to also help you in the game. Personally, the game is DREADFUL The only redeeming point in the game are the beautiful graphics.
A BIG THANK YOU devs for getting rid of the "giggling" Harlequin from the beta version. If you like helpers, dolls, and easy puzzles - you will love this game. I will not purchase this game - EVER!
LEVELS: Casual, Advanced, Hardcore, Custom Hints and Skips 15 to 90 seconds
GRAPHICS : The only decent part of the game for me Rather beautiful imagery
EXTRAS: 23 Achievements Collect coins to purchase decorations. Coins are inside vases Collect olive branches to purchase items for your boudoir Map is provided at the beginning of the game Helpers - Greek Toga Barbie (AKA Harlequin) plus a myriad of animal helpers Usual Wallpaper, Art and Music Strategy guide
HOP SCENES: You have the option to play a Match 3 game instead. These are what I found in the demo: Locate items to be used within the HOP scene to end up with a final inventory item - matching like items - a story using sentences with items to locate outlined in bold letters
PUZZLES: Very boring and very easy consisting of a maze puzzle, balance puzzle, plus a variety of a Simon says puzzle moving statues., creating letters from symbols
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word, Mahjong, Card & Board
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Genre: Murder mystery - 5 Chapters Plus Bonus - HOP heavy/Puzzle light - easy
As a detective, you are hired to protect a skating sensation, Ruth Fisher from a stalker. However, your assignment soon changes to investigating a series of murders. Personally, I found the story well written and suspenseful. The graphics present a realistic winter scene and are beautifully created. The voiceovers are excellent. The BEST PART of the game are the HOP scenes - each scene contains at least three different styles of HOP scenes which are interconnected with some puzzle. You may opt to play a Match 3 game instead, which include EIPIX symbols and theme related items. The individual puzzles are easy. The dev obviously spent more time in developing the HOP scenes than the individual puzzles. As a murder mystery, you ask questions and place evidence on an evidence board to figure out "whodunit." You collect snow globes and morphing objects in the HOP scenes
The game is consistent with the others in the series - except it involves skating - not dance. The layout is similar to the others as well. However, I felt that the puzzles are lacking a little from the previous games. I would like to see more variety in the level of challenge of the puzzles. The HOP scenes incorporate every type of HOP scene - interactive lists of items, searching for specific number of a specific item, silhouette, cryptic clues, story with items outlined in bold letters, replacement of items into the scene. There are puzzles attached to these HOP scenes as well.
Moving into Chapter 3 of the game - the HOP scenes were mostly silhouette and the ones I played were similar to the demo. The puzzles were very easy.
LEVELS: Casual, Challenging, Expert, Custom Hints 10 to 120 seconds Skips 10 to 400 seconds You can opt for penalties for random clicking in HOP scenes
INVENTORY: Puzzle-like and interactive
Map is found at the beginning of the game 14 Achievements Collect 42 Snow globes 14 Morphing objects in the HOP scenes Strategy guide Usual extras - Wallpaper, Music, Movies, Games, Puzzles, Artwork,
HOP SCENES: EXCELLENT. This dev is known for the puzzle-like HOP scenes with multiple, variable varieties of HOP scenes. Most are puzzle-like and incorporate at least three differing HOP scenes and activities to receive an inventory items. This is a list of types Super HOP scenes I found in the demo:
SUPER HOP : Silhouette items opens up to items which are related to cryptic clues - first with pictures and then a final written clue, SUPER HOP: Pictured items to locate to be returned and used in the same scene (used twice in the chapters I played) SUPER HOP Interactive list items opening up to a final cryptic clues SUPER HOP: Locate a specific amount of a certain item which gives you an item to open up another list of items to locate giving you a final inventory item Mini HOP scenes with small amount of items to be located
PUZZLES: Very easy. Many are matching (between two items)but there is a variation of a pipe puzzle, sliding tile puzzle Variation of a pipe puzzle restoring electricity connecting a circuit , connecting wiring for a snowmobile, lock puzzle, math puzzle - connecting numbers to open a lid NEW PUZZLE: manual dexterity - avoiding obstacles while riding a snowmobile
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word, Mahjong, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Genre: Mystery - Puzzle heavy - HOP light
We return to the era of the 1950's/1960's in a case involving the death of prison guards from Sing Sing. You play a detective on a case which has a supernatural element to it. The storyline is intriguing; the HOP scenes are puzzle-like and variable; the puzzles are numerous and range from easy to moderately difficult. The graphics are grainy; the characters are one-dimensional. The prison setting to me is very depressing. There are only 3 levels of play; however you can adjust the settings in each level. I am not certain if the dev of this game (who I have never seen before) did not intentionally create this game with these graphics to portray New York City of the 1950's. What mystery lies behind the strange electrical force causing bodies to combust and then disappear?
SO TORN ON THIS GAME! I love the story and the whole paranormal element of the game is fascinating. There is a wide array of puzzles, variations we have not seen for some time. It is puzzle intense which I enjoy. There are physics problems as well which we don't see very often. The HOP scenes are interactive. However, the dark depressing atmosphere of the prison along with the electrocution sequences turned me off. The pace of the game also seemed to slow down toward the end of the demo as well.
Anachronisms? I am not a history buff but were there solar powered batteries and circuit boards in this time period? Or are these tied to some time travel element to the game?
LEVELS: Casual, Custom Hints 15 to 90 seconds Skips 30 to 150 seconds You can adjust the hints and skips at all levels of the game.
INVENTORY: It is interactive and somewhat puzzle-like
GRAPHICS : Grainy on my computer but I am not certain the dev did not want to give the game a 1950's/1960's feeling. However, it still is dark game - prison environment. Characters are one-dimensional.
Map - Map is provided at the beginning of the game 22 Achievements Collectibles: 11 Statue of Liberty models, 9 Cats, 7 balls and chains and 8 representations of Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower 20 slides for a "diascope" to learn about a secret order 35 Morphing objects: (called hidden beyond objects) Wallpaper, videos, games, bonus game No strategy guide
HOP SCENES: I only discovered three in the entire demo. They are super HOP scenes. which means they move from one type of HOP scene to another and are very interactive.
There are 2 types of silhouette HOP scenes - one in which the items are used in the HOP scene and the second, a variation of a jigsaw puzzle and HOP combined - locating and placing parts back into a scene
PUZZLES: Vary from easy to moderately difficult. However the puzzles sequences are slightly harder than we have seen in a game for some time. Some of us have asked for HARDER PUZZLES AND MORE PUZZLES - so I guess this is our game. There are variations of sliding tile puzzles (moving items to match up by color) , moving tiles (totem pole) maze puzzles, matching, connecting wires, finding similarities between two pictures, and putting flags into correct positions to open a cabinet. Many are electrical in nature.
THREE OF MY FAVORITE PUZZLES: A. Aligning metallic eagles to generate an electric charge by connecting their ends together; B. adjusting microchips so their nodes connect; C. using wires to connect numbers on 3 clock faces creating a pattern on each face to open the clock to get inventory items.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word, Mahjong, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Happy Creepy 16th Birthday! Awakening out of a nightmare you will soon get your "dream come true" a birthday party with weird "black eyed child" - Allie Rice! This game is AN EXCELLENT CREEPSTER! I LOVE the chilling, spooky storyline. The graphics are very dark and gothic. Our black-eyed child, Allie is BEYOND CREEPY! The inventory is interactive and puzzle-like; he HOP scenes are frather well done; the puzzles are numerous and most are extremely easy - but there are a few which are moderately difficult. THE HOP SCENES AND PUZZLES GET BETTER AS YOU PLAY INTO THE ACTUAL GAME. What is the story behind creepy Allie? With her classmates terrified of her, her teacher missing, and all the adults missing as well - what birthday present awaits you from this black eyed Susan? AND WHAT IS THE FORCE THAT IS MOTIVATING ALLIE?
LEVELS: Casual, Advanced, Hardcore, Customized Hints and Skips range from 15 to 90 seconds
GRAPHICS: Very dark - gothic. Realistic and beautifully done as usual for this dev.
EXTRAS A. Achievements? Not certain Difficult to perceive B. Map is provided at beginning of the game C. Collect 130 flowers WOW! That is quite a birthday bouquet! D. The usual bonus game, wallpaper, music, screensaver as in all games E. There is a Secret Room of collectibles
INVENTORY: Interactive and puzzle-like Well done and creative
HOP SCENES: THERE ARE NOT SUPER HOP SCENES IN THE DEMO BUT THERE ARE IN THE ACTUAL GAME. The HOP scenes include silhouette, storybook - finding items highlighted in large letters while telling a story, standard junk piles uncovering jigsaw pieces, place items back into a storybook, and a variation of a FROG - finding fragments of items to complete a list item
FAVORITE HOP SCENE: SUPER HOP SCENE in which you place silhouette items in slots which opens up a list of items to locate which gives you parts of a jigsaw puzzle for a crow opening up a box for a gift
PUZZLES: Most of the puzzles are EXTREMELY EASY. THERE ARE NO SUPER PUZZLES. However, in the demo, I found a couple of moderate difficulty. Most of the puzzles were variations of matching puzzles, placing items in correct locations, coloring in letters based on a diagram, finding differences between two almost identical scenes, and a variation of a jigsaw puzzle, sewing
FAVORITE PUZZLE: Letter path game. A variation of a maze puzzle. To access a computer you must enter the letters in a certain sequence which is not straightforward. A little tricky here!
LEAST FAVORITE PUZZLE: Catching fireflies to put into a jar! VERY HARD TO MANEUVER!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
We are off through the looking glass again in an original SE game by a new dev. It is another "mom-to-the-rescue" game. The game is old school with bright, colorful graphics, an unusual storyline, no voiceovers. However, we are entertained by some rather "unusual, strange" sounds in the game. I loved the "sounds" emanating from the leprechaun. There are only two levels of play. The HOP scenes I encountered were lists of items to locate. The puzzles I encountered were sliding rings and potions to create. It is not bad for an SE, however. Probably better than most original SE games we have. However, the devil is in the details for me. Personally, I found the game very difficult to maneuver.
After a very trying day with the devil myself, this game brought some much needed humor. Sorry - but I could not help laughing at the weird sounds in this game, especially that of the leprechaun. I won't purchase but it brought brief respite of fun from a mountain of devilish work.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word, Mahjong, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Genre: Suspenseful mystery game. Well crafted game.
As the journalist, Natalie Walker, you are off to a tropical island to cover a beauty contest which revolves around a real beauty, the priceless Liberty Stone. This intriguing game has a decent storyline, stellar graphics, the usual creative and innovative HOP scenes and puzzles. The puzzles vary in difficulty from extremely easy to moderately difficult. Some of these are "super HOP scenes" and "super puzzles," which are a series of mini HOP scenes and puzzles which open to others.
When the stone ends up missing along with a rival's daughter, you find yourself the prime suspect. You will have some sleuthing to deal with rival families who both want to claim the stone, intrigue, deceit along with an undercurrent of a modern day Romeo and Juliet story. This is an automatic purchase for me.
LEVELS: Easy, Medium, Hard, Custom Hints 10 to 120 seconds Skips 10 to 400 secondsThere are error penalties for clicking on HOP scenes
GRAPHICS : Realistic, sharp imaging and nicely done. The scenes is modern day Florida coastal region
EXTRAS: Map - You are handed the map at the beginning of the game Strategy guide Collect 43 sea horses Collect 12 letters of the alphabet 12 Morphing objects in the HOP scenes Tape Recorder to play tapes from people for evidence Usual soundtrack, wallpaper, art , souvenir room, extra games 17 Achievements - including collecting a beach ball for your summer beach excursions LOL
HOP SCENES: Creative and innovative requiring multiple steps. There is a variety of HOP scenes - list of items, matching, silhouette. From the demo, I encountered two which I LOVED:
A. MY FAVORITE HOP SCENE: SUPER HOP/PUZZLE SCENE: Begins with a Junk pile after locating all items - locate a number of pieces for box after which becomes a moving tile puzzle
B. SECOND FAVORITE: MAKE A DRINK FOR THE MONKEY! Silhouette items followed by creating a drink for a monkey in an rather awesome, cool hat! Got me into the summertime mood!
PUZZLES: Creative and innovative requiring multiple steps. Puzzles vary in difficulty. Some are moderate in difficulty and one I encountered was beyond easy. Puzzles include tracing a letter, drawing pictures of suspect, variation of roulette game, variation of pipe puzzle connecting lines so that the lines connecting match the number, sliding doll puzzle, choosing between three answers when asked a series of questions
A. FAVORITE PUZZLE: Mathematical puzzle - Variation of a roulette game
B. SECOND FAVORITE PUZZLE: Variation of pipe puzzle connecting lines so that the lines connecting match the number
INVENTORY - Interactive and puzzle-like as usual for this dev
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word, Mahjong, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
What is the mystery behind the reclusive Audrey Quinn, actor extraordinaire? We have a glistening five-star game from the vaults of the Master Gamers. This game has: superb graphics with a 1940/1950 flair, puzzle-like super HOP scenes offering various styles of interactive HOP scenes within one another; some creative super puzzles (puzzles within a larger puzzle scene), a creative interactive inventory set within a suspenseful story. Will Audrey Quinn win "fame fatale" this year beating out her rival Veronica Lane? And what is the mystery concerning her personal life that has the Tinseltown gossip mill churning its wheels? You will find yourself in double the trouble in this game. To me, a 5 star game; however, I did not like this game as well as the others in this series. It lacks a little of the special sparkle of the previous Final Cut games.
LEVELS: Easy, Medium, Hard, Custom Hints 10 to 120 seconds Skips 10 to 400 seconds Option to have penalties for misclicks
Map - Get map as you play the game 14 Achievements Collect 41 Wolf Studio logos 15 Morphing objects in the HOP scenes Souvenirs - They are not listed in the extras section Strategy guide
STORY: You better look twice at everything in this game! You have been hired by good friend and rival Veronica Malone to keep an eye on her good friend, Audrey Quinn, actor extraordinaire. What is the mystery behind the reclusive Aubrey Quinn? Strange occurrences are happening to this reclusive actor. Who is the mysterious man who is arguing with Audrey and seemingly controlling her? Who is Stanley? As you investigate this case you uncover some bizarre and mysterious facts concerning Ms. Quinn. And will Aubrey unseat Veronica Lane as the newest "femme fatale?"
GRAPHICS : Realistic, sharp imaging and nicely done as usual for this dev. A film noir effect. Circa 1940-1950's Hollywood
INVENTORY: Puzzle-like and interactive
HOP SCENES: Super HOP scenes - a series of mini- HOP scenes - beginning with one type of HOP scene, changing to another - all of which are puzzle-like. You have the option to play a theme-based iMatch 3 game instead. These are the types featured in the demo:
A. List of items to locate - somewhat interactive opening up to a variation of a silhouette HOP scene B. List of items to locate followed by cryptic clues to locate an inventory item C. BEST HOP SCENE: SUPER HOP SCENE - Search for a specific amount of an item followed by receipt of an item to use within the HOP scene. So awesome. In one you locate frogs and cats followed by a little gardening - scooping up dirt to "uncover" and cutting out some parts to produce more lists of items to locate, finally arriving at the final inventory item. D. Silhouette scenes followed by cryptic clues telling a story about Audrey Quinn
PUZZLES: To me, the worst part of the game. To me, some of the puzzles were way too easy. Not as creative as previous games. There were some of moderate difficulty. There is one nicely done super puzzle in the demo. These are the ones encountered in the demo:
A. Super puzzle - Moving tile puzzle to verify your pass - followed by matching puzzle B. Move statues to correct location based on base shape Beyond easy C. Variation the sleight of hand movement of chips for food placement based on a menu. Not my favorite puzzle D. Placing flower pots into correct locations - beyond easy D. Sliding tile puzzle to open a box. Again, beyond easy E. BEST PUZZLE: PIpe puzle - reconnect pipes by moving tiles F. SECOND BEST PUZZLE: Weights and balances puzzle - get weights to align along a single line
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word, Mahjong, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I LOVE MR. GAUDI'S CITY (MY SECOND "HOME") AND THIS STRICTLY HOP GAME! To me, Barcelona is an artistic jewel and to me, the most beautiful city in Europe with a great climate! "Sunny" (of course) and beautiful! This game is a great way to be introduced to this fabulous city! This dev has upped their game in producing HOP games set in differing worldwide locales. This series is great for children as well as adults. They have included some interesting puzzle-like activities in addition to the HOP scenes The graphics are cartoonish which really do not portray the beauty of this fabulous city. The highlight of this city is, of course "La Familia Sagrada," a cathedral began in 1908 by Antoni Gaudi, which is STILL NOT completed and probably never will. I think this game should have begun with this church or the Park Güell. You collect coins to purchase additional hints. You are timed and are scored as well. You receive bonus points for finishing before time is over. You also collect 60 guitars. However, I AM NOT a HOP enthusiast! I found the items difficult to locate as well. I purchased because of its Barcelona theme.
This game brings back fond memories as an "intercambia" (exchange student) in Barcelona. So many fond memories from the beautiful beaches, the crazy Columbus statue pointing the WRONG DIRECTION to the New World, to the modern architecture, beautiful art (excellent Picasso museum), that crazy lobster statue near the beach, the tram cars, the aquarium, the Catalunya Formula One car race buzzing through the city in the summer, and of course, "mi familia intercamnbia" and "amigos" and "amis" from southern France. Watch out for those "invading Frenchies" in Barcelona! LOL Spanish is spoken but they have their own language, Catalan. Currently they are in the midst of a fight for independence from Spain as well!
From the small amount of time I played - EXCELLENT JOB devs in portraying Barcelona! AND THEIR SOCCER TEAM IS THE BEST IN SPAIN LOL!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Adventure, Large File, Word, Mahjong, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
As a detective arriving in France, you are off to help the Red Riding Hood Sisterhood in their investigation of a deadly mist creating nightmares. We have a little gem with the beautiful jewel-like graphics from Cup o' Tea stirred in with the creative genius of the Master Gamers. FROG lovers will rejoice - our Frog Prince has brought with him a series of HOP scenes which are FROGS along with HOP scenes are puzzle-like and interactive. The graphics create a beautiful fairy tale. The FROG fragments create opulent jewel-encrusted inventory items The puzzles are decent and storybook sequences create a puzzle-like HOP scenes used to narrate a story. The storyline is intriguing and the game has a nice pace. This will be an automatic purchase for me. I have been waiting for this game to come out!
Map - Get map as you play the game Strategy guide 12 Achievements Collect pieces to release a series of parables Collect 39 Fleur de Lis Collect Souvenirs Usual Wallpaper, Music, Credits, HOP games
Enter a land of living nightmares. A dark mist has invaded the kingdom bringing nightmares, apparitions and nasty beasts into the kingdom. You and the Red Riding Sisterhood work to solve this case. Who and what is behind all of this? The Queen of Sands which has the power for good deeds and to control dreams seems to be under the spell or in league with an evil Beast. As you traverse the countryside looking for clues, a kindly old woman gives you golden sand to help dispel the ominous atmosphere of the village As you investigate, you encounter monstrous apparitions and disappearances. What is behind all of this dark evil environment? And what about that "kindly old woman?" Remember in this game - appearances can be deceiving
LEVELS: LEVELS: Four Casual, Hard, Insane, Customized. Hints range from 10 t0 120 seconds Skips range from 10 to 400 seconds
GRAPHICS : Combination of the beautiful gems and jewel laden FROG scenes from Our Cup o' Tea combined with the wonderful graphic realism from EIPIX. What a nice combination
HOP SCENES: FROG scenes to complete inventory items Interactive Storybook -locate and interact with the items found to tell a story. Can count as a puzzle and HOP scene both.
INVENTORY: Interactive and puzzle-like
PUZZLES: A. Switch puzzles using blades of a fan B. Interactive storybook which is also a HOP scene as well C. Sliding Tiles - match by symbol D. Puzzle consisting of mini puzzles - Emblem which opens up three unique and different puzzles , - a maze, a moving tile puzzle, and a tanagram puzzle
Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Large File, Word, Mahjong, Brain Teaser
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I am always happy to get any nonogram games. I absolutely love this variation of Sudoku. However, I have been spoiled by the offerings of another dev, which provides auto-fill in and multiple screens of varying colors.
I also don't like the whole idea of collecting coins. This is pretty much a one screen - one color game - GREEN! And I don't think the other dev need to be "green" with envy about this game! There really is no storyline because it is pretty much just straight screen after screen of nonograms (AKA O"Ekakai, paint by numbers, pic-a-pix etc.) I will purchase because I love to play this game this type of game to focus on work-related issues and there are always work-related issues. LOL They are fun to play when you need to focus your thoughts.
I just can't give it five stars, however due to the fact there is a better dev which produces a much better product. Sorry!