A worthy sequel, although hopefully its very next sequel will involve far less backtracking back & forth repeatedly for its player, especially if its only to either collect one item, or complete a single puzzle. Also have its player choices far less unpredictable than this one was. Finally hopefully we'll see more of the Trickster saving the day.
Hopefully it's next sequel will have far less backtracking back and forth for its player, especially if it's only to either collect one item, or complete a single puzzle. Also that its cutscene transitions and dialogues won't be so comic book layout, which looked absolutely ugly, compared to the very rest of the game's texture. Beside with ever player seeing more of its new character chief Palmer. Finally rather than its bonus game being a necessary evil as a backstory, it'll be a separate new case instead.
Hopefully its sequel will bring back Ursula, while also revealing what happened to the King's unseen daughter from its bonus game. Likewise said sequel needs far less backtracking back and forth for every player, especially if it's only to retrieve just one item, or complete a single puzzle.
Buyer Beware said game is just a collection of hidden object & puzzle mini games. Very deceptive how its BFG webpage advertises it, especially with its short trailer. By making it seem like it's another genuine Do Games adventure game story, where its characters do actually animatedly interact with its player.
Hopefully its next sequel will involve less backtracking back and forth to collect either just one item, or puzzle for every player. While letting Ester return as a more than just a mere cameo too.
One of DG's better games, including its bonus game. If only as stated above there could still be far less backtracking back and forth for its player though!
Just like its previous game, and most BFG ones at that. Its sequel needs far less backtracking & fourth, especially if its player is only required to either retrieve 1 item, or complete 1 puzzle to proceed with the very rest of the story. Also can its sequel bonus game end with a happy ending, rather than another cliffhanger...
Buyer Beware this is strictly a purely screen by screen Hidden Objects game, lacking a standard BFG Bonus Game. But not clearly advertised as such on its webpage, due to its lack of screenshots being 3, and short trailer easily misleading every player to think it's going to be just like the latest Mystery Case Files CE.
Buyer Beware The Intersection of Worlds: 100 Doors Collector's Edition is just like Mystery Case Files Rewind; where its short BFG trailer too misleads its players into thinking they're buying more than just a mere room by room hidden object game.
Buyer Beware as fellow BFG players have already encountered its sequel is unplayable; due to its Mengine Critical Error that was never present when playing its first game!