Its Main & Bonus Games needed far less needless backtracking back and forth just to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle. At least the former kept you guessing who was its real killer and why, while the latter it was obvious from the very start whodunit.
It needed far less needless backtracking back & forth just to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle. Also it was very obvious to identify, just who were the real culprits in both its Main & Bonus Games.
Good murder mystery, although it should've far less needless backtracking back & forth just to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle. Also its Bonus Game's true killer was pretty obvious from the very start.
Better than Fame Fatale, although Its sequel needs to bring back a lifelike projection of the General seeking revenge on the wolf children, even beyond the grave itself. With far less needless backtracking back & forth just to either obtain a single, or complete a puzzle to proceed with its storyline.
It's a classic whodunit BFG Final Cut game in all but name. Since its true killer is already revealed far too soon, while its endless backtracking back & forth just to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle to solve the mystery is very off-putting to make its Main Game needlessly far much longer than it actually is. Also its typing up all loose ends Bonus Game really sucked this time.
Game still needed far less backtracking back & forth to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle to proceed with its mystery. At least its Bonus Game was a nice way to tie up all loose ends.
One BFG that makes its player keep on guessing who's the real killer and why, while its victims continue dropping, despite still having to backtrack back and forth to either obtain a single item, or complete a puzzle. Although its Bonus Game's killer was pretty obvious from the very start.
It needed far less backtracking back & forth, especially to either get a single item, or complete a puzzle to proceed in solving the mystery. Even though the Director's identify was pretty obvious from the very start. Also its Bonus Game should've been an entirely different investigation, rather than a tying up of all loose ends that needn't have been fully explained.
Buyer Beware! This is purely a Hidden Objects & Mini Games level by level game. Which even now it lack of full self-description/advertisement, including screenshots, and trailer duly fails to inform its BFG purchasers. Any sequel should be an actual Standard Collector's Edition, where its player isn't forced to solely complete HOs, or puzzles per screen.
Honestly BFG games nowadays really need far less backtracking back & forth endlessly. Just to either obtain 1 item, or complete a single puzzle to proceed with both its Main & Bonus Games, without unnecessary padding for their players. .