This game has its pluses and minuses. It is in a nutshell a portal to other worlds save your sister game. The graphics are quite good, the HO scenes are sequentially interactive and can be swapped for a jigsaw puzzle if you prefer. The mini games are doable and interesting. The nicest feature of the game for me is the imagining of the alternative worlds - well done developers. I didn't like the music (I rarely do in games), and found the absence of speech synch a bit annoying. The bonus chapter wrapped things up well. The extras other than the usual wallpapers etc involved spending credits earned by finding masks and coins throughout the game to decorate some rooms, seems a bit pointless to me. I did enjoy this game for being a little different.
Professor Ashmore, the same man who so kindly took you in and raised you as his own has been murdered. It’s up to you to find out why, but are you prepared for what truths may be uncovered?
As I had a couple of game vouchers I decided to give this a try, and it is definitely worth going for. It's a HOG with a good standard of HO scenes, in which some of the objects to find morph. The mini games are of a good standard, and you can skip after the usual wait if you want. The story was a teeny bit unsatisfactory, but doesn't detract from enjoying the game. Other developers please note: this is a SE game boasting not only collectibles, but also CE style bling such as repayable HO scenes and puzzles. The icing on the cake is a bonus chapter which opens when the main game is completed. Highly recommended!
I recommend this game!
6of7voted this as helpful.
The Jim and Frank Mysteries: The Blood River Files
Join two best pals, Jim and Frank as they set out to uncover the mystery of the Blood River!
The preamble to this game is long winded and boring. Once it starts properly it is possible to get through the (awful) dialogue more quickly. I found all the eurekas and was managing ok until the shockingly badly designed game which involves chopping wood. This game is impossible as you cannot judge when to chop and every wrong chop gets a negative mark. To add insult to injury it cannot be skipped. I gave up here and deleted the game. I cannot remember ever being so annoyed with a game. Not impressed.
Seeing the developer's name when this game started made me very happy. They really know how to pack extras into a game that make it worthy of the title "collector's edition". It's s good story, graphics are great, there is variation in the type of HO play, and the mini games aren't too impossibly difficult. What really brings the game up in the ranks is the number of extras - it's possible to see how many collectibles you're acquired and to back into each scene where you've missed one; similarly where you've missed extra hidden items in some scenes. Finding morhping objects in HO scenes unlock HO scenes from earlier Eipix games. There's a "making of" extra which opens with gameplay. One of those rare games you want to play again.
From Mad Head games, this great game is an example to other developers. Graphics and story both good, interesting HO scenes and mini games. Collectibles (treasure and morphing objects) to find. The map is interactive. Not just a bonus game, but also hidden chapters unlocked by finding all the treasure pieces, and even better it is possible to find these after playing the game by going into the extras. I really enjoyed playing this game and was sorry when it came to an end.
This is probably going to appeal to people who have no objection to animal helpers and who appreciate fairytales. The game has good graphics, the story flows well and the HO scenes and mini games are well done. Having completed the game and bonus chapter, I note there isn't a feature whereby you can complete the sets of collectibles f you've missed any (which I did), so unless you want to go back and replay under a different profile, you will be left feeling a bit disgruntled. Four stars for this reason.
I recommend this game!
2of2voted this as helpful.
Beyond the Unknown: A Matter of Time Collector's Edition
It’s time to solve the secret of this mysterious island!
Other reviewers have mentioned the story in this game so I won't be repetitive. There isn't anything fresh in this game, it doesn't have that extra "something" to make you want to keep playing. The graphics are clear, and the HO scenes and mini games are not too difficult. The main game offers a map, though via another device (a phone) with transportation. It isn't available in the bonus game for some reason. There are 20 hidden morphing clocks to be found in the main game, finding them all unlocks a portal. I didn't find them all, and unlike some other developers the extras don't feature a retrospective find the collectibles, so unless you want to replay the game you won't unlock the portal and whatever else that brings. An okay game if you've nothing better to do.
I haven't reviewed in ages as there just hasn't been a game to grab and hold my attention the way this one has. The developers of this game have clearly put a lot of thought into it. The storyline is good, the graphics clear. HO scenes vary in type and objects aren't junk piled. There are collectibles - treasure chests (finding them earns gold to spend in a room at the end of the game, and it is possible to track the ones you might have missed at the end of the game) and "souvenirs" - I didn't find any of the latter until I'd finished the bonus game and investigated the extras. As well as the bonus chapter which really complements the main story, there is another "extra" bonus game unlocked by finding all the treasure chests. One of those rare games you want to keep playing. Well done Eipix!
I recommend this game!
39of41voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren's Call Collector's Edition
Face off against Davy Jones and his nightmares from the deep!
I had played the previous game in this series and I knew as soon as I saw this one that I would end up buying it. The object of the game is to free the siren from captivity and release the people from the curse that has changed them into fish human hybrids. The graphics are crystal clear, the HO scenes an interesting mix of interactive sequential type HOGs and traditional HO games. The mini games provide enough of a challenge and are skippable. Can't comment on the music as I always turn it off. The bonus chapter ties it up nicely and promises further adventures
Eerie music fills the air in Vienna, where shadows terrorize people in the streets. Two musical prodigies have gone missing. Can you save them without striking a single false note?
I played the demo of this in casual mode and I enjoyed the story, a familiar line about searching for lost children. The HO scenes are a mix of traditional lists of items to find and find the shape that fits the silhouette in a logical sequence. I turned the music off as I found it dreary and annoying. The VOs and cutscenes added to the story. There are collectibles in the form of musical instruments - what else indeed in this game.