This game intrigued me enough that I bought it when the demo expired.I played on casual mode and found the graphics good and the storyline quite good. I enjoyed the mini games - only skipped a few. I liked the "where are they now" at then end.
THis was one of those games I knew I'd end up buying after five minutes of the demo. The quality of the graphics was excellent for a non CE game, and the HO scenes were inventive, with mini puzzles inside HO scenes. Playing time totaled about three hours. Well worth the money
This is a really nice HOG with a good storyline and nice graphics. I bought it before the demo was finished as I knew for sure I would want to finish the game. Hints were useful and I didn't resort to the guide apart from one occasion. The bonus chapter was good, satisfyingly long in comparison to many bonus stories.
I tried to play this game in demo mode on the easy setting and gave up after five minutes of sheer frustration. The storyline is hackneyed and the user interface is one of the worst I have come across - I could find nothing apart from one very obvious item in the first screen. The hint is distinctly unhelpful. Not a rewarding experience.