To save your father from a hideous monster, you've decided to sacrifice your own freedom. Now you must journey through a strange and magical land before time runs out!
Beautifully done production. The artistry is gorgeous; the voice overs are fantastic (I don't care about lip-sync as the game would be translated into various languages meaning there would always be unsyncs of some kind); music is pleasant, and the environments are very detailed. HOS are not too crowded and, in fact, you need to find fewer objects than many HOS. Puzzles are different and rewarding when you finally manage to figure them out. Story is intriguing, mysterious and different. Lots to do. A must-buy for me
SUMMARY: A well-put together adventure-HOG with plenty of puzzles of varying degrees of difficulty. Artistry is detailed and appropriate to the type of scene portrayed. Story is well-told and develops nicely as the game proceeds. Lovely game - over 5 hours to play in casual.
Some interesting details before you begin: • Achievements. To get all, you must complete the tutorial, complete all HOS without a hint and take at least 10 minutes to play a HOS. So if you like to garner all possible achievements, plan ahead. • Find 50 secret frogs (they take all sorts of forms and may be found in HOS but not on object list). • HOS are list-based; usually one color predominates to increase the difficulty involved in finding blended objects • Lots of back and forth, but there’s a limited number of locations, so traveling is not unwieldy. Plus you travel to and from the crossroads a lot, so you’ll get to know how to get to wherever you need to be soon enough. • Who was that person in the mask at the end? Thought everyone was accounted for.
SUMMARY: A well-put together adventure-HOG with plenty of puzzles of varying degrees of difficulty. Artistry is detailed and appropriate to the type of scene portrayed. Story is well-told and develops nicely as the game proceeds. Lovely game - over 5 hours to play main game in casual.
Some interesting details before you begin: • Achievements. To get all, you must complete the tutorial, complete all HOS without a hint and take at least 10 minutes to play a HOS. So if you like to garner all possible achievements, plan ahead. • Find 50 secret frogs (they take all sorts of forms and may be found in HOS but not on object list). • HOS are list-based; usually one color predominates to increase the difficulty involved in finding blended objects • Lots of back and forth, but there’s a limited number of locations, so traveling is not unwieldy. Plus you travel to and from the crossroads a lot, so you’ll get to know how to get to wherever you need to be soon enough. • Who was that person in the mask at the end? Thought everyone was accounted for.
Challenge yourself in the role of the scientist-historian-scholar of ancient civilizations and mystical legends and save your friend from the Demon of Darkness!
SUMMARY: Game took 5 hours to complete on casual mode. Changing the illumination in various rooms and having Athit and his protégés change special items into useful objects adds to the drama. Spectacular artistry and light use with the animation special effects. Puzzles, HOS and reverse HOS (putting objects where they belong) are fun; some can be moderately challenging. There were several puzzles that were quite challenging and the last puzzle required a lot of patience, quick moves and planning, but was the most fun of all. Very good production values. Provides for a somewhat challenging afternoon of play.
Some tips and details: • Music is pleasant and appropriate to locations. • Puzzle instructions start with “Solve the puzzle” – click the Instructions tab for actual instructions. • Very good voice overs. • HOS are somewhat stylized; so finding objects is not a slam dunk. After completing the list, find a useful object. • Changing illumination provides an entirely different perspective in another era of rooms. Need to change lighting several times to be able to complete all puzzles in the rooms. • Remember where the Athit and his protégés are located because you will be visiting • No need for a map – but remember where the museum, souvenir shop and hotel are as you will be visiting them often.
Challenge yourself in the role of the scientist-historian-scholar of ancient civilizations and mystical legends and save your friend from the Demon of Darkness!
SUMMARY: Main game took 5 hours to complete on casual mode. Changing the illumination in various rooms and having Athit and his protégés change special items into useful objects adds to the drama. Spectacular artistry and light use with the animation special effects. Puzzles, HOS and reverse HOS (putting objects where they belong) are fun; some can be moderately challenging. There were several puzzles that were quite challenging and the last puzzle required a lot of patience, quick moves and planning, but was the most fun of all. Very good production values. Provides for a somewhat challenging afternoon of play.
Some tips and details: • Music is pleasant and appropriate to locations. • Puzzle instructions start with “Solve the puzzle” – click the Instructions tab for actual instructions. • Very good voice overs. • HOS are somewhat stylized; so finding objects is not a slam dunk. After completing the list, find a useful object. • Changing illumination provides an entirely different perspective in another era of rooms. Need to change lighting several times to be able to complete all puzzles in the rooms. • Remember where the Athit and his protégés are located because you will be visiting • No need for a map – but remember where the museum, souvenir shop and hotel are as you will be visiting them often.
If you like lots of unique, interesting and fun puzzles of infinite variety and difficulty, a delightful helper, lots of animation, many types of activities, this is the game for you. Animation and graphics are beautiful as you revisit the Fate Carnival for another brilliant mystery. Rather mind-blowing in its design and complexities. First rate production values. Can't wait to play the entire game. And the extras in the CE are fabulous - much more than expected.
Easy game, although it does get more challenging on higher levels, for those with an artistic eye. With more than 100 levels, you can imagine. Beautiful zen. Graphics are very colorful and detailed. Collecting keys is "key" to getting the pets. There's no way to tell which pieces will be large or small when looking at them in the side panel, which does add to the challenge. Looking at a small side panel piece which enlarges dramatically when selected to fill in a large chunk of empty real estate makes all the difference in the world. A nice relaxing game.
I thought I would be so impressed that this game would be an immediate 5-star rating. Although the scenery is pretty, the HOS are typical and the puzzles are quite easy. It's relatively simple to finding pieces to complete objects (such as gate, rope) in order to move forward. Map is helpful in showing you where there are tasks to perform. Liked the kitten - he sure likes to climb. I was positive he would get stuck in some high place. Music is appropriate to whatever scene you are investigating. Voice overs are good.
SUMMARY: A very nice game. 4 stars - still worth owning.
I recommend this game!
16of19voted this as helpful.
Secret Trails: Frozen Heart Collector's Edition
Your surprise visit is ruined by a blizzard. Who caused it, and what does he want with your little sister?
Others will write the story so won't repeat. Game has: - Innovative and challenging puzzles - List-based HOS - moderate amount - Simple cheesy dialogue (seems to be what a child would write) - With better dialogue, storyline could have been much deeper and pressing; it doesn't suck you in and leaves you wondering how it started - Lovely use of color and texture - Extremely helpful hint system giving clear specific direction in casual (no need for a SG) - Seems to be missing a prologue to understand the story fully - Crisp clear graphics - Much running to one place for one object, then back to use it; repeat - Imaginative use of magic pencil creating live creatures from drawing
SUMMARY: Due to the simplistic dialogue (people don't talk that way except in "See Spot Run" books), the story isn't perceived by me to be truly developed into its potential (which it surely has). It has everything else. And I really like the idea of being able to paint/draw something on a shiny surface and having it come to life. But the lack of story development and dialogue are what put me on the fence of whether to buy.
SUMMARY: Game was a little over 3 hours casual. Plenty of nicely-arranged HOS and fairly easy puzzles. Hints show the direction to take. No map needed. Graphics are good, except they are sometimes bleary (though I think that is the intention).
FIRST RATE STORY: Out of TV's 48 Hours. A young bride and her new husband take off for the mansion after their wedding, only to crash. She is injured, trapped and just coming out of consciousness. Her husband is no where to be found, so she takes off on foot to the mansion. Turns out he did not leave her to get help. Worse than the worse cad in the world. She finds out he has deep and very dark secrets.
WHY I UPPED THE OVERALL RATING: The ending was somewhat abrupt and although I know what happened, I’m not sure what the meaning is behind it. Perhaps someone else who has completed the game has an interpretation. I upped the final overall rating to 5 stars because of the creative and compelling storyline - good enough for a feature film.