Finally a game that does not depend on fairy tales, dragons, witches, evil spirits & portals to other worlds.
Graphics seemed a little more realistic & I always enjoy live actors vs the wooden cartoonish flat one dimension characters. I didn't even mind, too much, the dubbed over voiceovers.
Though I'm not much of a fan of demons it looks like the story could get interesting.
You collect dollar bills to buy things in the store. They only things that I found in the store were postcards & a couple of games to play.
The HOS are quite interactive & the puzzles, though simple, are entertaining & fun too do.
All in all, not a bad game & it is certainly an upgrade from some of the stuff that BF has been passing off as good gaming!!!
A strange and deadly pollen is spreading around the world, and you’ve been hired to track down its source. But the secrets you discover in the fabled kingdom of Floralia are much darker than you imagined...
Storyline - Nothing new but nicely done. Game moves at a nice pace & I did not find myself getting bored. (Another take on an evil spirit kidnapping children, including your brother, & you take off to find him. Of course, beside the evil spirit you have to battle the FOG).
Graphics - I was "gobsmacked" with how truly gorgeous, clean/crisp they are!!
Characters - are realistically drawn with great movement & lip sync.
VO - well done with voices that match the characters.
Music - was a soothing, tinkling piano kind of vibe.
HOG - Were interactive & a step above the same old, same old we usually get.
Mini-games - Were nice with some new twists. I had a few uneasy moments until I figured out that the skip button is on the upper left of the puzzle. It has a arrow & does not say skip which threw me off at first.
Collectibles - Handprints which are easy to see,
Special Powers - You have a scar on the palm of your hand which glows when the fog appears. You can then touch ice & have it melt.
Hint/Skip Buttons - Can be customized down to 15 sec, which I LOVE.
Animals/Pets - There is a growling dog in front of a gate but you give it a treat & you are able to get past it. Later you rescue a wolf cub & just as I was going to name it my time was up. (Something to think about for later when I buy the game). I know some people don't like the cutesy pet/name it thing but I'm a softy for anything canine/feline.
I actually found this game engaging enough to like it! Rehashed story about evil entities trying to keep people from getting their treasure but done nicely.
Graphics are colorful but the characters could use some updating. They are one dimensional without lip sync or movement.
HOG'S are the usual messy junk pile with some interaction & the min games are nice but nothing special.
Hint Button/Skip Button each take 60 seconds which is WAY TOO LONG too recharge.
The collectibles are easy to find & if you click on the Hint button before you leave the scene and have missed any, it actually shows you where they are. Nice feature to have. I didn't use the map so can't comment.
I liked the gypsy & her helpful?? tarot cards & as always LOVED the cat that snarls, hisses & shows teeth when touched. Ah, play nice kitty as I am getting you some milk!!
All in all a nice but NOT great little game to while away some hours. Give the demo a try.
I didn't find the game easy, just muddled & confused without rhyme or reason. It starts out alright but then leaves you hanging without a clue. I knew I didn't like these games for a reason.
The game play is not clear. Things are dancing all over the screen. You go back & forth endlessly trying to obtain items that don't seem to be there & that I couldn't find even after patiently eliminating places to go.
Sorry this game is without direction & definitely a NO buy for me.
Finally a game with some new twists. I didn't find it boring at all. The storyline was good & easy to follow. The graphics/music are good & the HOGS/mini games are something different in a good way. Loved the main characters VO. It was definitely spot on. There was no character movement/lip sync. They were rendered only in a picture setting. Some reviewers did not like that the game did not fill the whole screen & hated the borders. I, personally, did not have a problem with this. The only negative I found were the itty bitty hidden objects. Even with the magnifier you still need the eyes of an eagle.
Your librarian friend wants your help as a journalist – he’s found an ancient book that is still unfinished. Can you save the world in the book before their story ends?
Based on CE Demo: 2nd verse same as 1st. Another rehashed story premise with an evil demon wanting to take over the world. And this deserves 5 STARS? I think not.
Not wonderful, fun, enchanting or challenging.
Why do the graphics have the same old, same old, cartoonish look without a hint of realism? Then there are the one dimensional characters without movement or lip synch.
Usual music sound track we've heard over & over again.
HOGS are interactive with a few silhouettes. You can opt for puzzles which I find tedious/boring. Jump map/diary available but I did not use either one. There are also colored pots to acquire & they did not seem to hard to find, at least in the demo.
This is just ANOTHER game lacking in originality. Sorry devs your rabbit has not earned its carrots for this one.