Enter the role of Eve Glover, one of the best CCPP's agents, sent to investigate the lack of radio communication from your scientific team on Iceland, researching harmonium radiation.
I liked this story and debated buying the CE. Now that I bought the SE, I'm glad I didn't waste the money. Game was good but very short. I don't care at all for the bells and whistles in CE. Only things I like are additional chapters. I don't think that would even help the length. Sorry Developers, I like some value for my money. I want game play and story not fluff. Save the wallpaper and music. (I never listen anyway.)
Are you ready to take on a challenge that will change the destiny of the whole kingdom? Help Victoria bring back the rightful heir to the throne and restore justice.
This game takes some higher level thinking skills than we normally use on these games. You really have to stay alert and plan your steps. For example you have to decide what to build first with the resources you have. I found by constantly switching the bonus items I could get through most of the time without having to restart. It took several levels of restarting to figure this out. If it was a pile of rocks I would go to the stone bonus, and I would switch for the lumber. Near the end you have so many bonus items that you have to do a lot of switching.
The game had some issues at first with locking the system, but I got that resolved and it worked fine. It took quite a long time to finish. Sometimes I would only get 1 level done and have to quit. That was okay with me because I love long games. If you have bought the game and are frustrated, check out the forums. The tutorial wasn't real helpful for me. The forums helped me figure out what I needed to do.
This was an overall pretty good game. As many CEs of late, it was way too short. It took me about 4 hours to finish game and bonus. It is causing me to regret buying CEs unless I know the length. I don't care about music, wallpaper, etc. I like a long game with a good story. Why is that so hard to get anymore? I would suggest waiting for SE. At least you won't have to pay as much for not much of a game.
I give my vote for best to this game. It was a good length. (something I haven't seen in awhile# There were no glitches. #once again something I hadn't seen in awhile) It grabbed my attention and held it all the way through. I absolutely loved it.
This game is among my top all time favorites and I'm not easy to please.
I enjoyed the game, but was finished way too soon. Wish reviewers would add something about length in reviews. I would not have bought this if I had known how short it is. I played on casual and was finished in about 2 hrs. Just a thought.
Looked interesting, but after spending most of demo time trying to get out of spaceship, I got pretty bored. I think it had potential, but didn't reach it. Just not for me.
The ending for the main game and the bonus left me hanging, and I didn't like it. I imagine it is the dev. way to keep us coming back for more. I am more apt to buy games with definite endings and good plots. Several things weren't clear in the game, so I didn't get the bonus collections. I didn't know I was supposed to "save" the animals. ?? The length was okay. More plot development and solid ending would have made for a much better game.
This game frustrated me to no end. I clicked on areas of interest and nothing. No idea what I was looking at or for. I got tired after about 30 minutes of pointless wandering. I liked the idea and premise of the game but it seemed to be a low budget project. Could not believe it was a CE either. No way would I spend any money on this one.
Wish I could give this stinker zero stars. Boring and pointless. I don't see how anyone can think this is fun. Couldn't even manage 10 minutes on demo...bad, bad, bad
Based on SE: the game was interesting and had some good points. However, even for a SE game, it was short. I was finished in a couple of hours. I would not recommend due to the length. Definitely not worth the money even at 1/2 price.