Folks, this game probably came out over 5 maybe longer, years ago. Yes, it looks that old,and the noirish setting make it look even older. It's by one of my favorite developers so I thought I'd give it a try and I'm 25% through and boy, is it boring. A string of killings and an investigator trying to find the killer. No real mini-games, easy junkpile HOG, music is annoying, not sure I'm going to finish it. Graphics are almost like comic books, but that adds to the noirish backdrop. There are better games of this genre, wouldn't waste my time again here.
I could see that within 1/2 hour of playing this game that it wasn't newly developed. I bought it because I love trains and one of my favorite developers designed it. But it's a mish-mash and too easy. Your daughter gets kidnapped by a ghost and you spend the game getting on and off trains trying to find her. Graphics not great, no voiceovers, no map, no "chapter" like breaks so you can measure progress. And there is a clicking penalty on HOS which is annoying. I made a mistake- this developer has other games I should've looked into.
I own and have played every Big City Adventure game, and in the last 3 newer games (this one, Paris, London), the developer has made graphics more crisp, added bonus collectibles and changed some of the minigames. This is a good game, but it's geared at beginners to HOG. There is no storyline other than a family on vacation, and then you get 60 different famous scenes from around the city which are well described on post cards. It's the junkpile variety of HOG since none of the 12 items per scene you look for belong in the scene. Timed or non-timed mode, you can play at a relaxing level. I typically finish a scene in 3-4 minutes and use maybe 2 coins for hints, which you always get more of. The minigames are too easy, they're almost discardable. my favorite part of the game are the postcards that describe each of the 60 scenes in detail.
Just when I thought this developer couldn't beat Viking Saga II, they give us this game, which starts out easy and by level 20 is harder than Viking Saga II. There is a new enemy- hyenas, which present a tough foe, there are also now wells and vegetable gardens, and since I'm on level 22 maybe more in store yet. Each level by mid-game presents a significant challenge and I just played one where I was one campfire away from winning and there was an earthquake- luckily I was well stocked on supplies. Adenlentado and Roads of Rome are elite games and now I put Viking Saga in their class, heads above Northern Tale and Island Tribe. The race against the clock really gets your heart pumping!
This is a terrific game. Starting with a good historical storyline, it grabs you right away. The HOG are not of the usual variety, the puzzles are plentiful and of varying difficulty, there is a map, collectables, really great graphics, good voiceovers, and overall, it's a game that I never wanted to stop playing once I started. The story is a crime mystery which sets it apart from other HOG Adventure games that typically have supernatural bad guys.It's also a good value because it's a long game. I highly recommend this game.
Don't get me wrong I like playing Royal Envoy and that's why I bought this game. But I'm up to 30 levels and the one and only thing that is new is that it's harder to get 3 stars on every level. You have to work faster and harder to get those three stars. Other than that, there is nothing new here. Tried the demo and almost didn't buy it, but I saw there are 114 levels in this game, so I'm not rushing through it. Some of the levels are actually stupid to be frank. I think each level should have a productivity-based goal. But I finished one recently that had a goal of 8,000 wood. Thus, didn't matter what I built or how much gold I made, it was all about the wood. One last thing- only buy this game if you love Royal Envoy. If not, you're gonna get bored.
I loved the first game and I love this one as well. You can easily buy this game without the first and still get into the story, which is Ingolf is sent abroad with his brother vikings to find a cure for an illness that ravages his people. You still have the Druid's help, but Ingolf encounters more people (including Indians) along his adventure and this game adds things the first game didn't have (ie- air balloons). It's more challenging than the first game once you're past the first few levels, and is as good a time management game as you'll find. I'm glad BFG finally has this game because I'll look forward to the user forums where we can one another when we get stuck.
First of all, I am a big fan of Mystery Trackers games, and I thought the original Raincliff and Sleepy Hollow are the best in the series. I thought this was a return to Raincliff, but it's not. It's a different frozen town run by invisible people, which is a stupid concept. It's a high quality game as you'd expect from this developer and the storyline is you're there to free a missing reporter but the storyline isn't as good as the original Raincliff, and once again, this is not the same town. You have Elf as a helper, there is a map and 7 chapters to play, and after playing 3 chapters I'm a bit bored. I bought this the day it was released but it's not quite as good as expected. Still recommended but I've seen better debuts.
BFG sends me game suggestions regularly and I download several but don't buy because they aren't top notch games. When I get one from this developer, I always check it out because they make great games. Bought this within 15 minutes of playing the trial. Not only is it a great whodunit story, it's a CE-length with strategy guide game for SE game price so its a great value. I'll get hours of good gaming from this choice and I highly recommend it. The HOS and puzzles are intermediate level, the storyline keeps you interested, graphics are as good as they typically are, and there is fine attention to details. This developer is particularly clever with creating clever locks. Most other reviewers have given good game details so I'll suffice it to say you can't go wrong here.
I've finished 5 levels and so far I've only gotten expert time on the first three. I think this game is more challenging than Books 1 and 2. My main drawback in all of the games is that the game tells you when you must build a building and you have to comply. Other than that, great graphics, story, action and challenge. I too wish there'd be another sequel and this game only has 10 levels, but for me the challenge will be getting to expert time on all of them.