The Echoes of the Past series of games are right up there in the stratosphere of greatness along with the Dark Parables, the MCFs and a few others that all game players are aware of. Wolf Healer is another superlative entry into the fantasy genre. It does though sidestep the prior Echoes in that ( at least in the demo ) the evil witch queen of the earlier games is not apparently relevant to the story. Here we find a young lady, Mira, who has been elevated to the exalted rank of Healer, a person with extraordinary powers to do good deeds. As she is being introduced into the Healer realm an attack is perpetrated by evildoers bent on the demise of the Healer group. Mira is left to save the day with the help of another Healer who can transform himself alternately from human form to that of a wolf. During the demo portion, Mira must perform numerous tasks beginning with finding a crystal which allows the human to wolf transformation. Of course, as in any game, Mira and her companion must perform appropriately to resume the quest.
Visually, this Echoes game is as stunning as its predecessors. Orneon never fails to make its games look spectacular. The HO segments and the puzzles are top-notch. There is a degree of difficulty in some of the puzzles which encouraged me to do a couple of skips, something I never do except during a demo. I cannot wait to tackle these again once I acquire this wondrous game. There are collectible items that look something like snow globes. I have always enjoyed the background music in the Echoes series as it never gets obtrusive or annoying. If I have a very minor complaint it is that there is no lip movement by characters during the cut scenes. With the technology that developers have today, I cannot fathom why all new games to not have lip movement as this feature just makes the characters more life like. There are a couple of humorous segments in the demo such as Mira falling into a mud puddle and we must find an apt change of clothing for her. A couple of weeks ago, we were introduced to the fantastic Dark Realm game which to me is the best of 2014. Wolf Healer ( based on the demo only ) could be a strong challenger to game of the year status. Thanks to Orneon and BFG, we PC gamers have something to sink a mouthful of teeth into. The intro to the rest of the game after the demo ends certainly whets the appetite. I have the need to end this review so I can buy the game, and with a weekend sale offered, it can't get much better.
The Clutter games are made only for the most extreme masochists on the planet. Only someone who truly hates himself can ever want to endure the torture that this game foists upon a person. Why BFG would ever deem this atrocious exercise in utter nonsense is incomprehensible. On top of everything else that is bad, really bad, about Clutter IV is the background music is overwhelmingly annoying. STAY AWAY FROM THIS AWFUL IMITATION OF >>> heck I cannot call it a game. If anybody wants just a find things HO game, take a look at Pure Hidden which came out a few years ago. It's in part easy and in part very hard but it is totally unpretentious.
One word can describe this mess : DUD !! Kevin, a kid with paranormal powers is reported as being abused somehow. Samantha from Child Protective Services takes it upon herself to investigate. She gets short shrift from the boys stepdad so she decides to pursue anyway by breaking into the house. Stepdad is a cop, so why would Sam leave her car in front of the house? One would thing a policeman to be a bit more vigilant given the fact he has essentially kidnapped the kid. Our intrepid detective completes certain tasks necessary in a typical HOPA and eventually reaches Kevin. Then she must complete another litany of things to extricate herself and Kevin away from the cop. Now if Kevin has powers to move things paranormally, why does he not just do so? This is a blatant flaw in the story line. Eventually they escape to a motel somewhere. Of course said motel is a dive where nothing works so Sam must do some things wherein nothing really advances the game. Feeding the kid pizza is one example. After a while, some bad dudes find the hiding place so Sam and Kevin must leave the motel and get to a museum to check archives. This is where I gave up and left this disastrous mess. I just didn't care anymore. Graphically the characters are straight out of claymation. Remember Gumby? The hidden object and puzzle sections are run of the mill and absolutely nothing to write home about. I think there is a map but I never looked to use it. There is none of the bling normally associated with CE games. Here the letters CE mean Completely Empty. It's a good thing we have a couple of good to outstanding games this week for Paranormal Pursuit is a total mess which should be avoided completely.
League of Light is a goofy game on many levels. Our detective, and I think it's a man this time !! , is tasked with saving the town of Blake's Mountain and its kidnapped children. Blake's Mountain is in Ireland. The first person we meet is a mom who's child ( Goldie ) is abducted. The mom speaks with an American accent. Guess she has expatriated from the states. The next woman we meet is a Gypsy, at least she speaks with an Eastern European accent. Her son has also been kidnapped by a scarecrow, yeah I told you the game is goofy. The Gypsy has all sorts of items in her house that can help us, but of course as is the case in many games we cannot just pick them up. We must find things that will open other things to acquire the useful items. Another goofy part is we get another miniature assistant in what has been a long stretch of helpers that are just getting to be old hat. This time it's a midget scarecrow who does things that the detective should be able to accomplish himself but the developer Mariaglorum has decided that the little shrimp is vital. This game has all of the cliches inherent in so many HOPA's. Examples are the mailbox that need something added to it otherwise it cannot be opened. We find a sickle which will be needed, but of course it must be sharpened on a grinding wheel and we must find the handle to the wheel to begin with. Am I alone in thinking that game makers need to try harder and not tasking us with the same old same old again and again. I do like the way Wicked Harvest looks graphically. I wish the people were not so cartoonish in their appearance but I can live with it. If I may digress, the game starts with the detective's coach falling through a dilapidated bridge and he must extract himself or risk falling into a raging river. He apparently succeeds but alas falls into the river anyway. Like I said the game is goofy. The hidden object segments are very well done and are diverse in how they are achieved. The puzzles in the demo are all quite easily completed. For the collectible lovers, we get to find owls. This should be a game I despise since it is a rehash of countless other games. I don't know why it appeals to me, but it does. I doubt I will get the CE version and if I decide to acquire the SE it will certainly be with a free game credit. I surmise this game will for the most part be either in the love it or hate it category by the majority of game players. Again I do not know why I like it as much as I do. Unless they get scared, the game might be one that appeals to youngsters. I'm out of here so I can replay Dark Realms, the absolute best game of 2014.
After the outstanding Dark Realm game of a couple days ago, I guess it was asking too much to have two great HOPA's back to back. Based solely on the demo, Into the Wind has all of the elements which render the game a so-so rating. For starters, the initial cutscene tells us we have seen this type of game many times. There is some sort of dark force which is making residents of Ridleton disappear. Based on its pronunciation, is there a D missing from the word riddle? Of course then we get another female detective to save the day. Why oh why do 95% of the lead characters need to be women? Why cannot us gents get to be the hero on a more consistent basis? Game producers of late have developed an annoying habit of providing us with animal helpers. This time it's a red panda that I for one can do without. Then we meet a Huntress who is chock full of information. Unfortunately she cannot perform the simplest of tasks and always needs the detective to help her. Give me a break !
The graphics in the game are somewhat grainy so it has little eye appeal. The hidden object scenes are OK, but are certainly run of the mill. The same can be said of the puzzles. One segment of the demo really annoyed me. We open a book and we must locate a series of 3 items to move on to the next sentence in the book to find 3 more things. Some of the objects ( horseshoe, lightning bolt, crescent etc. ) are well hidden which is fine. The maddening thing is we either hunt and peck or skip the puzzle altogether. Eliminating the hint here is not good. There is a teleporting map which I never used in the demo. There are collectible flames, YAWN !!. Overall, Whispered Secrets is a case of deja vu all over again. Absolutely not a whiff of originality. I am sure some players will find the game fantastic. To me Into the Wind is no more than a gentle breeze whereas Dark Realm 2 days ago is a hurricane, tornado and cyclone all rolled into one.
Without warning, a group of mysterious figures arrives and reduces your village to flames and rubble. What do they want... and who is controlling them?
When I saw that Mad Head was the creator of Dark Realm, my enthusiasm level perked up immediately. Their previous entry was the outstanding Cadenza which I noted was a strong contender for game of the year. Well, move over Cadenza because it has been surpassed by Queen of Flames. I cannot recall when a new game has thrilled me to the degree this one has. The initial cut scene was so realistic in presenting the characters that I knew then and there this game would be magnificent. While the story line is essentially nothing new in the fantasy world of games, its presentation to we game players is terrific. Like a great novel , this story grabbed me from the outset. Without a good story, most PC games ultimately fall flat. The first 5 minutes of Q of F instilled loads of suspense and a degree of terror that compelled me to continue. Valera is a young woman thrust into dire straits when her town is beset upon by banshees who set fire to her home and town. Her father presents her with a part of a medallion and tells her she is chosen to face and attempt to defeat the evildoers. Along the way she encounters an archer and her grandfather who offer assistance, at least in the demo. The graphics in Dark Realm are spot on, some of the best ever. The people look real, the fire looks real, the banshees are terrifying. ( it's too bad they look like men, when in folklore they are women ) Navigation in the game is often side to side, at least initially. I only wish the movement were a bit quicker. Valera is tasked with finding items which will help in her quest. There are a couple of traditional HOG segments which are well done. I particularly enjoyed a scene where a lady, presumably her mother, sings a tune and we must locate and secure items mentioned in the song. The puzzles in the demo were all easy to complete. I for one hope they become more challenging as the game progresses. There are cut scenes wherein the story evolves and the player must find and locate items. Recall another fine game, Child of the Forest, that did the same. I love the novelty of doing so. There are no apparent collectible items in this game. To that I say : who cares? A game this excellent doesn't need any gimmicks to sustain itself. Any HOPA player who cannot bring himself to affirm Q of F as one of the best games of this or any other year is having a bad day IMO. It's not often that I decide within a few minutes of a demo that I must acquire a game. I might have set a personal record with Dark Realm , it took me no more than 5 minutes to decide it is a must have. Thank you Mad Head. Once again this fine group of game creators has shown that with a greater degree of thought and foresight that a PC game can rise to a level of unsurpassed greatness. I urge all my fellow HOPA players to relish this game with all that it deserves.
Not being a fan of computer solitaire games, I decided to give this one a whirl. I wasted an hour. This type of game involves merely matching 2 cards of the same value, a 7 with a 7 for example. There are 10 segments in each level and it looks there are 6 levels in its entirely. Points are accumulated by amassing jewels and coins. With these points, a player can purchase mulligans, jokers and one other thing which I already forgot out of sheer boredom. Why anyone with a few brain cells would contemplate buying this abyss of a game is incomprehensible. I fully realize there are players in the PC gaming world who feel the same when an overabundance of HOGs or Match 3's are presented. I just think this is the worst type of solitaire and should be avoided. The same game was offered by BFG within the last 2 weeks. That one was centered on bowling. Both of them have struck out.
There are some of the cartoon like games that I have really admired, some of the fantasy genre such as this GL2 and some that are just plain fun, the Brunhilda game of a few years ago is a fine example. I did not feel this setup was apt for Dark Swan given the nature of the story line and the fact that a messenger of sorts falls to his death during the demo. Other than that there are many aspects of GL2 that are strong. The game is certainly well drawn and some things quite beautifully. The birds, including swallows and a gorgeous tanager, seem almost lifelike. The human characters on the other hand are somewhat wooden in their movements. The story is old hat. A king finds his queen charged and condemned for practicing dark magic. Their infant son has been spirited away to the Dark Kingdom and it is up to the player to rescue both woman and baby from sad fates. As far as HOG segments, there are none in the demo, We find instead FROG ( fractured pieces of a useful item ) sections which are very well done with some segments nicely hidden in plain sight or having the need to relocate something to find a section. Puzzles run the gamut from easy to challenging. In fact there are a couple I skipped, something I would not do other than in a demo. There are some collectible items which add to the story. For a while in the demo there is a swallow used as an assistant to fetch out of the reach items. Thankfully, this bird gets to return to its nest after a while. If this game had the style and feel of the outstanding Dark Parable games I would not hesitate to award it 5 stars. For me as I stated earlier, it is the cartoon like atmosphere that leaves me wanting. I will probably acquire the SE version later on since the game play itself provides enough of a challenge to keep my interest.
To me this week's game offerings have been less than desirable. The good folks at Eipix have delivered once again with a marvelous game. I beta tested the game for BFG a few weeks ago and have anticipated its arrival. The series is becoming one of the better ones available. This followup to The Last Adagio, a terrific game itself, is remarkable in many ways. The scenery in the game is beautiful and this developer never fails to present good looking games. The HOG segments are very well done with a mixture of lists and pictures to match up. There is a forensics kit of sorts and our detective uses it to develop clues pertinent to her case which is to solve the murder of Sophie a well known chanteuse in Paris. She is tasked in this crime detection by none other that the famous French painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. There are a few puzzles in the demo which I completed in about one half of the 90 minute limit. All of them were easy to complete. I hope the game gets more challenging since the demo is easy to breeze through. I do have a couple of minor issues with the game, none so glaring as to diminish my appeal for it. The detective is female and given the setting is nineteenth century France, I doubt that any women had detective as an occupation in that era. Supposedly all characters introduced into the game are French as is the detective. They would be speaking French so why give us over the top accents as if they were speaking English. I thought these two elements were a minor detraction. It would have been nice too if the background music were Mussorgsky's Dance Macabre given the game title. As I said, these are small distractions that may only be a small bother and only to me. Overall this game is a very welcome addition to the HOPA genre and is one that I recommend wholeheartedly. For those who like collectibles, there are windmills scattered throughout and an occasional morphing object. Moulin Rouge is certainly one that I will add to my game repertoire. ENJOY!!
I thought yesterday's new HOG style game was the pits. Today BFG has outdone itself with the mediocrity that the company dares tell us is a NEW game. I doubt sincerely this turkey was developed within the last 5 years. Mosaic games are not nearly among my favorites although there are some fine examples of the genre. A few of the World Mosaics are well done and the more recent Fantasy Mosaic games also fit the bill. I actually plan on using a free game coupon for Fantasy Mosaic 4 introduced about one month ago. Arizona Rose however is nothing short of awful. No dialogue, which in and of itself is a giveaway as to when this bomb was developed. The music is atrocious. The manner in which exposed pieces of the grids are presented often make the selection of tiles very confusing. Throw in a pedestrian HOG scene and a construct the pipe puzzle along the way adds to the mishmash that Pharaohs" Riddle is. I forced myself to weather about one half of the demo and then had to leave since there was nothing at all I figured would possibly improve the game in any fashion. I must ask myself if I am more upset with the developer for inventing this ridiculous effort or with BFG for once again foisting upon us something very old as something NEW. Given the total lack of creativity proffered to us game players in the recent weeks, I wonder if BFG is suffering at all in the sales end of things. The standards that BFG keeps is usually what keeps the company at a level higher than other game purveyors. Don't take your eye off the prize by allowing the messes that have been bestowed upon us of late. Players, avoid this like it is a contagious disease.