What a refreshing game! I really enjoyed the demo, and have already purchased the CE. Vendel really went above and beyond (shouldn't all games be like this?) to ensure a unique and FUN game! I RARELY give 5 stars...the game really has to earn them...and this grade was an easy choice for me. The CE did not have too much that justified the cost, but the game is so good, that I'm not even too upset about it! There are 36 collectible hearts to find, and other than the usual additions (wallpapers, etc), that is it. We have had a run of bland and boring games this year (I think I have purchased 5 so far, and regretted 2 of them), so I am happy to see this...another great addition to a series I really enjoy.
Nothing in this series has changed....but it needs to! It's not a terrible game, just very outdated...I really wish these Devs would catch up! The CEs were bland and boring, as was most of the game. I did enjoy the paint by number, and the clever way they did it, but it lasted about 45 seconds. After that, I gave up. Didn't even finish the demo...just too boring, for me. And what's with all that blue?? Too much! Personally, I feel I could replay any of the older games in this series, and get the same effect....why pay another $14?
I have a touchscreen computer, which works very well with most games, but not this one. Every time I touched the screen (to collect the items in the safe for my forensic kit) it left a small square in the spot I touched...they reminded me of multi-colored sticky notes with writing on them....small, but annoying...and they remained there from scene to scene! I even exited out, and replayed, but they are still there. I'm sure an update will come out to fix the issue, and I quit using the touchscreen, but since they remained, I gave up trying to play. Here's my review from the short time I played: The graphics are very poor, IMHO. Grainy, blurry, and hard to know what is what....pretty much everything I don't want in a game. I read two previous reviews stating there are no collectibles in demo...there were collectibles in mine...hard to see, but there! I also read a review that the finger print couldn't be lifted from the lock, but I believe this player missed putting the fixative on, before trying to dust it. I made the same mistake at first, too....but then lifted the print when I added the step I had missed. Even if the update fixes the problem with the graphic squares, I would not purchase this game...just feels as though it was put out too early...with poor graphics, glitches, and maybe even by "newbie" Devs? I really couldn't tell you if the story line is any good, or not, as I only got to the second scene before the technical difficulties made me quit.
I was really disappointed in this game! Maybe the series has run its course? I hope not, but these last 2 were not fun, for me. Graphics are so dark/dreary. I get that they are trying to set the atmosphere, but this was just depressing. We are too technologically advance for such poor clarity, also...."blurry" would be the word I use to describe graphics. ""Run here, place that"...that's basically what I did throughout my playing time. (I didn't even complete demo...although I was probably pretty close.) And they were basically the same items/tasks they used in the other 12 games in this series....boring. The devs couldn't come up with something new? There was an original HO puzzle...the one with the map of constellations...that was at least original. MOs were easy to spot. Collectibles got a 3-star rating, from me. Certainly nothing I would pay extra for! And of course, there's Elf... I have no opinion, one way or another on whether he adds or detracts from the game. I really don't see how they could continue the series without him, at this point. As always, try the demo out for yourself.
My title pretty much sums up how I feel about this game...there were so many issues, I doubt I can remember them all, but I'll try. !st, the curser...either a magnifying glass, 100% of the time...no variations while moving across the screen...or a question mark (after changing in "options" menu)...same deal, no variation. I have a touch screen, and the game will respond to a double tap, but leaves a funny "circle" for part of a second, where screen was tapped, afterward. Odd, and distracting. I also had a very hard time going back to prior scene...no arrow when i moved cursor to bottom of screen. I just used the map to get around throughout the demo, to solve this problem. The graphics were all greys and blues, for the most part....and a lot of tiny items... it is VERY hard to see collectibles, etc. Everything runs together/looks the same. The HOS were nothing special or new, IMHO, and just hard to see items due to bad graphics/coloring. I really felt confused, through most of the demo...like there was an instruction book that got left out of my game box! The story line had SO much potential, unfortunately the game fell flat due to reasons I listed, and others which I am unable to recall, at this time.
As always, give the demo a try. (I really don't get all the 5-star reviews!!)
I'm usually not an ERS fan, but this game is changing my view and giving me hope! FYI...I only played a few scenes....as a reference for my review. The collectibles make this game a purchase, for me.I'm always a fan of a good morphing object...and this game has 32 of them! The only negative being that they object the item morphs into is the same in each scene, and colorful. So...once it morphs, it does stand out as the MO. The puzzle pieces are well done, too. I didn't get very far into the story line, but so far it seems to work. The graphics are a bit blurry, IMHO...but must be how the Devs intended. Technology is too far advanced for it to be otherwise. As always, try the demo for yourslf!
I enjoyed most of the demo....but not enough to buy the CE. I will wait for the SE...not worth the extra money for too-large-easy-to-spot collectible rabbits....just sayin'. The graphics by these devs are the best on the market, IMHO. I also feel they have the most imagination and unique qualities in their games...and this game had some of all that. I liked the story line, too...easy to follow. The major drawback, for me, was the Extras...just not all that extra, unfortunately. As always, try the demo for yourself.
I agree with several of the other reviewers...back and forth, same game, different name. Boring, IMHO!! The collectible owls were pretty good...I had to actually look for them, in some scenes. I'm not into "helpers," so I was very grateful that I could skip using that feature! (Didn't appreciate the guilt trip he tried to put me on, though.) I did play the demo all the way through, but this is not a purchase for me....maybe if I have a freebie token when the SE comes out...
I can't put my finger on it, but this game is missing something ....OH...it is the FUN factor! This is the same old game that I, personally, am very tired of. The 1st two in this series were much better. I did enjoy the collectibles, but that was about it...sadly!
Cute game.....younger audiences will probably really like this game. I can't give the CE a 5-star rating due to the simple fact it isn't CE worthy, IMHO. Just not enough extras to pay a premium price! Always been a fan of The Wizard of Oz...this has a slight, but only slight, resemblance....could have improved in that area, too. Other reviewers have covered the rest...try the demo for yourself!