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What will you do when a fairy tale curse shows up on your doorstep?
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
6 of 8 found this review helpful
Bella wants to conquer both worlds! Not in Alice's lifetime!
PostedApril 29, 2018
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fromI'm getting out the boxing gloves, dude, and ready to rumble!!
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
The fairy tale world of Spectra, (not to be confused with Spectre, the James Bond movie), is real but it's dying. Soon our world will die, too, as we are interconnected! Ordinary people can't get there. However, Alice, a folklore professor, is no ordinary person. She is married to Brandon Carpenter, an engineer. They have a daughter, Mary. Alice's grandmother, Caroline, (God bless grandmothers), left her a note explaining that this so-called magical world is close but not everyone can see it, but Alice can as she is the chosen one. And the adventure begins!
Thus far, the storyline is wonderful. I'm almost 2 hours into the SE version and I must say EleFun devs are one of the most creative developers around. I love the HOPs which have mini-game/puzzles within them. The tasks are fun and some are challenging. This game is definitely for all ages. I'm kind of sorry I didn't buy the CE version; but no matter, I'm having a great time playing this game. It's intelligent and adventuresome! The voice overs are exceptional!
The music is excellent; however, the graphics, though well-done, are not as crisp or dynamic as I'd like, thus the 4-stars for the visual/sound quality. Some of the objects I encountered were small and semi-hard to decipher, but I figured it out.
I was pulled in the moment I started playing this game and it's refreshing to see that these devs went above and beyond to entertain its customers, and entertained I certainly am, and I hope you will be, too!
You have several modes to choose from and I chose custom. I always read the reviews, and the negative ones are just as important to me as the positive ones. And, too, if the game has at least 4-stars, most of the time, I'll bite, but only after reading the reviews.
For me, this game is a winner and I highly recommend it. Bravo devs for your originality and creativity, thus the 5-stars! I'm anxious to get back to this great game! Try it or buy it. See for yourselves!
I recommend this game!
6of 8voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
16 of 17 found this review helpful
"We can't handle the truth!" That intro alone pulled me in!
PostedApril 22, 2018
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fromA word to the wise: Create passwords that are very difficult to crack; and make sure they are changed frequently!
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Intro continues: "Science and reason can't explain what's happening.That's the cold, hard truth." For me, this game has it all. I'm having fun, the storyline is intelligent, the technological aspects of this game is ingenious; the strategy and game flow are snap, crackle, and pop on! You can choose easy mode up to custom mode. Your choice.
Eipix finally came through with flying colors on this one. They should be proud. Mind you, I'm sure there may be folks who don't agree, but again, for me, it's what I've been looking for in a game, and in the past I have been hard on Eipix because I know their potential.
I'm two-thirds through this CE version. Lots of things to do. The HOPS are varied and have morphing objects within them. Pretty cool.
The graphics are fabulous. The music is great. The special effects are even better. Wonderful movement between scenes. The voice overs are excellent. The map is terrific, and if you don't have the patience to use it, you can use the hint button as a navigation tool. I don't use the strategy guide but it's there in case you need it. Plenty of collectibles, which, in truth, I need to pay attention to because I always forget.
The mini-games and puzzles are really neat--some are easy and some are challenging.
I do like reading the material devs put together and this is no exception. I love Eipix' sense of humor. Corny as it may be, the following got a chuckle out of me:
"When the night falls,
stay away from halls,
go and find your bed,
remember to play dead,
don't even scratch an itch,
for here comes, the snow witch."
I highly recommend this great game. Try it or buy it. We all have different tastes but you just might love it! Way to go, Eipix!
I recommend this game!
16of 17voted this as helpful.
Nobody comes back from the Dark Side unchanged, but it’s the only way to re-light the fading flame.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
6 of 7 found this review helpful
A High Five for FIVE-BN GAMES!
PostedApril 20, 2018
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fromWatch it! That web is toxic but there is a way to remove it from the poor victim!
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
Pretty much everything about this game was snap-on! The storyline was very suspenseful and intriguing.The voiceovers and the characters were awesome! The special effects and the sound effects were realistic, so much so I felt I was right there with the characters as they ventured through rocks and water and wilderness, and the darkness.
I thought the music was very nice--not at all overwhelming. There are 8 tunes and you can download them if you wish. The graphics were crisp and bright and the attention to detail was amazing.
The gameplay was smooth--great flow throughout both the main and bonus games. This was a definite buy for me from the get-go. Now there was one word in the script that may or may not have been a misspelled word or may not have been grammatically incorrect but it just stood out like a sore thumb to me as follows: "This creature looking like a giant spider, covers with web and immediately 'paralyses' its victims." Paralyze is preferred in the U.S. and Canada, while paralyse is preferred outside North America.
I think this game really rocks! Intelligent storyline and the flow was exactly what I look for in a good game--a game which was a sheer pleasure to play.
I enjoyed making the potion in the bonus game. And I'll tell you some of the puzzles and mini-games throughout the main and bonus games were challenging, interesting, and varied.
Lots of collectibles spilling over into the bonus game as well. I collected all the collectibles but only got 28 out of the 30 morphing objects. Dang! I would have liked to have gone back after the completion of the game to find the other two, but you don't have the option to do that. No matter; it was still a great game.
I'm very impressed with these developers. I'm going to keep my eye on them for sure! I highly recommend this game.
I recommend this game!
6of 7voted this as helpful.
Recover the artifact that contains the secrets of H.E.L.P.'s past.
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
3 of 5 found this review helpful
I tell you no secrets; I tell you no lies!
PostedApril 15, 2018
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fromThat dull plate I had in my inventory for what seemed an eternity, finally served its purpose! More or less!
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
2 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
4 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
This game is okay but it's the same old stuff. I'm three-quarters through the main game/CE version, and I'm starting to get bored, and forcing myself to finish it. To be fair, it has its moments though. The graphics are very good; the music is okay. The game is long enough--a bang for the buck!
The worst part of this game, in my opinion, are the ridiculous objects you have to use to complete some of the tasks. The back n' forth business is tiring but you do have a great map, unlike some other developers' games. So I thank these developers for that!
I'm finding that I have to click my mouse several times to get the object to move as well. My mouse is fine. However, I still recommend this game.
The puzzles are doable. If you like rotating puzzles there is one where you will need to select a pendant to rotate surrounding pendants and align them with their matching spaces. But oftentimes, these types of puzzles can become tiresome. However, you may like that sort of thing. Try it out and see for yourselves.
I recommend this game!
3of 5voted this as helpful.
Spend a summer helping rangers run the Pinecreek Hills National Park and go on an adventure packed with great HOGS and puzzles.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
5 of 6 found this review helpful
No dungeons and dragons to deal with...a great getaway!
PostedApril 15, 2018
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fromThese games are like the next best thing to being there! Very refreshing!
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
I love this genre and the makers of this game. Simplicity at its best! You can just chill, play at your leisure. Some of the HOS are quite small to find but don't sweat it--be patient--you'll find them. The Wild Life Animals and the Trash Recycling are still pretty cool. Yes, it's the same thing each time, but they can be challenging to find at times.
Thank goodness I'm not being timed otherwise I'd have to go back and play the scenes again. Speaking of which, if you don't get all the items, you have the option of replaying that segment. I've never had to use the hint button, though, and I'm proud of that fact. It's a very pleasant game with nice scenes--no demons, witches, and black mists to deal with. There are no bells and whistles in this genre but I really enjoy playing these vacation adventure games.
The puzzles can be challenging but they are always worth playing and not skipping.
I highly recommend this game. It's a keeper!
I recommend this game!
5of 6voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Liked it!
4 / 5
3 of 3 found this review helpful
Pass the SALT, please!
PostedApril 15, 2018
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fromHave MERCY! A contradiction in terms!!!
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
4 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
4 / 5
"One day over a hundred years ago, the King rigged his palace to explode, so that he might perish with all his enemies. Thus, the Dragon Prince, the two sisters, and the Royal Advisor were all buried under the salt mine with the King. As for the fate of the Royal Advisor, nobody knows, for her body was never found."
Blue Tea Games/Big Fish, beautiful, beautiful game, esthetically speaking. So much detail in the graphics, vivid colors, just lovely. I commend the developers on an awesome job.
The music was wonderful--such a big production for a game. A lot of thought was put in to this game. The chorus was very professional and intense at times, sometimes too intense for some scenes; nonetheless, quite good.
The storyline was great. In my opinion, though, there was a lot of written material that I'm sure many folks didn't bother to read because of too much information. I took the time to read the journals and loose notes; also, I found some typos here n' there but all in all that still took a lot of work to put together. Journals, dialogue boxes. The dialogue boxes were a nuisance at times because when you clicked on the characters by accident, it would pop up and you would have to exit out of it a few times. A bit annoying.
The voiceovers were good, however, some characters needed more mature voices. There was a lack of passion and emotion with some of them, but they were good, not great.
The strategy of the game is pretty much the same as it had been in the past. The FROGS were good but there were quite a few of those. The artistry was stunning but the FROGS became boring after awhile. Nothing challenging about the but tedious, to say the least.
The puzzles and mini-games were typical and easy and some were tedious but not quite challenging.
I've completed the main game and started the bonus game. The journey continues there. I got all the Parable Puzzle pieces in the main game. Lots of morphing objects and collectibles, too. Pretty neat!
I'm giving the game a 4-star because of the lack of challenge and same old, same old here n' there. However, the game is worth trying and/or buying. I happily recommend this game. Great job, developers!
I recommend this game!
3of 3voted this as helpful.
 Dark Parables: Requiem for the Forgotten Shadow Collector's Edition
Dark Parables: Requiem for the Forgotten Shadow Collector's Edition
A dark illness has befallen the townspeople of Anaben!
Overall rating 
It was OK.
3 / 5
Okay, so dark magic is taking over once again! Not the least bit surprised!
PostedJanuary 26, 2018
Customer avatar
fromClang! Clang! Clang!
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
3 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
3 / 5
3 / 5
EIPIX really rocks with the graphics and the sound effects and more importantly, the musical production is awesome. I think they are to be commended for that solely. However, some of the graphics were too small to make out and the long shots were mediocre at best.
I didn't care for the sound of the clanging of the bell each timeI found a fragment. Although some of the fragments were hidden quite well, I found this task rather boring after awhile. The puzzles and mini-games were good. The voiceovers were okay, too.
I think the developers are innovative and very talented. Nothing new about the gameplay or flow. But I don't think this game deserved the few really negative reviews it has received but some good points were brought out. However, I do recommend this game.
I recommend this game!
0of 0voted this as helpful.
Vacation Adventures: Cruise Director is back with the ultimate 5 star cruise of a lifetime aboard the luxurious USS Liberty of the Waves!
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
3 of 3 found this review helpful
I'd love to be a stowaway in one of these cruises!
PostedNovember 28, 2017
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fromMath can be fun after all!
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
I'm pretty much up-to-date with the Vacation Adventures Park Rangers' games but this is the first cruise I've taken with this series and I must admit I like this a little better than the Park Rangers for some reason. Same concept; same game play but for some reason this suits me even more.
What a delightful, laid-back game. The developers put a lot of work and thought into this adventure series. The music, the graphics intricate as they are--every scene, too, is amazing. Some scenes, however, have piles and piles of objects to locate and let me tell you it's not that easy, and yet some scenes are a breeze. But the graphics are really superb and I really enjoy the music.
The mini-games are awesome. However, my least favorite are the puzzle pieces, not that there are a lot of them. I just don't always have the patience to do them, but I haven't skipped any so far. But each segment of this game has pretty much the same format, but it is not at all boring. I just take sit back, take my time and enjoy.
The recycling is cool as well as finding the silhouette objects, and the amount collected varies from time to time. I love it! Again, it's not always easy finding them because many of the items are real small or hidden so well that it's a wonder you can find them. I haven't used the hint button once and I'm 3/4 into the game. I'm racking up those points like crazy!
If you just want to chill than this is the game for you. The mini-games can be challenging and quite educational, too. It's a nice change from the gloom and doom games offered to us. I highly recommend this game.
I recommend this game!
3of 3voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
9 of 20 found this review helpful
I can understand why this is a Big Fish Editor's Choice Game! Awesome!
PostedNovember 28, 2017
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fromTuned up my guitar; gave a lady a hand or rather saved her hand from injury...
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
I respect everyone's views on this game but for my tastes, I absolutely love the gameplay of MCF:The Revenant's Hunt CE version. This is actually my favorite now of the MCF's series. I'm halfway through the main game and there has not been a boring moment yet. The flow, for me, is perfect! The tasks make a whole lot of sense! This is one quality game and EIPIX finally came through!
The graphics are A+, the music is great not annoying at all; the puzzles and mini-games are thought-provoking, so many tasks to tackle. Big Fish and EIPIX, you guys deserve a pat on your backs. Very intelligent game, great storyline, and the voiceovers are good. There was one voiceover though that didn't seem to fit the character but no big deal--I'm really enjoying myself and that is what really matters to me!
EIPIX you finally heard us and you made a lot of improvements. Bravo! Very intelligent game, strategy is right on! My kind of game! I highly recommend it! If you want to learn about the storyline please read other reviewers' expert commentaries. (That ain't my thang!) I suggest you try the demo but even that doesn't do real justice to the game. I'm glad I purchased it!
I recommend this game!
9of 20voted this as helpful.
Overall rating 
Loved it!
5 / 5
4 of 4 found this review helpful
Well, bless my soul-STONES! What an awesome game!
PostedNovember 20, 2017
Customer avatar
fromIs that a cat hanging from a 'hot tin roof?'
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor 
5 / 5
Visual/Sound Quality 
5 / 5
Level of Challenge 
5 / 5
5 / 5
4Friends Games, bravo! You deserve a big hand! I completed the main game and am now playing the bonus game. What a game! What flow, imagination, beautiful scenes, great storyline. I'm a romantic at heart and just fell in love with this game. One little editing error was the word month which should have read 'months' (plural), but no matter, I'm still rating this game 5 stars. It is well-deserved!
It's a 'must purchase' game. I love collecting two owls in each scene, plus a morphing object that can be tricky at times. I love the map, the graphics are stunning, game-play is top notch. Voiceovers are fantastic, the music is wonderful.
The main game was not very long but that is neither here or there because you will most definitely enjoy playing this game. It's smart--full of fun--flows so smoothly. I enjoyed searching for the soulstones and piecing them together with the magic mirror. HOPS were fabulous. Mini-games were not hard but some were thought-provoking.
Leo is a handsome character and Beatrix and Clara are lovely. The graphics are extremely pleasing to the eye. Yes, there is romance, jealousy, revenge, but was void of that dark, gloomy, dreariness in many of the games I've played.
This game will not disappoint, and I highly recommend it!
I recommend this game!
4of 4voted this as helpful.
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