Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
2/ 5
. . .if you want a bunch of junkpiled HOS's interspersed with a couple of unoriginal minigames, this is the game for you.
All we have is HOS after HOS with a minigame thrown in occasionally. There is no explanation for the mini's but that doesn't matter as the two I found were completely unoriginal. The HOS's look like photographs in their clarity and color but they are junkpiled and so small as to make it hard to find things. You do have to look carefully though because if you use the hint button it takes two minutes to recharge in casual mode.
The music is repetitive and matches the game-dull. There is a backstory because a cartoon drawn character relates it but nothing in the game connects the story to the gameplay from what I could tell. At one point we're told that so and so is dating so and so and we are supposed to know by photos found except that there were no photos found. This dialogue appeared after a series of junkpiled HOS's and that's how the story unfolds.
I played 22 minutes of the demo-about 16 HOS's and 2 minigames-and that was all I could take. Sometimes I like a straight HOG for relaxing but this isn't one of them.
My suggestion is don't waste your money or time. There are other straight HOG's much better than this.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
This is a darling little game full of beautiful artwork and bright colors. It can be played in relaxed or untimed modes and in swap, chain or group M3 play. With the coins earned you purchase the accoutrement of a fairy-like town. So charming and playful. There are plenty of power-ups to be earned but I didn't really have a need for them in the demo I played. It's a game simple enough for children and appealing enough for a young-at-heart adult. There is a lively tune that I kept at a low level and, even though repetitive, it didn't get on my nerves.
I purchased the game as I found it to be quite relaxing and enjoyable. I definitely recommend you try it out for yourself.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I was ready for a great game to get me in the Halloween mood and this one does it!
Here we have a mom taking her daughter to the carnival. The mom is kidnapped and taken to a spooky mirror world and I, the detective, have to find her. This is a welcome change from the usual abducted child theme. I also have the aid of a cute little monkey friend who's quite vocal when he wants to be of service.
For a SE this game has alot going for it. We have 3 modes of play. I played the demo in casual which usually has alot of sparkles but this one didn't-they were very inobtrusive-another welcome change. The tutorial which I played just for review purposes, was very helpful, especially if you're a beginner. You also have the usual options for adjusting sound and music.
The music is appropriately carnival-like and the background sounds are very spooky indeed. At times they gave me chills which added to my game enjoyment.
The artwork is done in the same manner as another new game this week - Whispered Secrets:Story of Tideville. I rated that game low and one of the reasons was how the artwork was done however, in Dark Arcana, although it's in the same softer, washed-type palette, it's done in a way that doesn't strain the eyes at all. In Dark Arcana the colors and objects have a more crisp, realistic and recognizable look to them. There are also lots of animated cutscenes that are fun to watch. The voices fit perfectly with the scenes and body and facial movements matched splendidly.
There are achievement awards, two maps - one each for the real world and mirror world carnivals. The maps are not interactive but do show where you currently are and where there are objectives yet to be fulfilled. You also have a journal with a task list and notes sections.
The HOS's have some interactivity and you can choose to play a game called Monaco instead. The minigames I played were fun but very easy which is okay for the demo, but I will choose a harder level for playing the game through to completion so there's more of a challenge.
All in all, I thorougly enjoyed this game and recommend you try it. When you do, be sure to notice the eyes of the male fortune teller. They are gorgeous :)
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
In this game you're a widow who's moved to a small, quiet town with your young son. One night you have a bad dream about an unknown man and the next day your son disappears before your eyes leaving behind a crystal for you. You soon discover the man from your dream is the one that abducted your son. You begin a quest to find your son and he appears from time to time, always leaving another crystal but not explaining why you need them.
You can play in regular (sparkles, no misclick penalty, hints refill faster, can skip minigames# or expert #a task list, hints & minigame skips charge slowly, has a misclick penalty, no highlights) modes. I played the demo in regular mode, as I always do with demo's. The extras are music, art concepts, wallpapers, screen savers and bonus chapter. Don't know about game length as just played demo.
To begin with, the music was ok. Didn't irritate me or really even notice it. Background sounds were unnoticeable also. The people's voices did get on my nerves so that I eventually muted them. The mother did not convince me that she was overly concerned with the loss of her son.
Minigames were sparse and of the extremely easy variety. Maybe they would get harder further into the game, maybe not. None were original that I found. In the HOS's you could find the items or play a M3 game or switch between the two.
Artwork was pretty but predictable. Nothing new or outstanding here either. The biggest problem I had with the artwork is they used a muted palette of colors. It made things difficult for me to see. It was soft and pretty to look at but hard to play a game with, especially in the HOS's.
The gameplay itself I found to be slow and, again, predictable. I was getting impatient with the slowness and was glad when I finished the demo.
If I were a teacher, I would give this game a D+. That does not merit the cost of a CE in my book. The artwork is pretty but that's all this game has going for it. I can't recommend spending good dollars on this game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I played the full game. It's alot of fun. Very creative with a good sci-fi story and I LOVE sci-fi. The mini games are handled in an imaginative way. The artwork is beautiful, not dark or drab. This game isn't dungeons and dragons or ghosties and demons-not a spider web to be found (that I can remember anyhow). It's a refreshing change of pace.
There are 2 things I would change. The first is the length-I thought it could have been longer. Or maybe that's just because I was enjoying it so much I wasn't ready for it to end. The second is the end is very abrupt-I wish it could have been fleshed out a little more. However, that leaves plenty of room for a sequel which will be more than welcome if it's as good as this one is.
If you're looking for a different game then you won't want to miss this one. I highly recommend it.
Explore the vastness of a ship lost in time, what mysteries will you uncover amidst its Mayan idols, menacing sea creatures, and exotic treasures? Find out in this exciting new Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game on the open seas!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This is based on the demo, and not even the full demo, as I had to buy it right now! There's so much to this CE that I just couldn't let it get away.
The story - you're bringing in a whale poacher and you're in a shipwreck caused by a strange ship. Your partner has gone missing and you're exploring the ship that wrecked you - turns out to be an old Mayan ship - to find him.
To begin with, you have 4 modes to play in-casual, normal, hard and custom. In custom you can choose to have sparkles, mini game skips, misclick penalties and hints turned off or, where applicable, you can choose the speed in which they happen. The hard core gamers are going to love this!
There are achievements to earn and many things to find. There are 32 hummingbirds and 44 morphing 'beyond' objects so you'll need to keep a sharp eye out for these. To free captive souls you'll need to find 32 pieces of a Mayan calendar. There are also pieces of Mayan artifacts to find. As you find them you can watch, and re-watch, cutscenes of the unfolding story. In addition to these cutscenes, there are many other cutscenes, depending on where you are in the game and what you've found.
There's an interactive map with lots of locations on it. You can click on the map and go right to a location so no wearing out the sneakers. The map shows you where you are and has exclamation marks for locations that still have things left to do in them.
The hint system is just that. It circles an area where you can find something but doesn't tell you exactly what to do with it. It works both in, and out of, HOS's.
The HOS's are interactive, also, and not merely junk piles. You do have to look for your items but the artwork is clear and a normal size. You have the choice of playing the HOS or Mahjong.
The artwork in this game is amazing. Beautiful colors and scenes. Unbelievably fun cutscenes. Great sound and vo's and you can set all these in options at the beginning of the game. There are great environmental sounds too.
Then you have the extras. They are wallpapers, concept art #which is done very well#, screensavers and music scores. All these can be downloaded to your computer. You also have 15 Mahjong games which unlock as you play your game and can be played whenever you want.
I believe this CE sets the standard for CE's. It's the most complete one I've seen yet. If it's lacking anything, I don't know what it would be.
And, to top all of this off, if you're a BFG member, you get an extra punch by purchasing the CE today. What more can one ask for, lol.
The game downloaded as I typed this review so now off to play. And, yes, I HIGHLY recommend you get this game :)
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I really liked the demo. The forest scene caught me. I could visualize being the monk, riding through the cold, lonely forest on my horse. Somewhere, much too close, is a wolf howling. I am defenseless on that horse and all I want to do is get out of that forest as quickly as I can.
The gameplay is spare and the look austere but then, this is a monastery! Life as a monk was harsh in those days, so the look and feel is exactly right. The music feels right, too. The italian accents, however, are cliche and don't match the mouth movements. I can overlook this. The mini games are simple, so far. This, too, I can overlook because of the story. The story, for some reason, really piques my interest. I want to see how it all plays out.
I have read the reviews that say this is a short game. Should I use one of my bonuses to purchase this game? I think I will. Will it be wasted? Maybe. I hope not. For some reason that I can't quite fathom this game is really resonating with me. I can see it. I can feel it. I have played lots of games with better graphics, vo's, etc that haven't caught me quite like this one. I must see where it goes!
Although I wouldn't want all my games to be like this one, I recommend you try it. See if it grabs you too.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
The story (based on the demo): You're an investigative reporter given a big story-a murder at a well-attended art showing. Who did it and why? In the course of your investigation, you come across some very interesting and disturbing info about the victim's hidden life.
This game is very flat. You do not have an option of challenge level. No vo's or video. No sparkles of any kind that I saw. Story is told in graphic drawings and dialogue boxes and lines, which you must read - there's alot of reading. No HOS's in what I played, rather, you're given lists of this many of this and this many of that to find which are scattered about each location and sometimes in drawers, cabinets and so forth. There were quite a few puzzles of the large pieces jigsaw picture type. Also, you take black and white photos using your camera, follow the sequence with typewriter keys and a few simple puzzles of that ilk. No map or journal but you do have a notebook you record facts and thoughts in. There is a hint button that was practically useless however the game is so simple and formulaic that is not an issue. There is no map. There is a lot of lag in changing scenes and performing searches in a location which I attribute to the game as I have a good laptop, lots of memory and high speed internet.
All in all, this game is obviously made on a low budget and becomes tedious quickly. I was glad when the demo was done. The storyline is mildly interesting but is a no buy for me, even at a low price.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
This is a game I totally enjoyed. I didn't play the first one in the series so can't make a comparison but this second game is excellent.
It has beautifully drawn & colored artwork and a cohesive storyline, although not a unique one. For the most part the hint system sufficed yet there were a few times I couldn't figure out what to do next & the hints didn't help. Thank goodness for WT's. The gameplay had some very unique and imaginative visuals and things to do. One example is the embroidery-it actually seemed I was doing a cross-stitch, which is something I enjoy doing. And the 'mobile home' - what a creative idea that was!
I may have to try the first game in this series and I'm hoping for another sequel. As a COTW, this game is a steal and I highly recommend it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Match 3, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
5/ 5
. . . soooo much running around - kind of drove me a little crazy.
I've played this game before, all the way through, and it has a wonderful storyline with an unexpected twist at the end. Maybe I'm obtuse, lol, but my mouth dropped open in surprise at the twist-very fun! I enjoyed the way the story flowed. It held my interest enough to bear all the tedious running around. I didn't find the hint system to be much help but I didn't need it much anyway-only now and again however, I got through without it and never used a WT.
As a DOTD I definitely recommend that you play the whole game. I give it 3.5 stars and I hope you enjoy the twist as much as I did :)