Having to find three examples of "swimming". Two, yes, the third, the word "swimming" I could have clicked on it for hours trying to find the exact place to put my cursor. S? W? I? etc etc. Suffice to say I will not buy a game that has a bug about three minutes into the game. Others have their own opinions. Play the demo yourself.
There are so many games that I can't play or won't buy because, when you are supposed to be having a conversation with someone, there is no "continue" option so you have to wait for the character to drone through their speech at the rate of about 10 seconds per word when you can read the entire speech in less than two seconds. I want to play a game, not listen to someone talking, even when I have the sound turned off. This is big NO from me, this "talking" thing is so irritating. Sorry, I'm sure it would have been a decent game otherwise.
Probably the best game that BF have introduced for a while.
PostedDecember 9, 2021
Skill Level:Intermediate
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
Haven't finished the demo yet, and I never listen to the voices/music/whatever but this game has several things in its favour: Play Match 3 Collectibles Apparently there are morphs, in the extras there is a morph room? You can fast click through "conversations" which is always a plus as you don't have to waste time listening to a character drone on. I found some of the puzzles a bit confusing at first, but it's so long since I played an entirely new game that I'm out of practice. Try the demo.
Has all the stuff I like, things to collect such as tokens, notes, props, figurines, Play Match 3, interactive map. Can't comment on sound quality, I never play with sound, others will set out the plot for you. Once I've finished the demo I'll buy it, the games aren't that challenging once you apply a little thought but keep this ageing granny on her toes, lol.
Never had a problem with Elephant in the past, but this and other offerings from Riddles of Fate (this makes 3!) just has my mouse cursor skittering round my screen, unable to even type in a player name (again). I go back to a tried and trusted Elephant game, no problem. Perhaps the game doesn't like something about my computer protection levels? I have no idea. Hope you all enjoyed the game though.
My mouse cursor started jumping around so much I couldn't even enter my Player name in the demo. This is a major fault in a few games, and I have no idea what causes it, and yes, my mouse drivers are up to date.
Tried to play, but 20 seconds in, the cursor just kept stalling, jumping, acting as if someone else was controlling it. Shame, was looking for something decent to play as there has been nothing new for weeks worth playing.
As a general rule I know that if top reviewers give a game 5 stars I'll give it one or two stars and vice versa. We're all different. So yes, I enjoyed this game! Collectibles (and playing on easy level you can see what there is to collect) Some mini games are childishly simple, others require some thought, I never play with sound (I find it too distracting) so no comment on that. I liked the match 3 option, but some of the conversations went on far too long, most of us have a reading speed of 300 wpm or thereabouts and have got to the final word in the dialogue before the character utters his or her second word. But that's a minor niggle. A refreshing change from some of the awful games that have been churned out recently.
I won't be buying the game, but there is promise that future games could be good, if the devs up the ante with morphs (and better English!) There is a different take on the finding shapes to fit in each scene, for example, although 30 minutes isn't really long enough to get a proper feel for the game.