Just no, for me. Trying to find a new game to play as the top ten HO games have remained the same for what seems like a couple of weeks, nothing new at all. Come on Devs, surely you can get a decent new game together! Have to replay all the favourites of my old games now as there are no interesting new challenges. As always, you must make your own minds up.
Because BFG have had all the same games sitting there in their Top Ten for days, if not weeks, now, I'm looking through all games to find something to play that I haven't already got. What I want (and what I won't get!) is a new game. Brand new. Morphs. Collectibles. Jigsaw pieces. Map. Interesting and challenging puzzles (please, no more of the repeating the sequence of moves to defeat your enemy, fine for kids, but adults need to check the roast potatoes or answer the phone)
Played for about ten minutes and got bored, just didn't "grip" but many other folks really enjoyed it so make your own mind up. Why they had to use William Shatner's cartoon-like image as a cop I have no idea.
Didn't last more than two minutes into the demo, far too cartoonish, as my title suggests, Scooby Doo but with a game attached. It had plenty of 5 star ratings, and I can't for the life of me imagine why, but we all differ in our likes and dislikes. You may wish to go with the crowd.
Hours of game play, and I still have to finish the bonus game. There is a lot of to and fro through portals and trying to remember what the thing you just found goes where. Objects are sometimes easy to find, sometimes much harder. I had to use "hints" a lot, and some of the mini puzzles got boring and repetitive so I skipped them. All in all, you won't waste your money, but see for yourself.
You've returned from school to visit your father at his famous Jazz Pepper Club during Mardi Gras, but everyone is hypnotized. Have they heard the wrong note?
One minute into the demo I gave up. I'd rather not have a cartoon character that looks at bit like King Kong leering at me over his seat, but the reviews for this game are so positive that I'm very obviously in the minority, so enjoy.
After weeks of Christmas this and that, all pinks and blues and so "busy" they made my eyes hurt, I was glad to find this new one. There is the usual stuff, finding a lockpick, making potions, finding a treat to give a creature etc, but even playing in casual mode some of the puzzles were different, if not that difficult, and of course the "Bestiary" book. Best thing for me were the graphics, crystal clear almost to the pixel. Travel map, and "Spirited Items", coins, artifacts to find, alternative "Match 3" so keeping my interest. Try for yourself, of course.
Like another reviewer said, my mouse cursor was skittering all over the place as if someone had remote access! Because of this, I had to exit after literally a couple of minutes of gameplay, hence the poor rating. I've never had this issue with any other game, so who knows?
Easy enough to play and I didn't have any of the freezing problems reported by others while playing the demo, but it is not a game for an adult, you'll be thoroughly bored and clicking on "skip" by the second or third screen. As always, each to their own. Try the demo for yourselves and decide. As always, too, I never play any games with the sound on, cos I can't watch TV and listen to some awful accents on my PC at the same time. Not enough challenge, in my view, definitely not worth buying.